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Apr 2019 · 197
Jean Crous Apr 2019
Think about you
Make my bed
Drink coffee                                            

Clean the house
Drink tea
Write about you

Brush my teeth
Climb in bed
Drink water
Dream about you
Apr 2019 · 216
The abode of peace
Jean Crous Apr 2019
When they came to power
By shouting louder
Love is the only way
I said

When they made as meeker
By censoring the speaker
Love is the only way
I thought

When they stopped dissent
By our silent consent
Love is the only way
I read

When they made us unrighteous
By the holy scriptures
Love is it the only way
I heard

When his head got fractured
By the stones and hatchets
Love is the only way
I lied
Apr 2019 · 168
Aan jou / To you
Jean Crous Apr 2019
Titel: Aan jou

Ek het probeer om ons liefde te vergelyk
aan ‘n roos,                                   
maar al is dit soet, sterf dit.

Ek het probeer om ons liefde te vergelyk                              
aan ‘n vuur,                                                 
maar al is dit passievol, brand dit uit.

Ek het probeer om ons liefde te vergelyk                                      
aan jou,                                           
maar dit was te volledig.

Titel: To you

I tried to compare our love
To a rose
But for all its sweetness, it dies

I tried to compare our love
To a fire
But for all its passion, it burns up

I tried to compare our love
To you
But it was too complete

— The End —