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Shreya Jannat Oct 2019
It's true that bandages cannot fix Bullet holes
Daggers that were pierced into her soul
The hands of the clock can only move one way out
The chocked words that she wanted to shout aloud
Her back carried knives that were countless in number
Stabbed by her love that turned her life to complete blunder
The apple of her eye became the poison of her heart
To the worst person she gave her best part
Of her fatal disaster he became the proud framer
And how could she revert again cos her heart's only meander became its breaker
The corridors filled with the venom of words
The people who belonged to the same old herd
Now they are neither friends nor enemies
They are just strangers with some memories
The demon shattered her heart's mirror into two
Yes she was lost and the pieces gave her not a single clue
Inside everyone there stays a demon within
And sometimes over us they win
Her heart she had to sell
Thinking this earth is another planet's hell
There comes a time in life where you have to choose between turning the page or closing the book
So her life's decision she took
She rose above reality
And fled from the clutches of fantasy
Ahe became what she truly was--
Brighter than the northern star
Higher than the Eiffel tower
Deeper than the oceans
And faster than the motions
She became a WARRIOR
Now she got those wings of the Phoenix lighting her from head to toe
Fanning the flames of the deadly inferno
Now they have gone as dumb as dead
Co's they know they will be seeing red
The Armour has risen--no mercy to a single one
The warrior has awaken--the war has begun
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— The End —