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814 · May 2014
Curious.? Of What?, You may ask. While nothing more than a glimmer of a soul lost myself. Peering from the inner folds of doubt, to transform into a force  be it mystic or holy. A desire to be one amoung Gods is What I seek. Comforted in the glow and aura of blindly allowing Man a mere mortal creation, To Destroy. To Ravage. To Devour. All...............................!
394 · May 2014
Captivating glances, washed out jeans, skin moistened with the glow of youth and vigor. searching, seeking, scanning the crowd waiting for the moment to attack and devour the essence of life. Gazing eternally towards the translucent and scintillating prism., igniting a blaze which will blanket the world............................Who is watching Who?
371 · May 2014
Glossy Print
Photographs. Smiling back. Peering into the abysmal stare of the soul. A moment in time captured and imprisoned.......Oh the life a photograph lives to be stuck in a book placed on a wall........alone........afraid.....unwanted most times. Glanced at when craving a sense of nostalgia. Of a time left behind.......Maybe we are all just photographs waiting and wishing that the moment will come when someone will look at us again..............
336 · Sep 2015
The Sale
Merchants swarm the alleyway
Peddling wares at a discount price
Visions are clouded by rapacious thoughts
Judgments are hindered by the cacophony of men
Men offering souls for the taking
Intelligence for the bleeding, Life for the time now.
They know not what they buy
Just the power to occupy, to consume,
Breeding hate and malice with every purchase.

— The End —