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Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
In the winter when it's freezing
if I don't wrap up warm I'll be wheezing, coughing, sneezing
making my chest & back sore
my joints hurt me even more
my legs feel weak, my knees won't let them move
my hands and feet have turned to ice          
hot drinks & soup feel so nice
I just want to stay indoors all day wearing my fluffy PJs!

You'd think I'd prefer it when it's hot
but let me assure you I do not
heat causes a whole host of other problems
at least when it's cold you can make yourself warm
in this humidity I cannot breathe
clothes sticking is painful on my skin
oh I just cannot win!

And it's not just the temperature outside that's a problem
what about getting the air conditoning or heating just right?                  
And keeping the window open or closed at night?
No that's too hot! I open it again
no that's too cold! I slam it closed and stomp back to bed
and during the day I lose count of how many times I change my clothes
"I'm a bit chilly, I'll put a cardigan on"
"good god I'm sweating", I throw it back off!
Sep 2017 · 260
The Peaceful Beach
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
There's nothing that can beat
Walking along the beach
With the waves hitting your feet
In the scorching heat

Miles of soft, golden sand
I run some through my hand
Waves splashing against the shore
Is a sound that I adore

Feeling the warm breeze
Puts me at such ease
I tilt my head up towards the sun and smile
And close my eyes for a while

This beach is my paradise
It's tranquility is enough to entice
Me to come back year after year
Because when I am here
My mind is clear
Sep 2017 · 267
Feel Like I'm Crazy
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
The doctor tells me "it's Fibromyalgia"
I've never heard of it before
But I think finally I have an answer
For all of my pain
But it doesn't take me long to decipher
It's something that they can't explain
Do they think that I'm insane?

They don't understand it
There is no cure
It's a curse not an answer
And I don't know how much more of this I can endure

They give me drugs that have little effect
These pills are addictive
They have nasty side effects
But at least they help me sleep

They tell me you just need to do some exercise
Then you'll be less tired
Have less pain
Then you'll get better
They make me feel like I'm lazy

They tell me you just need to be more positive
Then you'll be less depressed
Less anxious
Less stressed
Then you'll get better
They make me feel like I'm crazy
Sep 2017 · 231
Christmas Kiss
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
When I met you I was in a dark place
All I needed was a friendly face
I was tired, in pain, stressed out and lost
You were there for me when I needed you the most

You made me laugh
You gave me a cuddle
You listened to me when I was in a muddle
You always gave me plenty of your time and attention

You listened to my worries for hours each night
And helped me see things in a more positive light
You never made me feel like I was being a bore
And you never tried to rush me into anything more
When it became clear we had something special

And it was at that special time of year
When Christmas songs are all you can hear
That we got our chance
Whilst we were having a dance

I had been longing to kiss you for some time by then
It wasn't a question of 'if' but 'when'
And as we danced and I lost myself in your eyes
I knew the time had finally come
We looked up at the mistletoe above
And sealed our love
With a Christmas kiss
Sep 2017 · 191
Carry on
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
Sometimes I can't even talk
And want to be left alone
With my own thoughts
Other times I don't want to be on my own
I want someone to hold me
Make me feel safe, at home

Sometimes I can barely walk
I stay in bed all day
Hoping the pain will go away
Other times I fight it and carry on
Even though I know it might bring a flare up on

The pain is crushing
Sharp, shooting pains strike me
A thousand pins stab me
I am so sore
Burning like fire, so raw
I wonder
How much longer
I can carry on

I'm trapped in this nightmare
It's so unfair
The pain is tiring
I can't think straight
The pain is distracting
I can't concentrate
I try to escape
There's no way out
Sep 2017 · 219
The First Time We Met
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
The first time we met I said "maybe I shouldn't have done it"
You said "but nothing bad happened did it?"
I thought "not yet", but my gut feeling was that you were different
And I got butterflies in my stomach

Our relationship is still very new
But already I can't imagine my life without you
We see each other almost daily
And you call me your pretty lady

I don't want to imagine my life without you
I hope I never, ever have to
I feel like I've known you forever
It feels like we've always been together
And take you for granted, I will never
Sep 2017 · 522
In Your Arms
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
In your arms is my favourite place to be
Our body's intertwined
Fitting together perfectly
Like neighbouring jigsaw pieces
Now I've found my missing piece
I am complete

When I'm in your arms my heart can't stop smiling
I'm floating on cloud nine
And I hope you will always be mine
When I close my eyes as we kiss
I never want to open them again
It feels euphoric and I can hardly catch my breath

It fills me with a great sense of pride
That someone as wonderful as you
Is in love with me, like I am with you
I feel like I've known you much longer than I have

Maybe I knew you in a past life
I hope one day you will make me your wife
You show how much you care every single day
It's the little things you do

When you wrap both arms around me at every opportunity
When you offer to make me a cup of tea
When you kiss me on the head
When you take my hand in yours and plant it with a soft kiss

It's the little things.
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
Imagine having something on your mind, on your lips
but no one can ever hear it
you can think it, type it,
read it, hear it,
but never speak the words

People don't realise
what you're capable of
but when you look straight into my eyes
i know you understand me
and i understood you
from day one

Your bones are fragile,
easily broken
but every fragile bone in your body
is beautiful
your soul is kind,
your heart is warm

You're intelligent and funny
and sometimes even a bit cheeky
remember when we first met
and you kept blowing kisses to me,
you were so sweet
Sep 2017 · 213
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
Why do we choose to make each other suffer?
When it's so much easier to support one another
Why do we argue and relentlessly fight?
So we can smugly say that we were right

Why is it so important not to be proven wrong?
Do we think it entitles us to some kind of gong?
Does it not matter if we hurt each other's feelings?
Or worse, completely destroy another human being?

Does it never occur to us that there is no right or wrong?
And that we have been kidding ourselves all along?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions
But we are being driven by negative emotions

Being angry and greedy wastes so much energy
Standing against each other, warring selfishly
When we should all stand together and unite
Be kind and help others through their plights  

But instead we walk around with our heads in the clouds
Out for ourselves, not hearing the sounds
Of people suffering all kinds of unimaginable pain
Only caring about what we can gain.
Sep 2017 · 146
Lover's Embrace
Sarah Davidoff Sep 2017
Lover's Embrace

I run my hands through your auburn hair
Feeling it's silky softness
Drinking in its sweet, apple scent
I'm hypnotised by your smell
Enchanted under your spell

You gently kiss my hand, my neck, my cheek
And every part of me melts
My breathing follows an unfamiliar rhythm
My heart beats the way it's been longing to beat

Your lips are close enough to kiss
My eyes stay closed for what feels like an eternity
Slowly I open them to meet your kind gaze
My shy, admiring eyes looking up at your beautiful, blue eyes
Slowly and lovingly we kiss
And it's heaven, it's bliss

— The End —