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Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Ode to the Slam Dunk
SWB Jan 2014
Get on feet
out of seats
with a firm, stretched palm,
maybe even stick a tongue out.
Get hysterical,
elated- get pumped.
Yell something trite,
That's what I'm talking about!
Get a rush
from the head to the Seoul,
get a fresh set of wings,
fly from the hardwood,
get elevated.
Full-court press be ******-
This goes beyond the laces,
the cheering,
the stoic referee winded-
travels hot fast and hard,
after the huddle, before the late whistle
and the fist-bump.
This is success at its most savage,
emotion at its rawest,
audiences at their most breathless
This, son, is the slam dunk.
Anything less would be a travesty
to the occasion.
SWB Nov 2013
I squeeze the juice from my favorite words
and store it inside a decorative vial.
The contents are potent and long since stirred.

The mixture's turned foul with stench and curds,
with shame it's developed a semblance of bile,
'Cause I've squeezed the juice from my favorite words.

In the days when epiphanies simply occurred-
the privalege of picking choice cuts from the pile-
the contents were potent and hadn't been stirred.

Now I'm frozen, unable to harvest when spurred.
There's a dangerous feeling I'm losing my style-
I squeeze more juice from my favorite words.

Enough lamentation; I'll focus on her-
she's my passion, my engine, my nature, my Nile-
her contents are potent and need not be stirred.

Alas! I'm inspired, unflagging, assured.
The momentum she gives lasts me infinite miles.
I squeeze the juice from her powerful words-
the contents are potent and need not be stirred.
A Villanelle
Nov 2013 · 725
Don't listen
SWB Nov 2013
Don't listen to dreams
Steeped in midnight's cold blight.

Don't listen to friends
Who tote feeble insight.

Don't listen to your TV,
With its romance awry.

But listen to you,
With your heart beating wide,
And your one true love
Steadfast by your side.
Nov 2013 · 765
Can I?
SWB Nov 2013
Can I turn off your brain,
like you do when you kiss me,
so we can just feel?
Jul 2013 · 951
Her Miracle
SWB Jul 2013
What miracle my Love allows!
She helps me walk atop rain clouds,
and if my foot dips 'low the shroud-
and pulls me toward dark, distant ground-
She slows her pace,
bends at the waist,
then plants a kiss upon my brow.
So once again my footing's found!
Jun 2013 · 767
One last truth
SWB Jun 2013
You've handled more than you should take,
then took my hand, refused to break.
Amongst the promises and vows,
there's one last truth I'll show you now-
I'm mouthing words when you're not near
and saving them for you to hear-
*Replace your worry, tears, and blues
with all my love and dreams come true.
May 2013 · 1.1k
rabble babble
SWB May 2013
Rabble, babble, babble
blinking buildings, ashen wood.
Good posture turns preposterous,
not feeling as I should.

Bare back no racks of social tax,
receipts below the hull;
A lack of lax amongst the facts
a tray of butts grown full.
Mar 2013 · 854
Bottoms Up
SWB Mar 2013
Easy green tables
filled with clammy empty bottles-
This ain't the witching hour,
but strokes away from church bells.
Somewhwere between darts
and eternal lines for level velvet
I thought I heard a phone ringing
but I know it's just Pink Floyd
telling me the time.
Feb 2013 · 1.9k
Gonzo Journalism
SWB Feb 2013
Soaked senses tell me
the top of the "mountain" is dry
like ice.
With a hyper-awareness
I clatter along,
with a warm coating
of ever-changing plaid
warmer than flannel-
burlap bones
wrapped in velvet veins-
and all of these observations
report to a head of fuzzy stars.
So when this stairwell
feels like a scene from the Cold War,
with its chilled chipping cinder block,
violent eruptions,
and moaning drafts-
a cause that my allies
in the self-flushing latrines
have long forgotten-
I will understand,
as they will,
and you'll just have to trust
the facts reported to you
from yours truly.
Jan 2013 · 808
SWB Jan 2013
I landed with heavy luggage
and she surprised me at Arrivals.
My heart jumped, exploded
into speechless pieces, then melted.
Jan 2013 · 965
Early Concourse Breakfast
SWB Jan 2013
It's 11:20am in OHare
and I'm here with Sam Adams'
cardboard cut-out,
sipping his hard work,
chasing my breakfast,
picking up where Starbucks left off.
But really, I'm avoiding the tired,
unenthusiastic bodies nesting at my gate,
with their dilapidated muzzles,
with their deadpan expressions,
with these head-and-shoulders of
malcontent- of brewing disappointment-
floating morosely above their respective
boarding passes, passports,
and food court receipts
clutched in cranky knuckles.

And so here I am, sitting at
Facade, raising a second glass
with cardboard Adams,
and I kinda have to ****
and I really have to ***,
but there's no way in hell
I'm joining the rest of my flight.
Dec 2012 · 631
SWB Dec 2012
Falling down
past vanished ground,
a handshake with the Deep.

Down, down
past speed of sound,
too fast to make a peep.
Nov 2012 · 811
short but hot like feet
SWB Nov 2012
Try to hear
If you're ok-
"Yah! already told you."
Oct 2012 · 968
portrait of fall
SWB Oct 2012
outside my veranda's heavy sliding glass
autumnal shades pop and flap
against the ever-grey-
that expansive distant bulb
glowing dumb and cool
in its own breezes,
and the neutral black
lines of power and telephone magic
sway as they run
indifferently through this
portrait of fall-
numb to its colors and smells,
in this perfect hour
of this rush of the seasons.
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Lead foot with a wool sock
SWB Oct 2012
Had to hang up the lead foot
for a while, hopefully for good,
after a near crash the other week.
I was pushin the red line
vision smeared, thumbs angry,
voice sharp- wild like prairie wind.
So tonight it's just beer,
nothing that can cause combustion,
I've retired the horn,
and traded my brights
for a moon roof,
cause with her I like cruising-
and all I want is to enjoy the breeze,
drop her off safely, and remember
where I parked the beater.
Sep 2012 · 2.4k
new haircut
SWB Sep 2012
You ever sat in a bar
on your second and last
just listening to music
through your headphones,
no girl with you
no game,
the only thing up your sleeve
is a tattoo of a purple
dancing bear?
Just wondering.
Have I?
Then again, I did leave with a poem.
Sep 2012 · 2.1k
noodles and beans
SWB Sep 2012
Fish intestine and egg sac soup-
do yourself a favor
and call it noodles and beans,
but still try it!
4 and 20 form poem from dinner
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
spinal lightning
SWB Sep 2012
Think of the profound
as the moon gives me shivers
like spinal lightning
Sep 2012 · 546
Haiku haiku
SWB Sep 2012
She's got a headache
From counting these syllables
"think less, come to bed".
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
forcing creativity
SWB Sep 2012
The closest thing
to forcing creativity
is stumbling into a bar solo
and looking for a brawl-
it's never a good idea.
Instead you should play it safe
and just go to bed-
let it brew-
before you do something stupid,
before you get in over your head,
bark up the wrong tree.
Trust me,
you only feel unstoppable,
and a hot numb fist is no good
at a gun fight.
So forget it,
turn around- call it a night.
Otherwise you could lose
some precious blood,
your shoes,
or worse
your mind.
Sep 2012 · 2.3k
SWB Sep 2012
I used to ride this bike
on dirt roads
up and down
and up again.
Along the country's veins
in blessed Greencastle.
That bike with the basket-
the blue wonder
faster than the hills themselves.
I'd ride with chipped teeth
and skinned knees.
I would only stop
to help grasshoppers
off the road
or to throw mason jars
into the streams.
No watch,
no phone
no direction.
I never outgrew that marvel-
thank God for youth
and its sunny scars.
Sep 2012 · 732
Stamps cost money
SWB Sep 2012
You sent me the sweetest thing
In that package, grinning
up at me on my step-
had my name on it and everything-
how thoughtful! What a surprise!

Ok, I lied-
no package,
but now you know a desire of mine,
and it didn't cost me anything-
not even a stamp.
SWB Sep 2012
When Light spreads her fingers
Darkness dares not linger,
there's treason within their collision.
Ink black can't mold bread
while the sun bares her head,
but both cloud each others vision.
So neither can figure
what causes the trigger,
there's little room left for precision.
They both wait and pray
that the other's delayed
'cause neither can make a decision.
This was a one stroke poem written in a soju bar that I recently stumbled across again.
Sep 2012 · 595
I'm not talking about cars
SWB Sep 2012
I'm sitting here trying
to perfect a tint.
Gotta find a shade that
blocks the harsh gazes,
keeps me cool
and matches my tired wheels,
but not too dark-
I'm not trying to to hide
and I want her to see me-
need her to feel comfortable
climbing aboard,
feel welcome
Guess I really don't want
just anybody
peeking in to see
exactly what I'm wearing
on the inside.
In the end it's up to them though-
all they gotta do
is pull the handle-
because anyone that knows me
knows I keep my doors
Sep 2012 · 590
the hour
SWB Sep 2012
The hour's absurd
not one foreign word
can be heard through these paper-thin walls.
The mosquitoes all sleeping,
I imagine them creeping,
convincing my Skin 'till it crawls.
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
first one to twenty
SWB Sep 2012
I often wake up shivering
under the thin excuse
of a tapestry
I use as a bed sheet.
My naked body curls
its bones in a weak
attempt to make heat
for itself
by itself.
As my sleepy brains
struggle to freeze the week,
to make the morning gape.
Eventually I lift myself
and stumble over to the
roaring ac unit
and turn its knobs
At ease!
only to wake up within the hour
smothered in my own sweat,
my feeble solitary sheet
now a cheese cloth
and once again I stumble
over to the *******
and turn its knobs over again.
I play this game often
here in my simple apartment
in the midst of monsoons
and torrential brain storms.
To keep score would drive
me mad- make a poor sport
out of me.
Nobody ever wins anyways.
it's worse when I am in my bed
and not alone,
but so is another game
I find myself playing.
Too often I play a game
I like to call  "just one more cigarette"
-this game has a definite loser
and it's always definitely me.
This game keeps score without me:
the first one to 20 loses.
SWB Sep 2012
Sometimes if I tilt my head
back, with closed eyes, and let
the breeze pat me down,
while my concealed eyes gaze
at the bright pink bulb
of the sun somewhere above me-
sometimes, I slip beneath a spell
and my fully awake brain
cozies-up in the very familiar
quilt of a dream-
a dream that is unlike those
of a night's sleep,
foreign to a bed or even
a park bench,
a dream that lies not within
the past or future
or the realms of absurd
but instead a dream about
what is around me
at that moment-
everything unseen in its place,
faces I don't know remain
belonging to complete strangers
and the bus screeching to a halt
inches from my sandals
honks in panic at no one else
but me.
Sep 2012 · 845
No more dogs than I
SWB Sep 2012
Outside I hear a mad sound-
savage throats making waves.
I only imagine the scene,
safe on the 4th floor
it sounds like monstrous dogs.
dogs that bite children,
scare police, and chew dumpsters.
They're looking to dominate, to mark,
to catch, and they're ready to bleed
and if they can't do these things
then they'll haunt.
they'll haunt me as I'm trying
to grind words 'till their powder is pure.
They'll chase away all want and need-
they're no more dogs than I.
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Can I please just write?
SWB Sep 2012
It's September: evening
and Bukowski stares at me,
My phone rings
"Mhmm, ok, thank you."
wrong number and wrong language.

Pretty sure somebody was just stabbed outside
or got violently ill eating garbage.
I walk down there to have a cigarette
and avoid the stale smell
of the pizza box falling asleep on my bed.

After counting the number of cats I see-
stray as Satan's own- I head back inside
I glance at the bills in my mail jail
at the foot of these foreign stairs
(the building is Chinese, the city is Korean).

A hissing air brake laughs at my back
and the bus' transmission joins in- or farts-

by the time I get back up to the fourth floor
I want music, something that will help the
incense chase away mosquitoes.

And as I'm thinking of what to play
I glance at my bike, blankly,
and I'm reminded of how the rear
tire is ****** and how mean that hill was
and how road bikes belong on the road
not the sidewalk and I can't remember
when I last wore a helmet, so I try.

Half an hour later I finally get some
Stan Getz through my speakers
and don't mind that he invites
Joao Gilberto over.

I push my guitar and used clothes
out of my way so I can
sit on my bed with my
wonderfully cheap pizza box
desk, and my fancy leather pen
and just then she texts me.

Can I please just write?

Still, I can't help but smile
because I really just hope she dreams sweetly.
SWB Aug 2012
In the freshly seared hours of the morning
there's a hot, bothered growling
coming from beyond
the rose-studded chipping fence posts,
sick with the stench of stained mattresses
and mounds of cage-less garbage-
tossed *****-nilly
into a smoldering, contorted
**** of stacks.

in this spot of dawn
-in today's un-showered
moist enclave-
I find, syncopated
by the vrooooming scooters
and gassy buses,
a fresh hope diffusing faster
than the steam from drains,
-subtler than the soft soju snores
of last night's  curb cuddlers-
slinking up, down, around convenient stores' corners
past every security camera,
bouncing off rib cages,
tickling the barbules of  the songbird
perched in my utility wires
in a nest neater than my bed.
This is summer, Korea.
This is Korea in the summer.
Aug 2012 · 625
Morn of March
SWB Aug 2012
Hammering-out stammerings
while the morning's grown colder.
Burning through revisions
of the lines I should have told her.
SWB Jul 2012
In times when the heart is lodged
somewhere between the brain and the throat
I try to force it back
down to its chambers, before I choke,
or before it strangles my head's precious, antagonized gland.

There's only one way to avoid
certain tragedy, and that's to look, feel, taste.
It's either make mental tracks-
run and jump- or drown.

It's at these moments when I start
playing tricks on my mind.
Doing this is easier than you may think.
Just stop all thought,
for the mind's constant churning
chafes the heart.

Now, allow your hungry eyes to sidle
to and fro- let them wander-
dare to wonder about what hasn't,
but don't idle even for a minute
on what has, or what couldn't.

As long as you can avoid relapse,
you might even venture into what could,
as long as it's new and fresh.
As long as it isn't some woeful inquiry
growing stale since last night.

Then once you find yourself daydreaming,
or better yet, DOING,
you are halfway there.
You've made it uphill
and only need to coast down-
down the lovely unkempt *****
of impulse without crashing.

Do something new,
preferrably silly- stay
away from dangerous-
go somewhere new,
talk to a stranger,
eat something expensive,
drink a little, burp loudly.

Go wild, steer away from crazy,
but cruise through hilarity.
Bombard yourself with creative juices,
**** your phone,
bury your watch,
put on your shoes and let yourself laugh.

Once you've had some laughs,
cue up some Planet Earth
-Kung Fu's good too-
roll a joint.
Smoke it.
Grab a pizza,
fall asleep with the television on
then wake up with a smile on your face.
Trust me, it won't come off in the shower,
and trust me your heart's ok.
You're gonna be just fine.
Jul 2012 · 744
thoughts for food
SWB Jul 2012
Food for thought*'s a charming phrase
if not misunderstood.
Please understand, don't over-think,
you can't fix thoughts for food.
Jul 2012 · 587
Send a prayer up
SWB Jul 2012
Send a prayer up for the families,
send a prayer up for the lost.
Send a prayer up for your enemies,
your friends, your crazy boss.
Send a prayer up for tomorrow,
for good weather and good health,
send a prayer up for all of these things
that go beyond yourself.
Jul 2012 · 850
SWB Jul 2012
I want to speak with the director of my dreams,
ask him 'bout the plot twists
the cast, deleted scenes-
ask him why he shot it backwards
on a paper trampoline.
Then I'd ask him why I had no lines
and where the crew had been,
why the props were real,
how he made it it feel
so **** convincing.
Then I'd ask when next he thinks
he'll need me on the screen.
Jul 2012 · 544
SWB Jul 2012
There's a passage of words you can follow
-the farther you travel the more you'll learn-
its walls narrow, hollow.
Jul 2012 · 851
Chaos cracks its knuckles
SWB Jul 2012
The simplest of shapes are losing their form.
The sun will blend in with the shade at this rate
I can't stand up in this storm.

No safety in numbers, but death by swarm.
Winds of change whelp under gravity's weight.
The simplest of shapes are losing their form.

Chaos cracks its knuckles 'fore sacking the norm
then squashes infinity- not one line's left straight.
I can't stand up in this storm.

Providence whimpers as fate's left forlorn.
Pandemic obscurity greedily takes
the simplest of shapes and scrambles their form.

Hurled into reverse, things once dead are born.
The simplest of forms are losing their shape.
I can't stand up in this storm.

Lives flash before me- things start to go warm.
Time left for prayer, but I fear it's too late.
The simplest of shapes are losing their form
I can't stand up in this storm.
Jul 2012 · 2.0k
empty chair
SWB Jul 2012
it's taking a breather
from fat wallets, damp denim,
and children's ***** feet.
Jul 2012 · 1.2k
I need a savior
SWB Jul 2012
I need a savior,
a real savior,
one- who when I need saving-
won't lazily toss me
a lifesaver made of razors
and call that **** a favor.
SWB Jul 2012
escorting you through the back alleys of Asia,
well it's kinda like
strutting into an interview drunk.
It's kinda like walking through airport security
with a baggie full of illicits in pocket 4
or is it pocket 5?

Hearing you speak Korean
with a shaking head
and a firm hand on my inner thigh,
well it's kinda like
asking a stranger to pay for my drinks.

Treating you to dinner and pitchers
when your heart's fighting your brain,
well it's kinda like
reassuring a child on his birthday
that he's getting presents later in the week.

And so receiving your words in the morning,
well it's kinda like
getting a kiss on a swollen cheek
right beneath a fresh black eye.

It's all kinda like it's dangerous
but I think I'm doin' an OK job
at acting like I know what I'm doin'.
Jul 2012 · 668
I'm left naked, shivering
SWB Jul 2012
I drowned it all tonight
in a tub of foolish advances
too hasty for rationale's sake-
washed her mouth out with soapy regret.

If she tells me she's dry
and that the taste was nothing,
I think I'll just wrinkle further.

'Cause the drain is choking
and the water's gone cold
and I'm left naked, shivering.
SWB Jul 2012
The florescent window starts to tear
as unaware patrons laugh at what's not,
this curious artist tries not to stare.

Commotion and soju leave no room to care;
hard laughter claims faces and leaves them red hot.
The florescent window starts to tear.

There's a booth full of groping; revelry's shared.
A landfill of lonely unslurped shots.
This curious artist tries not to stare.

Fat tangible energy filling the air,
this hand girps the pen with all it's got.
The florescent window starts to tear.

Now they're howling and growling and shooting off flares-
not even the S.W.A.T.  team could make them stop.
This curious artist tries not to stare.

Now every wall's shedding its scales 'till they're bare,
while people are drooping and turning to slop.
The florescent window starts to tear.
This curious artist tries not to stare.
Jul 2012 · 2.0k
a spot
SWB Jul 2012
I want to go with your foreign body
beyond these man-made lanes
and artificial light,
take you further than radio waves wander;
find a spot where we can make a blanket
of rays and seashells,
and when we're still,
Jul 2012 · 439
near her song
SWB Jul 2012
to be near her song
is like hot breakfast on a cold morning,
yet I get chills when she sings.
Jul 2012 · 887
she hoards
SWB Jul 2012
quick to tear me down
(and she says I'm impulsive)
she hoards the last word.
Jul 2012 · 657
SWB Jul 2012
I shut the lock tight
with a sharp steely smirk on my face,
then melt the key.
Jun 2012 · 1.4k
SWB Jun 2012
I've never heard a downpour stomp so loud
as the moisture above us incites rampage
droppin' bombs from celestial once neutral clouds.

the gods stamp their feet while the godesses pout;
eternal beings acting young for their age.
I've never heard a downpour stomp so loud.

With tents full of water and glasses full of stout,
my overdue almanac cries out to the mage
droppin' bombs from celestial once neutral clouds.

the drizzle it dropped but the encore soaked the crowd
the mud grew new flowers as hands mopped the stage.
I've never heard a downpour cheer so loud.

Drenched to the bone and wanderin' about
our level of wetness cannot be guaged,
droppin bombs from celestial once neutral clouds.

No refuge for masses sprawled under the spout;
bad acid, good music, free love makes us stay.
I've never heard a downpour stomp so loud
droppin' bombs from the celestial once neutral clouds.
SWB Jun 2012
Subtracting his half from the word together,
burning pictures and nicknames so they don't leave a trace,
he's pining in piles of unopened letters.

With a head full of pulp and a heart of wet leather
he spent every tear he had in his face
subtracting his half from the word together.

He'd given his best 'cause he thought she'd had better-
she starved for attention; he hated the taste,
pining in piles of unopened letters.

She flew from the nest in search of warm weather;
he blew out the flame, too numb to touch base,
subtracting his half from the word together.

When the weather grew cold she put on his sweater-
pitched a tent by her mailbox just in case-
while he's pining in piles of unopened letters.

One held on to their end while one cut the tether.
She licked 32 envelopes:  each went to waste.
Subtracting his half from the word together,
he's pining in piles of unopened letters.
Jun 2012 · 706
he didn't wear any shoes
SWB Jun 2012
he didn't wear any shoes
'got no place with a roof to spend the night
he could but he never had to

never owned a guitar but he played mean blues
claimed the powders and herbs helped dim the light
he didn't wear any shoes

quick as a whip but slow to argue
drank like a sailor but the last to fight
he could but he never had to

poorest man I ever knew
a wealth of wisdom, no room for things trite
he didn't wear any shoes

his stories wilder than he, so they had to be true
the whole bar agreed he should write
he could but he never had to

he downed a tall whiskey then slouched in his stool
it took us some time to realize he'd died.
he didn't wear any shoes,
he could but he never had to
A villanelle
SWB Jun 2012
Time drains its pockets staring at flies
wasting itself is the least of its fears
lost in the tangle of tired foreign sighs.

Not savvy enough for these ricochet replies;
conversation too tight for its loose blushing ears,
Time drains its pockets staring at flies.

Both ears 'given up, its left with two eyes
relieved at the sight of occasional CHEERS!
Lost in the tangle of tired foreign sighs.

This turn of events caught all three hands by surprise-
hasn't had this much trouble in all of its years-
Time drains its own pockets staring at flies.

While the winged black patrons sip on pools twice their size
the clock dwells on stale tabs, lost phones, and spilt beer
lost in the tangle of tired foreign sighs.

The minutes and seconds ******* help if they tried,
and each stroke makes things worse: the hours just jeer.
Time drains its own pockets staring at flies
lost in the tangle of tired foreign sighs.
A villanelle
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