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Oct 2017 · 135
Without You
Christine Oct 2017
How can i live without you?
You were my angel, I would have died for you!
How do I mend my broken heart?
My entire world has fallen apart
How can I find hope in a brand new day?
When the one I love has gone away!
All I see is your face
I am full of disgrace
Our love you could not sever
You were mine forever
Love like a fire
A burning desire
You were my life
My gorgeous wife
My angel from above
The woman whom I loved
I can't live with the pain
Without you I have nothing to gain
I Am in despair
beyond repair
My heart is shattered
You were all that mattered
How could i have caused you so much pain?
You were my only domain
If you did live
Would you ever forgive?
I miss you my love
My angel from above
I know it's true,
....I will always love you!
Oct 2017 · 148
Christine Oct 2017
The rain falls, the clouds cry
why is it so hard to say goodbye?

Darkness looms over the light
A gentle breeze flies out of sight

With the sparkle of each star
I think of where you are

I look at your grave
The one I couldn't save

waves crash against dry sand
I will let go of your hand.

And when a tear falls from my eye

I know it's time to say goodbye
Oct 2017 · 2.4k
Christine Oct 2017
Dance through the pain
Dance in the rain
When nobody cares
Through all the tears
Don't fall apart
Conceal your heart
Don't let them know
Tears overflow
when your alone
Build a heart of stone
When light is grey
The night away
And try to hide
Your brokenness inside
Oct 2017 · 101
Sad Irony
Christine Oct 2017
It is ironic that the ones who have the brightest smile
are quite often the ones who have shed the most tiers.
Or that it is the bravest warriors
who holds back the most fears
It's the one surrounded by people
who is the most alone
And the one with the happiest laugh
embodies a darkness never shone
Oct 2017 · 101
Invisible Box
Christine Oct 2017
You are in an invisible box

You can see all the joyful happiness that surrounds you

You see smiling faces and friendships blossom

You see people singing and dancing
You reach out your hand wanting to join

And you can nearly touch but never reach
You can only spectate and never be included

You long to feel connected because you are so tired of being alone
You yell and scream and kick and yell
But it makes no difference

The happy crowd around you either doesn't hear you or doesn't care

Every time they look your way a ray of hope glistens through your soul
But every time is the same reaction-they are looking beyond you

They wave and you smile and wave back, finally feeling like someone cares

But then you realize that once again they are waving at someone who isn't you

There is no escape from the existence you live in the box

No escape and no end

You can try your best to love those around you

But you will forever be

For all eternity

Oct 2017 · 159
Everyone Forgets
Christine Oct 2017
When I reach out for hope
Everyone forgets

When I call out for help
Everyone forgets

When I try to talk about my pain
Everyone forgets

When I trust someone and try to talk
Everyone forgets

'Oh I'm sorry, something came up'
Everyone forgets

Don't worry it doesn't bother me
Everyone forgets

I want to talk to someone
Everyone forgets

Nobody cares
Everyone forgets

I am not important
Everyone forgets

I am not worth remembering
Everyone forgets

There is always something more important
Everyone forgets

It really doesn't bother me
Everyone forgets

I just want to be dead...because nobody cares and...
Oct 2017 · 107
What They See
Christine Oct 2017
The me that you see
Is not really me

The face I put on for you
Is a lie concealing what's true

Perfect, content, happy
All of this is stupid and sappy

Who am I really when no one looks
Depression-suicidal-just some words for the books

I am nothing like how people see me
I hurt and cry every night longing to be free

I want it all to end and I want to die
But there is no way out so I only cry

The pain won't leave so I cut my arm
Maybe I'll feel something from this harm

My soul is empty and my life without hope
My options are few and all lead to a rope

But if I end it all where will I be?
So for now I continue to pretend to be me
Oct 2017 · 89
The Power of Words
Christine Oct 2017
When I'm told I'm ugly
I peer into the mirror and that's all I see

When I'm told I'm a failure
I believe that's all I can ever be

When I'm told shut up
I never want to speak

When I'm told get lost
I know that I'm a freak

When I'm told I'm useless
Life loses all hope

When I'm told no one cares
That's when I grab the rope

When I'm told I'm not worth loving
I climb atop the chair

When I'm told life would be better without me
I gasp to take in air

When I'm told that no one will miss me
The darkness I embrace

And when I'm told no more
Death is here-I've finished this race

And even though my live is over
At least the words no longer hurt

— The End —