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Frankie Fuller Feb 2017
Away from the mental show
And anywhere out of this place
There was once an isolation space
A dwelling safekeeping elsewhere
A smile of painted black
A **** face

This space was away from harm
And all of it's misery and wretched lies
maybe it was easier
To withdraw from life
In this place
Away from a bygone era
Of a false character

Existing, but not belonging
It was a masquerade
And all of those happy faces
They never understood
What he felt from within
Because it was their shameful sin

Give him a Sunday evening
There it comes like a wave
Not to sink, but to save
The waters close overhead
And it's so good to just
Dream, forget, and forgive

Maybe it was just easier
To withdraw from life
In this place, away from
It's harm, and all of
It's misery and wretched lies
A painted smile
Frankie Fuller Feb 2017
Don't waste your time
Trying to give this
Feeling a definition
Because it can't communicate
What is not directly
Expressed with words

Don't cry
Be happy
Be imaginary

Polar stratospheric clouds
The taste of cotton candy
Delicate mesmeric beauty
A gorgeous wallow in
One way lore

This sense of purpose
Feels false to me
And I see how the land lies
There was no harvest time
I'll close my eyes
And sing to myself a winter song
I've always known the
Difference between an acquaintance
And a true friend
Moments by moments

Let's watch the flowers bloom
Let's watch the flowers die
You've watched the ravens
You've watched the crows
But don't forget your way back

The weather has changed it's mind
Or maybe it has deceived us all
There was no gain for
Some personal advantage
To believe something
That wasn't true
A hoax of an mistaken impression
The weather has changed it's mind
A beautiful smile amongst a shadow

The mourning cloaks
Are often the first
To arrive and the
Last to leave of
The false spring

The memories of scent
Are not so easily forgotten
Sometimes it was cruel
To be so kind
Tough and unyielding
Yet compassionate
Such were the
Men of yesteryear

Yet, everything was false
The medicine, elections, food ,
The media...
We were living in
A fabricated fairy tale
An illusion of life
It was the cause
of our demise
And the dreams that
We would claim
Could never be
Ours to obtain
Frankie Fuller Nov 2016
My eyes once became heavy
As the winter snow that
Collapses a bank
Sometimes I daydream too much
Sometime I daydream so little

The long intro made a beautiful
Accompaniment to your images
A lost world of snowy railways
The mystery of a lost horse
Running somewhere long ago

As captured in time
The ice will brake
If you touch it
The dream will fade away

Into a liquid so as
To form a solution
The snow cleanses me away
Yet I could find it only by chance
And the snowflake will soon
Dissolve In a shadowy palm
The abandoned locomotive
Frankie Fuller Oct 2016
Those single locations
Of Washington Square
We  always seemed to share
Some particular places
Are remembered so well
Those single lost occasions
Of shadows lost in rain

Yet you've traveled so far
From when we were young
And once we were one
Those single lost occasions
And your eyes that would
Say more than words
I felt it very much so

Her father once stated
That she were unlovable
His words deadened all hope
You were once high , fluttery,
And stammering of your youth
When we were young
When we were one

Obscure eyes ... Veil as calm
Dead and uninflected before
And after the death of
Your off-color father
You always reminded him
Of your beautiful Mother

Those single locations
Of Washington square
We always seemed to share
Some particular places
Are remembered so well
Those single lost occasions
Of shadows lost in rain

I once sent a letter to you
It was from an unknown face
A forgotten resemblance
You had forgotten my shadow
Could you ever
Remember to wave?
She comes and goes
From her cocooned Mansion
her never land of artificial lights
Once we were one

Those single locations
Of Washington Square
We always seemed to share
Some particular places
Are remembered so well
Those single lost occasions
Of shadows lost in rain

The alluring fine fragrance
Of white peach and orange blossom
Always came from your
Beautifully soft hair

Yet from my departed memories
It's been such a long time
What can I say?
What should I feel?
Frankie Fuller Oct 2016
Once as the Cape Fear River
Was being overflowed with
It's strange brew , a traditional mint
The color of fallen brown tears
A aroma of green tea over rice
A particular unknown fragrance
An Ancient river lacks
Of other sweet scents erased
The heart of the Hurricane is fading
Yet you were once a women
Just as you were once named after a man
You were once a women
Just as you were once named after a man
You are a women just as you are a man
Tea over rice
A cup of tea
The background of operatic wailings
A chilling before the haunting chords
A cup of tea for me
Frankie Fuller Sep 2016
Silence once happened hither
To this place of point
Yet , the needle and it's thread
Sleeps forever sewing and weaving me
I once spoke as whispers
A sound of one sea shell
The soft flicking of a
Single sheet of paper
And softly eating jelly beans
A crumbling sound of an empty plastic  
A dance goes it's twist
Crush , buckle , mangle ,and daydream

No-one could perceive with an ear
A sound so softly made of a relaxing guitar tuning
A loosen sound of kitten purrs
A book of Spanish poetry
Translated into modern English

There was a thick fog outside my window
I saw strange flashes of lightning in the shy
There was no sounds of thunder...
A rainbow in a celestial sphere
Of a red beautiful dawn
A relaxation of a whisper
Always to his own
Forever to never I understand

Hello to you dear fall
I've been waiting patiently for you unstressed
For I will greet you
With a whisper near midnight
With a nimbly slow movement
From a pleasantly subdued manner
A near fall whisper
Frankie Fuller Jul 2016
Do we as human beings
Truly know what love is?
We sit and wait in the shadows
While longing for the smell
Of rain to return

We consider thoroughly
And think fully or deeply about
The origins of creation
Before contemplating the stars and moon

When we were  children
The silence of empty rooms
Was once enjoyed of us all
How time flies when sunflowers
Catch the moon rays

Again and again
We have thought
Of this several times
Again and again
We have walked
In the moon light
Again and again
A thousand times
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