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May 2020 · 148
Asisipho May 2020
Deeply I fell in dying spell.
A spell of love.
Cannot be undone nor can be it be complete.
Just a falling river of tears.
Forgive me for caring deeply.

For stories foretold like nightmares and campfire stories.
Like burning carrot on chopsticks.
I was there for moments and felt like centuries.
Burning my heart with caring.
I fell under a spell of dying love.

Shared a feeling, with painted pictures of memories.
When all I see is the river of tears.
Because I kept momentos in my mind like a diary.
Day after day, looking for a better tomorrow.
Wrong was I to think this was it.

We've pained beautiful pictures.
Moments fast like lighting.
And the love that roars like thunder.
But I guess it was all in me.
I fell deeply into an incento.

Deeply did I care.
Deeply did I fall out of love like a dying star.
Deeply did every moment disappear in my mind.
Deeply my heart was chopped into pieces.
Deeply did I fall in a dying spell.

# By
May 2020 · 123
What I feel for you
Asisipho May 2020
True dreams and words to be cherished.
Memories bonded by a painting in one's mind.
True comfort and beauty at one's hand and decision to be taken or made real.
My own smile and shadow twisted by such beautiful moments meant to be.
Holding you in my arms and dreams are mere campfire stories.
Such therapy... Such Joy... Such thoughts... Such memories... everything to be cherished.

Doors wide open.
In small dreams and tears in my mind.
With every droplet cherishing you.
Still holding on to that one scent leading me to great memories.
With this mindset... with this love... with this gentle touch... I wish to hold you.

Pillows often serve a great deal when I miss you.
I hold it tight because you always on my mind.
But still it has no response towards.
Is this who I am?
All this compassion... All this peace... All this care... All of this is for you.

I believe words are overrated.
Even if you won't talk to me.
All I wish to do is to hold.
Even in the darkest and hardest times.
For you I'd climb mountains... for you I'd swim oceans and rivers... for you anything is possible.
All you have to do is love me back.

# By
Sep 2019 · 398
Asisipho Sep 2019
As set of structures.
Built on nightmares, fears and weakness.
Game set proudness with only just a tick of truth.
Just a recipe of failure.
With just only a pinch of salt to taste fear.

We reek of unfulfilled failures.
You only matter because you live.
Strength of an ant, getting pulled to corner.
Straight out of my eye.
I am unfilled.

Only I seek a correct manner.
But as it seems, it doesn't matter.
Redemption is only served to those wronged I guess.
We were pillars of generations.
Yet unfilled.

Fields fled like flairs.
Fires meant to fly like features of fate.
Fed to fight figures of speech.
Fame's defined to be lame.
If all fails fate hails.

Promises will stay unfulfilled.
Like this is not my playing field.
If only you were born to lead.
But deep inside you still have a need.

# By
Sep 2019 · 155
Asisipho Sep 2019
You know they say rain is a blessing.
Fluent flow that goes with calmness.
On a chill night with a bright moonlight.
A cold that blazes through the bone.
And leading to a shivering skin.
But rain is a blessing, as it sets a calm mood on a beautiful night.

It started as fun.
Then the rain got intense.
Then I started getting wet.
Rain had deceived me.
Is rain really a blessing.

My mind started racing with confusion.
Adrenalin made my body to shake into distortion.
It was fight or flight.
On a way to the tears.
Rain had started small.
The thought it rains but it pours.
I was confused.

A sample of self unconsciously fought a lost battle.
Rain signified an undignified but justified sense of defeat.
On my knees, a neat but tainted reality would speak.
Tears started falling like a raging waterfall.
Fear, pain and sorrow were facts of life.
But there lies a bottle of three cousins emptied by lost emotions.
Lost with the battle on the battlefield.
A blessing and a curse, rain would be.

# By
Jul 2019 · 148
The Ring of fire
Asisipho Jul 2019
A place full of fear.
A place where battles takes place.
Sometimes it's a place full of love.
A place where fire burns through tears.
It is a place of blood, sweat and tears.

We all feel the warmth of the fire.
But we never really think that it burns.
I guess it's a humans job to stand the pain.
Because that's a place full our worst nightmares.
This place guarantees that you'll never come back a full package.

It might be a great pleasure to fight in the ring of fire.
But we must be aware of the mental damages.
This is no place suitable for a human.
maybe its harsh environment was meant to be cherished.
I'm not sure what to tell you.

Maybe it's meant to be your challenge.
But be aware of its consequences.
I'm not here to frighten you.
I has it's perks.
But beware.

# By
Sep 2018 · 186
Asisipho Sep 2018
It is said that a man without a purpose is dead.
So for the last decade I've been dead.
I wonder if my children will call me dad.
Oh man this so sad.
I never thought things would get this bad.
But I said I've been dead.

No one can explain this bad experience.
My mind was intertwined but all I need was combat intelligence.
My spirit didn't believe in competence.
So please explain what should do with this confidence.
But when dead you will never get romance.

Through uncertainties we forget the way of life.
We cut our problems with the wrong knife.
Someone set foot on the wrong land and that is your wife.
In this world death is rife.
Falling off here means death because this a cliff.
So I will prevent the loss of this life.

This world is full of confusion.
Some words sound the same but not used for the same context.
Even listen have the same letters as silent.
So I was not lost but I was dead.
But that is not my daily bread.

So in the shadows I submerged.
And I was not edged.
And I had no power to be merged.
I couldn't be discouraged.
Look at me now I am legible discharged.
I have succeeded.

Sep 2018 · 314
Asisipho Sep 2018
Have you ever been told to listen.
But never wondered what is the mystery.
Or even it's history.
But remember this is a lesson.
That will never lessen.
But let tell you what I heard.
Eat Dog Eat!!

If someone says listen.
Remember that I said that person care for you.
So please listen.
I have this knowledge that will never lessen.
I used to there is no one I would resent.
But I was wrong.
All I heard was Eat Dogs Eat!!!

All along I used to call her a friend.
And a place where I belong.
Every night before we sleep we would sing a song.
I thought this would never end.
I considered you as a place where I belong when I'm all alone.
But I heard Eat Dogs Eat!!!

I never listened in the first place.
My mother said listen my child.
Never trust too much so save room for some disappointment.
But what did I do.
Because I was afraid to be alone.
All I heard was Eat Dogs Eat!!!

I tried co-operate with the people in this world.
But every time I try.
When I'm about to reach the mountain top, I get kicked in the face.
With my falls I had nowhere to go.
So I went to her.
All heard was Eat Dog Eat!!!!

I found her in between the mysteries of the unknown.
And only to find out I was never know.
So the dogs followed the command from the master.
My mother said listen my child don't trust too much save room for disappointment.
The dogs tore me apart piece by piece I could hear her voice saying Eat Dogs Eat!!!!

I fell to my sleep.
With Nothing to seek.
And the dogs tearing me apart.

I thought I would be saved.
But help never came.
So I fell to my eternal sleep.
With a voice saying Eat Dogs Eat!!!!!

I learnt my lesson.
I trust only those who show me trust.
But I save room for disappointment.
Don't make the same mistake twice.
Or the Dogs will leave you for the dead.
Thank you.

Sep 2018 · 207
Asisipho Sep 2018
I have seen beyond the heights.
But no one could see beyond the lights.
We seem to  be fighting the same fights.
And never get the same bites.
We shall never lose our insights.

Oh lord have mercy.
I didn't mean to make my life messy.
So please fulfill your prophecy.
They will stop calling me *****.
Before my life becomes misty.

Maybe my prayer was not heard.
I seem to be moving with a wrong herd.
There something heavy in my body which is my head.
I fought without being fed.
And my life is near a resolution or an end.

Please save me father I seem to be drowning.
My life is reaching an ending.
Even if I run, I seem to be binding.
I am swiftly sliding.
I spent my whole life hiding.

I still wonder if what is beyond the lights.
But now I know it is you.
Thank you.

Sep 2018 · 210
Asisipho Sep 2018
I thought I knew everything there is to know about love.
Like a peaceful dove.
I just had my heart broken.
My mind keep saying I told you so.
I remained forsaken.
My heart said who said so.

I tried to go steady with someone.
Look  where that has put me in.
I remained one.
Should I just give in.
I remained reminiscing repeatedly.
This happened unexpectedly.

Did I just fall out of love?
Well technically I fell in love.
So I did fall out of love.
Because in the first place I fell in love.
Or was it puppy love?

My friend once said there is no such thing as love at first sight.
We just  fight to get to the light.
We experience fatal attraction.
Through brain composition.
So sometimes I act as a distraction.

There is a slogan that says “make love not war.”
So are you prepared to eat love raw.
There's also a poem that says“A BROKEN HEART STILL BEATS”.
My favorite part goes like this“a heavily corroded and scared vessel, rendered weak and fragile by the fall from the careless hands before being left to die on the frozen ground ”.
This explain the feeling in my heart.

I used to say to her don't listen to the community.
Because they will makes us miss this opportunity.
But I guess I should have listened to my mind and friends.
Bcz you never cared in the first place.
Now you left me trying to pick up the pieces that you left in.

A spoken word can never be returned.
But it shall make change.
Bcz this pain can never be turned.
Maybe for you I wasn't in range.

Maybe the person that said love is blind was right.
Because I never saw this coming.
But I shall remember this by my all might.
My heart's blood is raining.
So is this the beginning or ending?

In my heart you will remain unforgiven.
But you can change it if you driven
So like Alicia Keys.
I am going try sleeping with a broken heart.
Because now I have no one love.

Sep 2018 · 222
Asisipho Sep 2018
I am living in the shadows that I can't understand.
So please death just consume me.
With this pain saying just give up.
Death keeps shutting the door on my face.
I am tired of living in this devastating land.

Maybe god has forsaken me.
Because I seem to be moving to all kinds of directions.
He understands the way I feel but I don't understand his ear isn't too far for him to not hear me.
And his hand not be that too far to bless me.
So death just consume me.

I'm tired of living in this world.
And I think the one I love has forsaken me too.
But I just wanted to let her know I love her.
So death just consume me you are welcome in my life just welcome me in yours.

Dec 2017 · 277
Asisipho Dec 2017

We were born as predators.
But now we are a prey.
This was not depicted.
So history will be resurrected.
So what is this predator.

One bite and we suffer from bad consequences.
We are flushed down in different sequences.
The road past Death.
This will be the end of Earth.
I hope that things will change.

My father please reveal your presence.
Into your infinite absence.
Where is this predator's obedience?
And I hope we have better maintenance.
My faith is in my innocence.

Predator please have some mercy and relieve us from your wrath.
From the well we must take a bath.
This is the end of the world I have done the math.
I am starting to lose my breath.
You are the same as the third son of Adam and Eve "Seth"

So please forgive us.
We are unable to ride this bus.
End your reign of terror.
We cannot stand this horror.
Let this end.
Before the end.

We beat it.
Now I admit it.
That we can defeat it.
So now we can seat with it.
But this world will make it.


— The End —