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My hair is coming back
Silver strands, snowy salutations
Falling just as gently
Grizzled graceful
Chaos and serenity simultaneous
Consistent contradiction.

Tale as old as time
Born bold in brine
I walked out of those waves
High desert honey
Life is funny
Juniper and I, juxtaposed
Wildest of horses
Her winds are unruly aren’t they
Be careful, you might blow away
I’ll never leave Nevada, not really.

Heavy heart but light on my feet
Settled but not to stay
Sweet mountain stream
Not quite a dream
Copacetic Colorado
I prefer my castilleja with less contention
Arches itching
Clocks are ticking
Reoccurring themes.
What can I say
My heart is steady
It might be the only part of me that is
I don’t know how to feel things small
I scare easy
Maybe that’s why I’m so partial to Nevada
I can relate to those horses
on a personal level.
Do I crave the gin
Or do I miss the juniper
You can be too much
But never enough
Spend your life working
For the letdown
Oh oleander,
once upon a time
you were often the object of a daydream.
Violent mercy
sweet demise
There’s a rock in my shoe.
Dead snake heartache.
Home is where you make it but I started building in the wrong place.
Sorely  mistaken, steps I’ve taken.
Went for a wander
to find just one reason, stumbled on six.

Oh, and a single rock
that reminds me of a steller’s jay skull
that I found one time
while slinking through vanilla trees
which reminds me of home
which reminds me of you
and that is reason enough.
If only your lips
could find their way to mine
The way those lazy snowflakes
found their way
to the ground this afternoon.
Dizzy dance,
I’m in a daze.
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