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Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
The touch the taste,
Of his lips gets me going.
The feeling of his kiss,
Gets my heart started.
The emotions he puts in,
makes me melt.
I love him,
He loves me.
Its the power of his kiss
keeps me fighting for him.
Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
Hurt me once,
Your a fool.
Hurt me twice,
Your a *******.
Hurt me three times,
Your already gone.

Im done being the stupid one,
No more getting into your life.
Leave me alone before i make your resting place,
Be scared if you must.
But i warned you,
you have tried me.
So now im going,
And ill have you pay
This is what just popped in my head.
Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
I lay here,
Its so peaceful and quiet.
It gets me to smile,
I feel so calm and content,
I am very comfortable in my resting place.
Shyanna Aubin Jun 2018
Why do you always yell,
Do you know sorry isn't enough.
All i think of is my mistakes,
I have to forgive and forget.
Move on,
And live a happy life without you.
You can cry about it,
I'll watch without a single thought.
Maybe you shouldn't of hurt me,
Now i have to piece my heart back together-
Because of you.

My heart beats knowing it was broken,
But now its healed and happy.
Without you,
I smile and live the happy life i deserve.
So how about you start,
To move on and live a life without me.
This poem is about my ex who i cared about a lot and i took him back many time until he broke my heart again then i had to let him go finally.

— The End —