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Sadhippie Oct 2018
I'm no beauty queen
and I chopped off my hair to make sure
everyone knew that.
The ash from the tip of my burning cigarette
is the same dark, grey color of my lungs-
and I like it that way.
There's a hole in my black tights but
I wear them with my red dress anyway.
I'll slap on some lipstick and take a few pills to
fall back down the rabbit hole.
The best part is
I won't remember why my
two dollar mascara ran down my face.
So I won't regret a single thing.
Sadhippie Oct 2018
A hand
slowly moves its way
and I can feel my body turn
to water.
The secret
to ***
is love.
Sadhippie Sep 2018
I learned a whole new language
so I could whisper
***** things in your ear.

Je te veux.
and I still do.
Sadhippie Sep 2018
Oh, so you think you can fill this hole with something that feels like music? Something that sounds warm?

Cold bodies don’t ******* feel warm. At the end of the night, your temporary song is over. You’re alone.

In the quietest, coldest room with nothing to keep you warm, but that **** CD he gave you, on your birthday.

It doesn’t get better.

It gets worse before it gets anything like better.
Sadhippie Sep 2018
Rest your head
in between the legs that fed you
when you were hungry
Let me be your home
Sadhippie Sep 2018
I know that he's hungry
for the missing crumbs
that had fallen from your lips
when you had tried to
c o n s u m e
But what do I have left?
Just an empty cracked dish
from your mother's china cabinet.

— The End —