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792 · Apr 2017
My Forest of Denial
Shock Therapy Apr 2017
I walked through my forest, stepping over humongous tree roots, green covered veins pumping life to the heart of my peace. I was familiar with this place. Towering trees, trunks thicker than cars shooting into the skies, although those contraptions were not known to this unsullied place. I stared in wonder at the extraordinary beauty as I did every time I came here. It was quiet, still, a place of undisturbed silence. It beckoned me to it. This was my forest.

I navigated my way through the dense woods, my foot becoming caught in a root, causing me to fall. My skull felt broken, as if pieces of it were missing. I put my hand on my forehead, something wet covering it. I put my palm out in front of me, regaining focus of my vision. Blood. The sudden realization of what happened hitting me harder than my fall. I had never been hurt here before.

I felt my pupils dilate, my body beginning to shake, with one enormous release of air I let out a scream that rocked the frame of my body….as I thought. I looked around confusedly, breathing in again and attempting to let the air out with a high pitched shriek. Silence.

I thought back to all the times I came here. I had never spoken because there was no one to talk to. My footsteps never made a sound. My joyful cooing over the supposed beauty of the forest never traveled past my lips. Even when I fell there was no thud. No sound despite the loud shattering of my heart. Suddenly, this was no longer my forest.

The enormity of the trees were suddenly overwhelming, the crisp air suffocating, and the piercing silence deafening. This forest was unusual, there was no wildlife. No birds chirping or squirrels jumping from tree to tree to disrupt the quiet. No breeze rushed through the unbreathing lungs of the dead wilderness. No brush covered the sun starved ground. Not one leaf ever fell from the plentiful amount of trees that went on seemingly forever. Roots stretched across the forest floor like hideous snakes.

Everything I once found beautiful about this place is now twisted and ugly. This was my forest, a place of peace. A place I could go to forget. Or was it ever that? Was I just tricking myself into believing that this place I could not escape was everything I ever wanted. As if I had a choice of coming back. As if I ever left.

I know now what this place is. There is no hope, there is no beauty. I can no longer pretend that what I see is anything but grotesque. I lay on the ground and watch as flames appear, the reflection of fire in my eyes, devouring everything that once was and ever will be of my forest.

I don’t know how long it was before I realized that I could finally feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. How long I laid in the ashes of my sorrow before I realized that there wasn’t just a nothing after my forest was gone. Before I realized that I was staring into the sky, not a black hole.

I felt sensations I had never felt before. No, I had a long time ago before my forest had ever grown here. Slowly I sat up, surprised to find that my body no longer ached. Blood no longer coated my forehead. All that was left of my forest was ash. My forest was gone.

Then I saw it, pink petals spread as if waiting to receive something long overdue. A splash of color amongst the charred blacks and greys of my past. I stared in wonder at the extraordinary beauty. A breeze rushed through the reviving lungs of my hopeful perseverance, carrying the ashes of my denial away.

A vibrant green covered the ground, roots no longer hindering it from spreading throughout the area. Getting up and walking to the flower only to be cast onto my knees once again. How undeserving I was. I stared at it, doing something I had never done looking at my forest. I smiled. This was my flower.
711 · Oct 2015
Time To Go
Shock Therapy Oct 2015
It's time for me to go
I've been struggling so hard
For so long

It's pointless to keep trying
When I'm just going to keep feeling the same way
Why would you care?
You weren't there when I was smiling

No one cares
Unless you're pretty or dying
Why the **** do you want to be my friend
Now that you know I'm suicidal
The second I get better you'll leave
A terrible poem. I know. I don't care.
548 · Dec 2016
Dear Mom,
Shock Therapy Dec 2016
Sometimes I wonder if I can do anything right
Is it me
Was a born in a way that enables me to do nothing right
Or is it you

Will there ever be a day I can please you?
To see a smile spread across your face once again
Like wildfire across a dry forest
As you say
Good job. I'm so proud of you.

Will that day ever come
Or am I stuck here
Left on my own to try to find a way
On how to make you turn your head and look at me
In a way that doesn't involve anger

I've tried so many ways to get your attention
Bad and good
To get you to stay
Studying hard
Getting honor roll
Running away
Hurting myself
Throwing tantrums
Trying to end my own life

But every other night
You'd go out with your friends
And leave me alone
Alone with my thoughts
Making me ask myself why I'm not good enough

Why can't you just stay
Why do you choose a drink over your own child?
And why do you act like I'm the failure
When you're the one
Who keeps letting me down

I want you to stay
I want you to love me
But you choose
And that's fine

But in twenty years from now
When you're lying alone in an empty bed
Within a empty house
With no one to call

I want you to ask yourself if it was worth it
If I was worth that couple of beers
Or a few shots
Or that well made margarita

Because I won't be
I'll be starting a new life
Without you
With a loving spouse
And your beautiful grandchildren
That you'll never see

I love you mom
But I'm much happier
Without you
Very emotional poem for me. "Poem". Well, it's not that good but it's raw and heart felt (and unedited lol). So yeah....I'll just leave this here.
525 · Oct 2015
Undead Bitch
Shock Therapy Oct 2015
Roses are red
Violets are blue
No words can help me to describe
How much I ******* hate you
Die in a hole

You stupid *** *****
I want to stab you
With a sharp *** stick

Like a rose
You'll be red
Painted over
With more to shed

I'll be waiting
By your door
To take your life away
You little *****
496 · Aug 2015
Seperate Worlds
Shock Therapy Aug 2015
I fall
you rise
I sleep
you awake
I drown
you float
Our worlds
Are not the same
385 · Mar 2017
Dear Parents,
Shock Therapy Mar 2017
You are as you are
As I am me
Conceived from you I was
But different I will be

I come to you for caring
For loving and support
I tell you hesitantly
My worries and concerns

For it was you who approached me
The ones who asked me why
Why I seemed so lonely
My mask a great disguise

The suffering is great
The pain I sometimes feel
When I tell you my problems
And you just stomp your heels

You want an explanation
Not the truth, that is
I'm dying on the inside
Why can't I speak of it

The tears are falling down
Caressing gently my cheeks
It's more than you can do
You hate every second of it

Around we go again
The explanations and the lies
The discarded pleas for help
Oh how I wish I could die

I feel like you don't know me
As if I am just a stranger to you now
Oh wait I am
When did this happen? How?

I gave you all my trust
To confide in you, I did
But now I am just empty
From the pain of all of this

You took my heart
And crushed it
There is no doubt of this
For now I speak no more
Of the toils I know lie ahead

You look at me with curiosity
Oh how I wish to see
Your faces when you realize
That I'm no longer the person I used to be

I'm quiet and discerning
Alert and very watchful
I will not make the same mistake
It was truly awful

But don't blame this all on me
It was mostly you
Who took hold of my fragile heart
And broke it right in two
355 · Jan 2016
Shock Therapy Jan 2016
It hurts so bad
The pain you have dealt me
I don't know what I did wrong
Please tell me

Was it because I was weak?
That is what you told me
But I still don't understand
Why you had to leave me

I knew you more than most
Is what I thought
Then you threw me away like I was nothing
I feel so stupid, opening my heart to someone like you

I knew you were bound to hurt me
I knew you were bound to bruise me
But what I don't understand
Is why you had to leave me
339 · Aug 2015
Shock Therapy Aug 2015
Here I am
Sitting in this dark room
missing you
and you're out there
living life like I never could
330 · Aug 2015
Shock Therapy Aug 2015
We reach for the stars
But have nothing to hold us to the ground
So we fly
That is our dream
Let me float away
Dear god
Shock Therapy Oct 2016
It was on that day the world changed
I realized that humans were insane
The day I realized people ****
That people cheat others of their own will

The sky was sunny and clear of grey
As my heart was clouded with a darkening haze
I looked for someone to tell me I was wrong
Just to find everyone knew all along

I whispered shakily to myself
How could I have been fooling myself?
This is not a paradise
A utopia for all
Just an insane world
Not for one, but all

I hear the dead screaming
Their ends were brought in vain
Children weeping sorrowfully
In the pouring rain

The homeless slowly dying
Their ashes spread to the wind
No one can save them now
No one here can win

I see the mourning faces
Those who bemoan the lost
Their hearts shattered and broken
They payed the ultimate cost

I have no more to say
I have no more time to run
I must accept the truth
This world is meant to rot
Anyone know how I can improve this? I know the ending is abrupt and it makes me so upset I don't have any ideas to make this poem better. It has so much potential and I kind of just....butchered it. So...looking for tips if anyone would be kind enough to take the time and  give me any. Thanks.
318 · Jan 2016
Shock Therapy Jan 2016
We were there all along
The children of shadows
Waiting to be seen
The soft words of the fallen left unspoken

Those of us who made it out alive
We mourn those who did not
The grief and pain of being misunderstood
Is more than I could ever describe with words

Those eyes filled with hate
Mad at the world, and scared of fate
They used to hold hope and light
The eyes of a child

We raced hurriedly towards the future
Saying "I can't wait to grow up"
What were we thinking?

And here we are
Exactly where we wanted to be
But not with the result expected
Asking where it all went wrong

Alone we stand, abused by the world
Confiding in each other
Hoping one of us might have the answer
Just to learn we're all as wounded as the next

What do we fight for?
What do we stand for?
What are we?
Who are we?

We're just kids
Grown older
But kids none the less

You tell us
To fix it ourselves
But you never give us a solution

You tell us
We're your future
And yet, you treat us with indifference.

You tell us
You're here for us
But where is your presence
Among these tears on the ground?

We are the children of shadows
Our hearts beaten and broken
We were waiting for you to open your eyes
But you never even turned around to see
I actually tried on this one. Probably still ***** though lol. Please tell me what I could fix, guys! Peer review haha.
316 · Sep 2016
Shock Therapy Sep 2016
What is this loneliness inside my soul
Begging to be let free
But how
How do I let free that which is not physical

Or am I mistaken
Is loneliness a tangible thing
Can it turn into something greater than an emotion?

Will these bodies keep me company
Or are these lifeless eyes just another distraction
Helping me hide from my pain
Running away from my shadows


I could say these things brought me joy
But no
I always knew the pain was right around the corner
Mocking me

Sometimes I miss how I used to be
The act I could put on
I had friends

As I grew older I couldn't keep up the facade
I'm not a terrible person at heart
I don't want to be this way
I don't want people to leave me

But whatever I have
Whatever I am
Keeps me back

I can't get close to people
I can't have friends
I just hurt them in the end

I don't mean to abuse people
It just turns out that way
I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt
I'm sorry it has to be this way

But I realized I can't hurt anyone when I'm alone
So here I am thinking thoughts no one will ever know
Feeling things nobody will ever guess
And bleeding blood that everyone will never see

Maybe I wasn't made for this world
Maybe this world wasn't made for me
All I know is that I'm dangerous

I lure people in
With promises of love and support
And I believe it too
That I'll help them

But in the end it's always the same
The people I love
They all end up more hurt inside
Than before they came

So I'm leaving now
Even though I'm not saying goodbye
I want you to know that I love you
All of you

Even if I've done the cruelest of things
Said the meanest of words
And committed the worst of crimes against your hearts
I want you to be happy

And the worst part is
That I can't take responsibility for my actions
I don't want to say I was wrong
I can't admit I was the cause of your suffering

I've tormented you
Manipulated you
Destroyed you
Traumatized you

Yet a part of me doesn't want to accept I was wrong
A part of me feels nothing for your pain
I can't take the blame
I'd rather die first
303 · May 2015
Shock Therapy May 2015
How long has it been now?
Since I last felt your heat
Your warm touch
Your soft lips against the rough skin of mine

How long
Until this pain goes away
This pain that radiates from the very depths of my soul
This pain that can only be healed by your presence

How long
Can I take this pain
How long
Will this last
How long
Until I see you again

You were the first girl that made me feel that nervous ache in my chest
Wanting you so badly, but too shy to ask

The most beautiful girl
Outside, but perhaps not in
How captivating you were
Taking no time to catch my eye

And to my amazement
You fell for me
Or at least I thought

Perhaps it was love that blinded me
Or maybe even a bit of lust
But to me, you were my everything

How selfish can you be
To create my world
To only destroy it in the end

And now, at the end
I find myself wishing I had never known you
Ironic, isn't it, my dear

But still
I find myself lying there at night
Dreaming about you
It seems impossible to wake up from this desperate attempt to sleep
A draft for zazu.....:D lolz
Shock Therapy Sep 2017
My language is foul and nasty
Someone who lost out by lack of proxy
My expressions are bipolar
At most times I wish I was happy

You don't know what's inside of my head
I might as well be dead
There's too many feelings inside of this body I was cursed to live in

I'm screaming I'm crying
I'm  begging I'm dying
For now I'll just go home and spend my time buyin

The thing that makes me so high I won't end up whinin'
My super happy fun time dream in the sky
214 · Jan 2018
Shock Therapy Jan 2018
Because in the end
We're all dead people walking

— The End —