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Feb 2019 · 122
Trust Me
Delon Bayley Feb 2019
To trust or not to trust,That is the question
Is it right to confide in people you see as your peers
Or shut away the world so deep and consumed in fear
The fact that trust is earned some see as a joke
From being honored to decieved while others watch in gloat
By friends,you have known for many years to come
That kick you to the curb and soon start to shun
With pacts you have made with either wood,clay,or paint
To backstabbing people you figured were such saints
“You can’t be too nice” is a lesson learned daily
Yet so deep in the friendship you remember it vaguely
Seniors we should know it’s not wise to trust so well
Because the ***** or the wolf will have you under their spell
Yet seldom their are people who possess a halo pure
Who your positive could do no wrong,yet somehow your not sure
My advice to the people going up in the grades
Is don’t always rely on the people you see in the shade
Yet we see trust as a complex feeling
The present and the future can be quite demeaning
I will put my trust in the people I know the most
Not the ones who take advantage because frankly that’s quite gross
So my last saying to all whether it was wrote in stone or glue
To trust or not to trust,It’s all up to you
Delon Bayley Feb 2019
To love or not to love,that is the question
Is it wise to trust your future partner
Or throw away your quest for happiness further
Thy knows you feel lonely and sad inside
Yet thoust won’t give up and still retains pride
Some say the one will come if you just wait
Yet others will see your feelings as nothing but bait
You fall into traps and situations so dire
Where the person reveals themselves as nothing but a liar
Thou abhors the feeling so warm yet bright
While most quake at the thought in the light
You retire the task or better yet the goal
To find the person that makes you feel whole
Thoust looks to tax the one who made you a fool
When dragged in sick and vile trigons
You see yourself as innocent or have done no wrong  
But you must always know deep down in your chest
There is someone out their for you whose precious
I will chose to hold on and never give up hope
And avoid tactics that make me look like a dope
So still this saying so vivid yet clear
To love or not to love,Is an emotion we hold dear
Sep 2018 · 123
The Perfect Image
Delon Bayley Sep 2018
We think in our minds                                   No scar,zit,or mark
Of the person we want to be             To ruin the image you think
A person so sublime                            Knocks people out the park
The kind only we can see                    And makes their heart sink
My dad to me is perfect                           Atheletic,smart,and cool
A man who is great                                All traits you want to have
Very explicit                                                 Never acting like a fool
A ten is his rate                                    Like running with great calves
Our brains can produce                             To be perfect yourself
The person you desire                                    The best you can
To be not so loose                         Always stay high above the shelf
And so hot your on fire                         And also have a plan
Brawns and looks are one                       So nobody is perfect
You wish to possess                                  That's always a fact
But your still not done                           Everyone gets ticked
You want more never less                   Pride you musn't lack
Sep 2017 · 168
Crows and Bros
Delon Bayley Sep 2017
In corn fields you see crows
You see in skies they fly
But Donald trump isn't one of my bros
You look away when he passes by
In Presidency you go with the flow
Obama really had a knack
But with Donald he will soon blow
And all the pressure will break his back
The crow is a considered a giant
Even though he looks absurd
But Trump is a tyrant
That's old and looks like a ****
When they see scarecrows in the grass
Crows get scared
Donald looks like an ***
And is fat like bear
So the crow is cool
But a bird not to be near
But Donald Trump is a tool
And his hairline everyone fears
Aug 2017 · 151
AH Anthony
Delon Bayley Aug 2017
In the past
I've had troubles
They were not a blast
But this kid does double
Anthony was in my school
Always doing bad
He was always a fool
The day he left I was so glad
Anthony always hated
The fact I was blessed
The time of lunch was dated
When he made fun of my TS
Anthony is a D-bag
I hate him with all my might
Being around him was a drag
We were almost in a fight
I used to rat him out
Sure I was a snitch
I always wanted to shout
"Go die in a ditch"
Anthony was never cool
He acted like an ape
And went to summer school
For caught doing vape
The adults were ******
The beans no one spilled
Anthony wasn't missed
After he was expelled
Anthony got booted
Out the school for good
As an adult, he'll be excluded
For always robbing in the hood
I saw him at a mart
One day at lunch
A beat skipped in my heart
But I wasn't glad in a hunch
I could hear him talking
With his crusty mouth
About me while I walking
And seeing him go south
When I pick up a penny
I feel very lucky
But when I see Anthony
He looks like an atrocity
This poem is a tutorial
Of how he's a ****
He now goes to Central
And the other kids must be sick
I'm still at the age
Where I have pain
And still rage
Cause Anthony's the same
So Anthony's out of my life
He can act like a wuss
He'll never find a wife
And is such a ****
Aug 2017 · 132
Heartbreak makes you Ache
Delon Bayley Aug 2017
Life runs it's course
Somethings you can't take
But one that's worse
Is called HeartBreak
You feel a swirl
A bump in your soul
You must get the girl
That's you only goal
She can make your heart flutter
Just being cute
Talk to her you sputter
But soon you'll get the boot
The girl is in your mind
You can't get her out
She's beautiful,soft,and kind
Love her so much you just wanna shout
Her face makes your body crisp
Because she's so lit
You say its worth the risk
And just go for it
You say you like her
It makes you melt
You think "Together for sure!"
But she likes someone else
You feel broken
That I'm sure you detect
Your soul has spoken
That you also feel reject
You felt your world has come to an end
That your at a loss
But you know that there's a friend
Who thinks of you like a boss
You know that your great
And your a total catch
Someone you know won't have hate
And you and her will be a match
So that's all
Just let go of the pain
Always stand tall
And just be the same
Aug 2017 · 146
T the Terror
Delon Bayley Aug 2017
Nice people are very kind
Some friends I like to be with
But fake people I do mind
That act nice are such a myth
I'll tell you a creature named T
Who thinks It's so classy
But the truth be
That's it's just plain old nasty
T thinks it's the bomb
And that it's on fire
But go cry to your mom
Cause everyone knows your a liar
It's scratchy,mean horrific
All of these are common traits
You touch it it'll go ballistic
Like a fish attracted to bait
It's hair is a mess
It should go to the dresser
But it would be a test
To make it look better
T's face looks like a trout
It often wiggles around
It thinks it knows all about
How to be cool and bound
It always resorts to violence
Whenever it's ticked
But he shouldn't have said silence
Because one man got picked
It often likes to meddle
Which I think is nonsense
And this creature acts like the devil
It should just mind it's own business
It's eyes are small and narrow
Lips often do pucker
I swear it looks like a pharaoh
And is often a sucker
It's personality flaws
Stinks like a skunk
It has fingers like claws
And carries around a funk
Its teeth look bucked
Just like a ******
It often does ****
Trust me I'm a believer
It's on a rollercoaster
That goes up and down
I truly don't say blurs
And I hope it has a frown
It thinks it's in a group
Where it feels respect
But its sick and needs soup
That I sure detect
So that's the rhyme of T
A creature whose always blue
And from the angry villagers you flee
Their last words were,"***** You!"
Aug 2017 · 176
Eminem:Now and Then
Delon Bayley Aug 2017
Many rappers are best
I can look up to them
But one greater than the rest
Is the man called Eminem
Born in October
Same month as me
Life open as a folder
Mom nearly died of labor long as three
Letters went back from dad
Not in a parcel
But he wasn't glad
Poor little Marshall
As a child he was happy
Like the Disney monster,Sully
But his life was often ******
With one bully named Bailey
Bailey did a move
That damaged Marshall's head
The mom almost sued
Bailey was glad he was still in bed
Debbie and Marshall were one in three whites
That grew up in the hood
In their house they had lights
That sometimes worked good
Mom and son fought
She was in depression
Even though Marshall thought
She could manage suppression
When he rose to fame
Debbie wasn't impressed
And the thought she tamed
Was she caused the success
Then back in his house
The lights would go dim
I think he saw a mouse
But one day he met Kim
At first they were soft
Like love at first sight
But it went on and off
Nonstop they would fight
Kim and Marshall vaguely
Acted like they were blessed
But then came Hallie
Born on Christmas
Marshall then wrote a song
On how Kim got on his nerves
At the end she was gone
Him saying that's what she deserves
Kim in/out was crying
Torn into bits
I'm also not lying
When I say she slit her wrists
So that's Marshall's Life
It truly is *******
I fell sorry for him and his wife
But now he's a rad dude
Aug 2017 · 448
Deadpool isn't a Fool
Delon Bayley Aug 2017
I'll tell you the tale
Of a guy whose cool
He so doesn't fail
His name is Deadpool
The number is not zero
For this crazy man
Doesn't call himself a hero
But always has a plan
Was in Special Forces
Really had the moves
Didn't win races
But never does lose
Not nice like Prancer
Dosen't go south
Soon got the cancer
And known as the merc with a mouth
Has a heart that's not pure
But this was no test
To look for a cure
His skills are the best
Soon found a way
To end the disease
But his face I'll say
Is something he can't please
Body being a wreck
His past is on the go
And you'll say what the heck
When you see his alter ego
What is next
Won't make you dead
Him wearing spandex
All in black and red
This is now his path
Its quite alright
Dudes will suffer his path
If they put up a fight
So Deadpool is lit
A dude who is rad
He dosen"t **** one bit
But has an attitude that's bad
Aug 2017 · 154
44 was not a bore
Delon Bayley Aug 2017
Many men are great                                    
Some did have an effect                                
But one you won't hate
Truly has respect
Born in Hawaii
A mix of racial
The island of Tikis
Soon to be Influential
Nickname Barry
Was part Indonesia
He's a guy not hairy
And so healthy never had a seizure
Was part of a gang
First name choom
I say dang
Didn't spring for doom
Finished college
Got a BA Degree
Had tons of knowledge
Then daughters of two not three
He meet Michelle
At summer camp
Went off swell
Wasn't small or damp
Obama went to Harvard
To study law
Work was hard
Was the only flaw
Ran for office
In 2007
Got the justice
The world was in heaven
Got the president's choice
Wasn't at all luck
His powerful voice
Never made him ****
So that's Obama's story
Of how he got to power
His changes had glory
And attitude never sour

— The End —