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Seven Feb 2015
I don't need lullabies
it comes naturally to me.

This bed makes me
forget about the hurt, the anger
and even the joy
This bed makes me
lifeless and numb
as a corpse.

If I could be here all day in the arms of my pillow
under the body of my blanket
I will stay.

And never wake
from this slumber .
Seven Feb 2015
Looking out the window
my eyes angled up above where the sky meets my eye
I realize how It slowly passes us by
and I question myself
how busy am I to not notice the beauty of life?
Seven Jan 2015
Sitting on the dining table
resting my head on my cold hands
listening to the bantering voices and the soap opera on the screen
how ironic it seems
to look at something ordinary being glamorized
by lights , costumes, scripts and actors
the reflection of the scene
taking over my vision of what is in front of me
is this really reality?
Seven Mar 2015
It's midnight
and I can't help it
I think about
your brown eyes
and how they stare right into mine
with sincerity

but I guess I was wrong
because you left me on the edge
full of what-ifs and what-could-have-been.
Seven Jan 2015
He came to me by surprise
With a "Hello" and a charming smile
I sat next to him in the car thinking
"This is crazy. I was only joking."
He doesn't make my heart flutter
He doesn't make my skin tingle
He doesn't make me clammy or out of breath
He does make me smile
He does make me laugh
He does make me think about him a lot
And most importantly
somehow he makes me feel less cynical about love even for a little while
We talked and talked and talked until early morning
and that's how it ended
with an awkward high five and a "Goodbye."
Just so I can stop thinking about it
Seven Mar 2015
I just want to get away
from the noise from the city.

I just want a break
from the crowd.

I just want silence
to envelope my entire being.

I want to be oblivious
to my surroundings.

I want to tune in the good things
and remove the ones that constrict me.

I want to destroy every fiber
of dark matter
and let the light penetrate
my veins.

I just want to be better today than yesterday.
Seven Feb 2015
I replace sadness with anger
but that doesn't always work
the tears won't stop
and the heart
keeps on hurting
from this struggle
of wanting and not wanting.
Seven Dec 2014
I sat on a blue colored swing
pushing myself up so high
as if I can touch the sky
jumping of my seat
dust gather around me

Sometimes I wish
that I remained naive
free from the troubles of this world
but once you lose it you can never have it back

Now that I'm back, sitting on that swing
it no longer moves in many ways
it goes back and forth carefully
afraid that it will break
afraid that I will break
afraid always afraid
Utterly lost at the moment to shift or not? Is this what I really want? But then the problem of practicality hits me then I start questioning whether I'm being really selfish and ungrateful ugh
Seven Apr 2018
10 am: rise and shine
12 pm: let us dine
3 pm: sweat it out
10 pm: lights out
the clock keeps on ticking
and I'm still here right where I was
after May 27th.

I've grown a year older but
not sure if I'm any wiser.
Still prefers night to day and
sunrise over sunsets.

The 15th of May will be
whether I get to fly or fall
from the dream I've been living in
a cycle of waiting
the alarm will blare
Judgement day is on the 15th of May almost a year after graduation. I hope I get it.
Seven Feb 2015
Sometimes "time" is all we need
to heal
to forget
to regret
to unwind
to rewind
and everything else
to fall into place
that is why
patience is key
because time may go
fast and slow as it wishes
and we are only there for the ride.
Seven Mar 2015
"We are all bound to change
but some people stay the same."
And that is...

The feeling that is not
                                        new to me:
I feel like shedding my skin off,
peel away all the things
that make me feel
like shattered pieces of glass.
Seven Mar 2015
I just want to run away
to a place
where no knows
I want to hide at a corner
where I can
just be.
Seven May 2015
It makes me incredibly
to not be able to see
the sun rise.

All I want is to sit by the shore
and listen to the waves
to and fro.

But I must remember
"you can't always get what you want,"
and the sun will always be there
and the sea will always be there
Maybe it's just really not my day.
Seven Dec 2014
I run
because I forget in the first place why I do
I run
because I can't stop thinking "why do I even breathe"
I run
because I think about you and me then back to me then back to you
I run
because of the silent scream in my head that needs to be suppressed
I run
because there is so much hate and love inside me
I run, I run, I run
         far away
                          even if I stumble
                          even if I get scarred
                          even if

I run.
I felt inspired to write this poem because I tripped while I was running and let's just say I have a new addition to the scars on my knees.
Seven May 2015
I want to paint you
as the night sky
the darkness that is I
by indefinite stars,
that is You.

— The End —