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Asha Kimo Mar 2020
I have a dream
Of complete unity
I have found that the answer was always inside of me
I questioned myself
My life and my path
Threw away religion
The past is the past
Now i live in a different reality
One that I made to better humanity
When i close my eyes and dream
A hand holds out for me
Another follows
Then three
And when i see the souls i hold
They all name the truth they were told
Then a lonely voice joins our stronghold
I am the one to who the truth was never told
We all join our hand
And bow our head
And tune the mind
To the self. Divine.
God forgive our sin. Forgive our mistake. Forgive the world you gave us we put at stake.
As my voice rings clear and true
The others join and theirs sing too
A new anthem to a new tune
As the world below rejoices. Truth
You can hear one prayer from billions of voices. One belief. Whole truth. That is my dream. Unite with me.
Asha Kimo Jan 2020
I have this urge inside me.
A passion,
A course
Set to take me outside myself.
And become the world.
My eyes are blind
My vision blurry.
But with my heart i see the hurry.
To change my ways,
To change myself.
By doing this I becAMe
the change i was meant to be.
The world awaits for me.
Here i come.
I set you free.
Remove my ego,
what is will be.
My spirit
she waits.
For me to realize what i can make. This world is mine for me to take. Time to restart.
Our past mistakes will not repeat. History is a blank sheet.
Waiting to be written with my feats.
Asha Kimo Jan 2020
What if when the ball drops on new years.
Everyone watching. Every person tunes in for a different reason. To all come together and change yourselves, make a vow that when the new year comes . we swear to change our ways, open our eyes, and rebuild faith. No more war or hate, leave only peace in its place. Imagine that. A new year for a new world.
Asha Kimo Dec 2019
Remember the moment
When you felt uncertain
Questioning life's rules
And why it has been cruel
Wanting the agony
To just go away
You felt like no choice
Was given to you
Forgetting that not everything
Is just handed to you
So you pick up the blade
And you slice your skin
Freeing the pain
Remember the peace
Watching the blood drip
With such sweet release
Numbing the anguish
That comes when you feel
Hating the voices that whisper
Your weak
But every scar heals
After it leaks

Remember that day
That just paved the way
For all of the monsters
To make you forget you
Remember that man
That claimed your free will
He took you by force
He made you despise you
Remember the demons
That you tried to hide
Escaping the bottle
That you lock inside
Releasing the words
That make you alive

Remember that feeling
A feeling so small
Feeling so helpless
Because you weren't tall
Now do you remember the fact
That you are still here
Those monsters are out there
But you should not care
If Belief was a shield
You'll never stay bare
An armor Faith healed
Will always be there
Those monsters are not you
I know life's not fair
You've made you become you
So remember I care
We're all here within you
Remember we're there
The voices inside
Are the voices that care
One body, one mind
Yet the soul we all share

Remember the moment
That caused you to smile
Remember the feeling
It might take a while
Remember the feeling
That caused you to see
That not all men out there
Are the monsters you've seen
With blinded closed eyes
It gets hard to see
That beautiful lies
Do not come for free
A price is a cost
That comes with a fee
A hefty large sum
You must pay to Me
I mean to yourself
You see how hate comes
A backward wrong thought
And now truth is lost
And that is the cost
Remember the wrought
And never get caught
You teach what is taught
or I'll leave you with naught
My fight has been fought

Remember september
When you held your son
The feeling you can't name
It's too big words
The feeling you now know
Truly has worth
Remember that day
You knew with such certain
That all of your misery
Has brought you that moment
Remember the first time
You looked into his eyes
That feeling you can't name
It lives in your son's eyes
And everytime he sees You
It just like the time
You held him and realized
That feeling, is not a crime
Remember confusion
A mind overload
A struggle. you're losing
All your control
You're trying, you're doing
All on your own

Remember the man
That made you believe
That you were worth more
Than what you believe
Remember what he said
About what you hold inside
The power of your words
Should not be kept inside
Remember that man
And how he has changed
The way that you view life
By simply being kind

Remember the twelfth day of april
Its been a year since you wrote this poem
Your daughter's now here
Yes life has moved on
The struggles the pain
It never lasts long
Remember the hell you went through that year
The monsters the drugs
Your soul disappeared
You died and came back
And now you will heal
As god is your witness
You will persevere
Just look into her eyes
When you start to forget
Remember she sees you if no one else will
Remember she needs you
Your her world her key to
The life she deserves
Its her fate that you hold
So stay strong and don't fold

Remember the words
That you have to say
The words that can help
Those feeling this way
Remember the pain
And how there’s no vain
For every memory
Just helps pave the way
For you to remember
That It's not in vain
A life has two paths
You live or you pass
So choose or move fast
Or this You won't last
Now remember this poem
It will help you remember
Remember the times
That you can't remember
Asha Kimo Dec 2019
“The devil is a lie!”
Or is he the truth
That God can't deny
Is not the untruth
Is Heaven the gate
To Hell's tru doors
Do we have the fate
To truly control
How free is our will
If fate can't be shown
What is an Afterlife
If life is unknown
What is Faith
If Destiny's controlled
Why has our beliefs
Forbidden us to see
That life is so brief
But like the fruit on The tree
Were forbidden to feast
Forbidden to enjoy
All of life's treats
So we shout and we cry
And we scream till we die
“Take our misery!”
“Take our sufferance!”
“Grace us liberty!”
“Grace them conscience!”
Not knowing Free will
Is just a disguise
That hides their true lies
Hides true intentions
Gives wrong directions
Don't get caught in that web
Or like the fly that got fed
To the spider who trapped
And caught in its web
You will be eaten
You will be dead
Their Chaos bleeds control
Our Violence seeks peace
One without the other
Shall not Rest In Peace
So if the Devil is a lie
Then who is the truth
For the Devil shows himself
Is that not the truth
Asha Kimo Dec 2019
The fast die young
But maybe the young die old
Maybe the ones who can't speak
Are the ones that are never told
Maybe the ones that are blind
Are the ones that are never shown
And sometimes the ones that cry
Are the ones with no voice
Maybe the ones that truly stand
Are the ones with no feet
And the ones that always lose
Are the ones that can't keep
Maybe this world is truly backwards
What we think is what we know
If that truly is the case
Then we are in for show
Because right would be wrong
And wrong would be right
And can do is cannot
And can be would be scarce
So then no becomes yes
And yes becomes scared
What if Belief was all wrong
And we Believe what is not
But the truths stay Untold
So Belief becomes Sought
And the lies become sold
To the ones that don't know
And we say what Can Not
We do what Should Not
But we are what we are
So we do what we do
Dreading day after day
Praying please get our way
But His eyes are all seeing
So the Lord hears our prayers
And the answer to Why
Is the question we know
Yet still we blindly try
Even though the case is closed
And we can't live in peace
If the chaos lingers close
To our heart and our minds
Turning weakness into kind
Kindness shows who He owns
When we begin to forget
All the favors we owe
For a loan is a loan
You must pay or your shown
How the door never waits
If you crawl like a troll
And how time is never still
It you watch very slow
In order to obtain success
you must change yourself
and be the person
you wish to see in the mirror everyday Otherwise you lose sight
of what's important and become
the person you wish you never knew
Asha Kimo Dec 2019
A lie is better told
When the truth was never heard
But when your ears are blind with tears
Then the heart is kind to fears
And if love will hold on strong
Then our love will last on long
So believe that I believe
And forgive that I've deceived
And forget what I have said
For my head is not my head
And my soul has long been gone
Now it feels like you've withdrawn
With an empty piece of me
Now the fruit falls to my feet
So like Adam and his tree
I bite into what is sweet
Though forbidden it may be
I try to forget that there's no We
And Me, Myself, and I
Are as broken as the Sky
As she weeps when there's no clouds
For without white we are not proud
There's no shade to hide the pain
There's no mercy to be gained
From a heartless broken world
But the broken parts we'll purl
For all my life my hearts been broke
Lonely tears my throat stayed choked
But when you came and fell in love
With a girl that has never loved
I can forget what all you've done
If you can forgive the love I shuned
Because that is what love should be
And it has all been taught to me
From a man that will forever stay
The only man who has made me brave
The only man who has given me
All the love I will ever need
The only man who has made me see
How truly beautiful I could be
The only person that I believe
The only one I won't deceive
So for that my thanks I give
And for you my love still lives
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