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3.5k · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
Sitting here, breathing what we call air
Living things dying so suddenly
we have lots of questions with nobody left to answer them but ourselves.
What a heavenly way to die, says the fly to the lizards mouth
you're right. Soon all your worries will be over. Nothing comes out.
Hopeless air, back and forth
What a heavenly way to die, says the fly to the lizards mouth.
Nothing comes out, No.
Nothing comes out,
2.1k · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
This city is, the place you
laid your head down on me, in your bed
I promised I'd never hurt you.

I couldn't keep my promise
I am, so sorry I couldn't be what you needed,
I'll, always be what you wanted.

I couldn't be,
what you needed from me,
I'll always be what you wanted,
you have to believe, I wanted to be what you needed.

I'll always
Wish I could have been there
Anytime you needed me,
lets face it,
that was never me.

It was never me, I could only be what you wanted, not what you need.
1.7k · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
If I had hurried past,

I might have missed your glow.

True beauty

lies astray

the most traveled road.
1.4k · Feb 2013
Sagewarlock Feb 2013
I need you to shine
I need you to shine
I need you.
1.3k · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
embodied as a seductress
daunting in the light
hypnotic symmetry swaying
overwhelming aromas
taunting at the sight

expectations met
salvation begins to show
impulse taking over
loss of all control
devour puts lightly
the grasp around the soul
1.2k · Apr 2012
Sagewarlock Apr 2012
option after option,
hesitation after hesitation,
emerged in disguise,
there will never be salvation.
without hesitation,
that this was your own creation.
there is nothing you can do
relax,enjoy,embrace this new view.
for once was,will not be for long
for what could,now the option is gone.
950 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
If I can only be a memory

I hope to be fond

if not

Please forget me, but let the lesson carry on.
926 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
I hate to go to sleep
I know what that means
it happens every night
I see you in my dreams
it's a constant fight I keep seeing you when I sleep
I know we didn't end things right
now I'm left with your face haunting me

I try with these vices to suppress  my thoughts of you
go somewhere
where there are no traces of you

every night is a constant fight I keep seeing you in my dreams
I loved you so much that its haunting me

the funny part is that you'll never know how much I needed you
I never fell so low,
I've never felt so low
If this is what love feels like, I rather be alone
if this is what love feels like, I rather be alone
I rather be alone than haunted and hollow.

every night is a constant fight
I keep seeing you in my dreams
a place I cant control, I cant hide, how much you mean to me

But if this is what love feels like
I rather be alone than haunted and hollow

I try with these vices to suppress my thoughts of you
go somewhere
where there are no traces of you
Try as I might, as hard as I try there is no erasing you.
890 · Apr 2012
Sagewarlock Apr 2012
Screeches howl
letting out
a loud plea
of sympathy
By force, unnatural
wanting the silence to flea
ignoring the consciousness
disregarding the consequence
the haunting howls
fade out with remorse
no empathy remains
unless forced
813 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
Confined inside a cage
Locked inside so long
Floated on a rivers bank
Hollowed out from silence
785 · Mar 2013
The Heaviest Hand
Sagewarlock Mar 2013
Heavy is the hand that holds the cleaver.
Heavy is the hand owned by the weaver.
Heavy is the hand, which dictates each sway.
Heavy is the hand that leads the way.
693 · Dec 2012
Sagewarlock Dec 2012
As I projectile ***** into a ***
It's the memories of you that
Keep coming up.
675 · Feb 2014
Sagewarlock Feb 2014
When the heart is open
insecurity of being dissipates
potential become endless
to create, grow, and share
670 · Jul 2012
Corral Reefs
Sagewarlock Jul 2012
My heart scares you away
At least that's what I tell myself
It's not my lack of affection
Or my self centeredness
My heart
It scares you away.
634 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
i learned to let go, yet I still feel empty
I thought letting go would be the remedy
all it did was make me feel more alone
how am I suppose to fill a void that has a hole
the more I fill it, the more I feel it
all alone
627 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
uneven breathing patterns
designing the shapes and movements made
keeping rhythm flowing
creating infinite possibilities

when the sounds collapse
transcend between breathes
back into the patterns
that lie still
627 · Apr 2012
Sagewarlock Apr 2012
down below
as deep as darkness goes
tucked away underneath
hidden desires that grow
constantly nurtured
with tears of sorrow
grows weak with time
that is only borrowed
nothing except regret
fertilizes the fields of tomorrow.
Sagewarlock Jun 2012
If I were a bird, i would not fly away.
If I were a fish, i would refuse to swim.
If I were your love, i would give in.
564 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
If you say, it'll be alright
I'll be over by the end of the night
And if love is all you need, feel free to just ask me

in the end, it'll be alright
we'll hold each other
thru the night
So if love is all you need, feel free and ask me
537 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
I see, all the signs in front of me, and they point to you
it wasn't long before I saw, what I was looking for all along
it wasn't long, before I saw, what I was looking for all along
this whole time, right under my nose, there you go
all this time, right under my nose, there you go.
All along, right under my nose, there you go.
There you go.
533 · Feb 2013
Sagewarlock Feb 2013
You can grow to love anything.
530 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
A fish led to land.

A man led to sea.

Both have lungs,

Both cannot breathe.
520 · Dec 2012
Sagewarlock Dec 2012
It continues to rain
My eyes are dry
I am still in love with you.
507 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
Once upon a time, I had it all written down. Every notion of a confession all figured out. A time that stood still, in a racing mind. Word after word, the order seized to change. The words collected dust. The time came and went.
486 · Nov 2012
Sagewarlock Nov 2012
Oh the burn,
the sting of a haunting memory
that cannot be numbed.
The flames are spreading.  
I am on fire. This memory is hell.
480 · Aug 2012
Sagewarlock Aug 2012
478 · Mar 2012
Breathe into Me
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
whispered under my breath,

the desire could no longer be kept inside.

A whisper granted my wish,


brought me life.
443 · Mar 2012
If You Still
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
if you,were to tell me that you still
had feelings for me
I would,drop it all for you
fair warning if you do
tell me that you still love me too,
I will expect you to stay
I will expect you to stay
if tell me that you will
I will give up every thrill,
every chase, for you.
436 · Mar 2012
Sagewarlock Mar 2012
Don't be so selfish.
Let her know, that you don't feel the same when you kiss.
Set her free
to find a loving lover, worth loving.
Her pain is slow, its growing deep.
Beneath her veins
Its beginning to show.
Her love is seeping through her pain.
Deep down she knows,
you don't feel the same.
Deep below
where she's been a prisoner for your love far too long,
she knows by now, its hard to move on.
She needs to hear you say it,
from your own tongue.

— The End —