The car is drifting
On an endless black line,
a dot in the sky
projects it’s feeling on me, empty
A white blank sheet
All veils are pulled off of the windows
While the world is darkly dreaming
and every hole in my life is illuminated
This is truth
This is a void
This is night
This is time for rest
But I just drift timelessly forever thinking of all that should be and all that I’m capable of,
But I stay in place.
All of these motions and anguish, yet I am laboring, immobile.
Achieving greatness, and wishing for more
I’m drunk off greed, and the world is only telling me to go back and get some more.
No one is going to ******* stop me, and I’m not sure if i should
and all I can do is question if I will ever arrive at my destination
drifting to my destination,
at sea as I swim to the light
My beliefs are destroying me
for I strive for immortality
when I need to lay low
in disgusting serenity
and breathe
But what is noble?
Apparently it isn’t rest
I’m standing in a windstorm filled with misery
With my mouth snapped shut
But aren’t we all?
But aren’t we all?
I tell myself, Life is just perception
perhaps I need some thicker eyelids
before my hands break