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Sarthak Dash Jun 2018
Every morning I wake up to you sleeping beside me.
Your small frame engulfed inside the huge blanket,
Your hair carelessly spread over the pillow,
A few strands covering a part of your face.
Your palm under your head, as if preserving it,
Protecting it from nightmares and helping it calm down to a peaceful sleep.
Every morning I wake up to you sleeping beside me.
So I take a moment
And stare at you.
Sarthak Dash Jun 2018
Once upon a starry night
Two gay souls lay upon a roof,
Reflecting the universe in their eyes,
Bodies interlaced, as if their company was all that they had
And afraid it might slip away.

Not even two blocks away,
Yet another soul lay upon a roof,
Sipping her beer slowly,
Lingering in the small moments of peace,
Just lying down and staring,
Letting the world melt away.

And under the blanket of night another soul lay too,
Lying down on a mat in the sidewalk,
Happy that he survived another day
Proud for his freedom and happy for himself,
He stared into the stars as a tear betrayed him.

As I lay on my roof, gazing into the fathomless depths of the night,
I once more found myself marvelling at it -
At the power it yielded, at the spells it cast.
Sarthak Dash Jun 2018
He threw me upwards, failed.
The third time he tried, he succeeded.
Or maybe I did.
I flew upwards, my small wings spread.
I soared high, the wind my aid, the world diminishing under me.
But elation ever betrayed me.
He smiled, I didn't.
My wings came numb, the wind all but gone -
My descent had started.
Self loathing, self pity.
It was all a cycle.

Then a brother cut me free.

Embraced by wind, restraints broken,
I smiled.
Didn't matter if nothingness consumed me.
I had lived my life in those small moments of freedom.
Sarthak Dash Jun 2018
To the epoch of a spring that never arrived,
To all those eternities left unfathomed,
To the mystique patterns embossed in our lives,
To those whispered secrets floating around.
To a universe that escapes the confines of my sanity, my belief,
Oh dear, how my heart yearns!

— The End —