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Shyanna Aubin Jul 2018
looking forward into this world i see him,
in my life all i want is him.
for once in my life i am confident,
that this will last.
i will always choose him,
i will keep and love him forever.
Shyanna Aubin Jul 2018
You makes mistakes. you learn from them. dont ever give up. keep on moving. love comes and goes. but until you find the one person that will love you unconditionally you will have a hard time coping sometimes but once you find the right person dont lose them. keep them close and treat them right. love them and take care of them.
i found the right one
Shyanna Aubin Jul 2018
Alone and scared i wait,
For a sign.
I don't know what kind,
All i know is that something is coming.
Is it good or bad,
I don't know.
But i can't wait for it to tell me,
What my next move is.
Will i take the escape and leave,
Or stay here and cry.
Worrying about life,
Where will it lead me.
Am i going to be rich,
Or am i gonna be happy.
All i know is that i can't be alone anymore,
It’s time for me to find my wings and fly away.
I will not be alone anymore,
Now what about you?
Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
laying here,
just being a ***.
with my tears flowing,
making a puddle on the floor.
i watch and do nothing,
what am i going to do?
i just can stop,
im too up set to even move.
my depression is bad,
i just want to continue to die slowly.
Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
tears fall.
but not as much as i do,
trust is important.
so is loyalty,
maybe even communication too.

there are a lot of important factors,
that show your love.
it could be good,
or even bad type of love.
you wont know till you make commitment,
to yourself and your partner.

Who do you love,
do you treat them right.
show them you really care,
stop abusing the love.
treat it with a lot of care,
because if you dont you will lose it.

then you'll be the one crying,
wishing for another chance.
Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
trusted but got used,
let him in.
thought he was a good guy,
i ended up getting pushed down.
got beat up,
tied down.
with bruises everywhere,
i just sit down and cry.
let everything thing out,
even though it hurts.
Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
grab your horse and go,
when i say jump you jump.
when i say go you run,
fast as you may.
run your ***,
all the way to that Finnish line.
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