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1.6k · Mar 2018
Mental Health
A'ishah Mar 2018
An innocent scratch to ease the pain.
A skipped meal to ensure you dont gain.
A wasted day laying in bed.
Your left wondering what demons live inside your head.
You hate yourself and the mirror brings tears.
You look into the mirror & all you see is a overweight, bloated, and extremely out of shape girl. You're ugly, your worthless, is all the brain hears. You tell yourself, that no one can fix you.
This is the torture of Mental Health.

#ugly #notperfect #mental #health #worthless #overweight #bloated #girl #innocent #pain #ease #meal #thoughts #realize #lonely #silence #tears #words #darkness #poets #lost #help
627 · Mar 2018
A'ishah Mar 2018
She was powerful,
not because she wasn't scared,
but because she went on strongly,
despite the fear.

People think being brave is when you aren't afraid, but its not you can be brave in different ways always remember that
596 · Apr 2018
A'ishah Apr 2018
They say love isn't supposed to hurt. But if it doesn't break your heart, it isn't loving.
454 · Feb 2018
A'ishah Feb 2018
Suicide is my way of being free,
Crawling out of the hole I created.
Suicide is the only way out of the pain, I feel.
Can't run from it, always a step behind.
The worst is that i'm trapped in my own mind.

My fake smile is getting heavier, can't hold it for much longer,
My eyes can't hold back. Done living in the dark, going through motions. I think its time to give up & be free.

Suicide is NEVER the answer.
431 · Mar 2018
A'ishah Mar 2018
A warrior is the protector of her family & those in need.
A warrior will not put her own desires above what is right.
If a warrior fails, they get right back up & move on.
Warriors are not born & neither are they made.
Warriors creates themselves through trial & error, pain, suffering.
They say, you can't win against the storm & I say I am the storm.

I am a warrior, I have "the heart of a Lion, the strength of ten, & the desire of a thousand men." ~ Unknown

~ Aishah
Courage, above all things , is the first quality of a warrior.
383 · Feb 2018
Escape the pain
A'ishah Feb 2018
Why can't I escape from the pain?
Every time I close my eyes, I see you.
You haunt me with every chance you have.
I feel your hands around my neck, draining all the light out of me.
And feeling me with darkness. I am forever stained with ink of your dark soul. When you open your mouth, fire pours out scorching my soul, burning holes in my heart. These Scars do not fade. They do not heal with time, but I look for the clearing in the dark sky. When I cry out from pain, you love it, it brings pleasure to your dark soul. I beg and beg, but you continue to torture my sorrowful soul.

~ Aishah
When will I be able to escape you & this pain?
358 · Jan 2018
A'ishah Jan 2018
Why love, when all you'll get is a broken heart.
Why hate, when you'll get nowhere in life.
Why hold grudges, when you can forgive.
Why waste time, when you could be enjoying the view.
Why cry, when no one cares.
Why talk, when you could be quiet.
Why be sad, when you can be happy.
Why lie, when you can tell the truth.
Why be furious, when you can laugh.
Why fall, when you can dance.

~ A'ishah
326 · Jan 2018
A'ishah Jan 2018
Whenever you scream, no one hears.
Whenever you cry, no one cares.
Whenever you need a shoulder to lean on, no ones there.

~ A'ishah
319 · Apr 2018
A heart of glass
A'ishah Apr 2018
A girls heart is strong but unfortunately fragile.

If carelessly touched, it would break for a little while.

After that it will slowly heal the wounds it had felt.

The glass was broken but it can still be fixed.

A girl’s heart is an ocean of secrets.

A world of emotions the female jewel can hold.

Just like a glass the heart can easily shatter.

Shatter into pieces inside the cage of its owners.

A .T
302 · Feb 2018
Dear, Mother
A'ishah Feb 2018
If I could give you Diamonds for every tear you dropped for me.
If I could give you a kiss for every heartache I caused.
If I could give you sapphires for every truth you helped me see.
You are a beautiful  women, who knows how to make anyone day with just a smile.
You'll be a treasure, that would match the sparkles in your kind and loving eyes.
After all, you're the light to my dark world.

~ Aishah
280 · Feb 2018
A'ishah Feb 2018
I'm going to smile and make you think im happy, i'm going to laugh, so you don't see me cry. Even though it kills me, i'm going to smile. When you stay positive through a negative situation, you win.

~ Aishah
276 · Mar 2018
A'ishah Mar 2018
No matter how much darkness is in your life, light will find its way in.

~ Aishah
Always remember that !
259 · Jan 2018
You are my...
A'ishah Jan 2018
You are my Inspiration.
You are my Adviser.
You are my Hero.
You are my Roots.
You are my World.
You are my Sunshine.
You are my Love.
You are my Favorite.
You are my Dream come true.

~ A'ishah
214 · Feb 2018
Broken girl
A'ishah Feb 2018
There is this girl that's always in disguise.
Everyone thinks she's the happy girl.
Who smiles, laughs, but really she smiles to hide.
Hide the pain, she fakes a smile and say she's okay, but she barely made it through the day.
She doesn't want to show others, that broken girl.
She want others to see her as this strong, happy person.
If she shows others that she is just a broken girl.
Others will treat her as if she is weak, as if she's fragile.
When all she needs is someone to love her, someone to show her that she isn't just that broken girl that everyone sees, but something more.
209 · Feb 2018
A'ishah Feb 2018

~ A'ishah
199 · Feb 2018
A Friend
A'ishah Feb 2018
A friend is, someone who will bring you comfort & love. Someone who will have your back no matter how big the situation is. Friends are people who you can always look back to when things get a little rough for you. Someone who always try to brighten your day, or life. Last but not least, someone who listens to all your problems, just sit & peaceful listen in.

~ A'ishah
192 · Feb 2018
Love yourself
A'ishah Feb 2018
You are amazing, outstanding, beautiful, and don't let no one EVER tell you that you aren't worth it or not talented because EVERYONE has a talent & everyone is worth it maybe not you but to others. Don't try to change who you truly are just to please others, if they don't love you for you than they aren't worth your time. Yes, we all are insecure abut something, but thats okay because no ones perfect. You have to make yourself feel loved & beautiful, you have to be confident in yourself feel loved by loving yourself. You can't love others if you don't love yourself. When people look at you, the first thing that they take notice of is how well you carry yourself.
I rather be myself & people hate me for it, than pretend to be someone else & they love me for it.
166 · Feb 2018
A'ishah Feb 2018
Sometimes all a person need is a "Hello" or a "Your beautiful" because you never know what people go through, that simple "Hello" and "Your beautiful" could make someone day. Maybe no one ever say anything to that person, maybe that person is being neglected or abused so you never know.
163 · Mar 2018
A'ishah Mar 2018
They walk by.
Not hearing my cries.
No one smiles,
I live on street tile's.
And i wear rags.
I ask for money,
They shout "Get a job ***".
I am very lonely.
And I have no hope.
And when I die.
No one will care.
People will say.
He was just a ***.
And plus he was probably on the streets due to drugs or doing something illegal so no biggie.

— The End —