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Jun 2019 · 220
Sarah Beliveau Jun 2019
It's amazing when you see it; the greatest plan of all time
Throughout all of history God's had mercy on mankind

He didn't have to do it, we all deserved to die
For in our hearts a dark rebellion always seemed to lie

From the time they first sinned  to the time He sent the flood
His plan had been and always was to wash us in the blood

He never left us hopeless though we never earned His grace
Yet due to love He sent His son and then He turned His face

Staring at this timeline shows endless moments when
He could have left us on our own, condemned by our own sin

I look at all the countless times He demonstrated love
And all I can do is sigh and cry when I see just what He's done

He took the weight of time and space and bore it on His shoulders
So you and I and all who sinned could enter Heavens boarders

Humanity in sin and shame was lost throughout the ages
Yet when He came He made us whole by paying our due wages

Consistently, overwhelmingly, and stunningly good
He has never left us on our own, and He never would

He made a way for us to join Him with His Father as His kin
His sacrifice was made so that humanity might win

His justice always standing firm, He had to pay the price
He did what no man could and bled so that we could have life

His greatness cannot be seen in all of its entirety
But I rejoice that I can stare at Him for all eternity

His goodness knows no earthly bounds, His mercies never end
His beauty astounds the minds and hearts of angels and of men

And when we gaze upon His face I can't deny its true
His unrelenting love it overwhelms me through and through
Jun 2019 · 163
The Finality
Sarah Beliveau Jun 2019
The finality. The depravity.
The hard, heavy wood and lungs gripped by gravity.

The Cross where He died was ugly, its true.
Brutal, shame-filled, blame-filled and cruel.

We had no chance in hell of being seen worthy.
Never mind seen, we weren’t worthy at all.

His flesh tore deep. His family would weep.
His heart had no choice but to break from the fall.

“Into your hands I commit my Spirit”.
It was finished, death came and collected due payment.

Judgment had come, the sentence was read.
The only way home was hanging up; dead.

And yet in the stillness the ground knew the truth.
Earth rumbles, dirt crumbles, the veil split in two.

This God-Man Yeshua was not dead for long.
For the plan He was part of could not go wrong.

His body was stabbed, grabbed, wrapped and then hid.
Highly guarded for fear He was who He is.

Stone rolled, guards groaned; only linen was left.
He cannot be held by decay nor by death.

Unrecognizable. Pure indescribable.
Unimaginable to be there when He rose.

The God-Man Jehovah is no longer dead.
Touch the scar, hear His voice, know the Words that He said.

While down here on earth this event it was gritty.
It looked devastating, it stank, hurt, and was filthy.

Yet outside our dirt world the Father knew better.
For His precious Son had broken sin’s fetter.

Heaven rejoiced for redemption was done.
Now we could be with Father, Spirit and Son.

Our devastating debt that would ever condemn.
Was paid by I Am; one born in Bethlehem.

Our Savior, our Lord, washed us clean when He bled.
To Our Father in Heaven by the hand we were led.

Because of our brother, this God-Man, this Christ.
He has washed us in blood and now we can rejoice!!

He’s greater than any old hero of lore.
They might have been mighty, brave, strong with alure.

But they can’t hold a candle to the blaze of our Love.
For He is far brighter than millions of miles of Sun.

It will never get old to hold up the light.
To time’s greatest tale; our great Savior’s fight.

I know I never tire of pondering this fact.
That Emanuel came, for He had what we lacked.
Jun 2019 · 141
Sarah Beliveau Jun 2019
Oh what a happy day it is
To know with joy that I am His
I may not know just how to run
But I sure know where help comes from

My eyes are red with lack of sleep
Yet He sustains my step, my speech
My fists are up against the lies
I cling to truth; my God provides

Even when I cannot see
I hope in His supremacy
I know He loves His little girl
In His hand I spin, I twirl

I know this night will smudge away
And till the light with Him I'll stay
I cannot see the morning sun
But till I do, with Him I run

It sure is good for me to know
Though pain is here He helps me grow
It would not be so bad you see
If I was born just perfectly

But I know He's mine and will protect
He'll hold and wash and He'll perfect
My life belongs to Him; my Love
I'll grow in splendor from above

I do not seek to know the "why"
But simply trust that He'll stand by
While all the little stones are moved
In Him alone I am approved

His precious love is mine you see
And in His house oh I am free
He draws me to His very heart
And from His arms I'll never part

For in the end I will look back
And find the beauty in the cracks
A path so hard I thought I'd crumble
But He saw perfection in my fumbles

He draws me up to make me spotless
And through it my heart will confess
He is my hope, I need not roam
He is my rest, He is my home
Jun 2019 · 130
Mary’s Lament
Sarah Beliveau Jun 2019
I knew it simply could not be in vain
This trusting your promise would always remain
You did not forget one syllable, one Word
My heart knew the very moment it heard

I’m bursting inside for all you have done
In awe of my Savior, my heart is won
If the world could only but hear my voice
All would turn and listen; rejoice

This Mighty God saw me so worthless to man
Now, till all time ends I am blessed by His hand
This one called Holy… He favored, ME
And lifted my head so that I could see…

His faithful Word reaches from first light
Till the very last day turns into night
He stretched out His arm and everyone shuddered
For now all who fear Him are mercifully covered

He brought the proud low for their hearts were selfish
And raised up the humble to heal every blemish
The hungry they eat of every good thing
The rich sent away their emptiness rings

So mindful in all of His wonderful mercies
From Abraham to me, His living word oversees
Israel…reclaimed, they raise up a song
The coming of His promise He will not prolong!

I will rejoice in His coming Word
And soon in all places the truth will be heard
Their eyes will be open their breathe will arrest
When light is revealed, hearts’ll leap in their chest

His word from beginning can never be severed
His promise remains, true now...
And Forever.....
Jun 2019 · 158
Divinely Complex
Sarah Beliveau Jun 2019
How intricate, lovely
Divinely complex
The simplicity of life
His beauty reflects

We cannot see
Until it's revealed
Through abrasive events
The fruit is unveiled

He delivers healing
Opening wounds
Under the surface
Perfecting sweet runes

His word is imprinted
Through scrubbing and pain
Yet in the end
Only beauty remains

The mystery unfolding
Found underground
He impresses His truth
Experientially found

My savior, my healer
Identity maker
My friend and my Father
The mighty lie breaker

To see you, to know you
Your song paints my portrait
I run for your purpose
My whole being I forfeit

Entirely yours, Lord
I am not my own
Just do as you please
For in You I'm home

— The End —