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Escalus Jan 2015
"do you hate anyone"
Yes, myself.
And I'm sorry, I know you want me to be happy with who I am.
Because I do no good,
And I'm sorry, I know you deserve better.
No matter how hard I try,
I'm sorry, maybe I'm not trying hard enough.
I don't want to be bad
I'm sorry I lied and said I was good
But I always **** up.
I'm sorry, I'm always sorry
So almost every sentence is followed with "I'm sorry"
Just know, I'm sorry, for everything
Escalus Jan 2013
The fact that death lurks after me frightens me.
I never noticed how easy it is to halt a pulse, how easy it is for a heart to stop.
Maybe I'm not even scared of death.
Maybe I'm scared of not living a memorable life.
Escalus Jan 2015
I love who I am, I swear I do,
But on nights like these,
it's hard to believe
That anyone else could love me too.
Escalus Apr 2015
One of the most heart wrenching things..
Is how immensly I love(d) you,
But how unsure you were if you loved me..
And how now, we are light years away,
As if we are strangers,
Strangers with the most heartfelt memories and secrets.
If I could I'd learn all about you again, go through it all again... Even the end.
Escalus Dec 2014
"What do you want"
"Anything at all, whatever you wish"
Her happiness.
"What are you willing to sacrifice."
Escalus Nov 2014
I just want more more night,
One more night before you rule me out.
One more before you say it isn't right
Escalus Nov 2014
I'm not on drugs,
I'm in love,
But maybe love is just as strong.
Escalus Dec 2014
I remember looking Into your jade eyes,
Falling asleep to your heartbeat,
It grew to be my favorite lullaby.
Escalus Dec 2014
Definition: Kept for a certain purpose or person.
I have a spot for you, it's reserved.
It's vacant, and it has been since you left..
I wish it otherwise, I wish someone was there, filling that gap
but I want you..
And the matter of current events says it will be left as is.
Escalus Dec 2014
This world's crazy,
And my thoughts are growing hazy,
Of how your lips felt against mine,
And how our bodies would intertwine.
Escalus Dec 2014
I promised my grandmother, Id never be in a jail.
Along with another promise, that I would I always be true to myself.
But today I broke her promise.
I stood under the light, trying to gasp for air,
A jail is so uncomfortable, so unfair.
Sitting there, having society make you "correct",
Having society reform you to be who you "should" be,
Telling you how you "should" do.
I sat in misery,
In agony.
I wasn't true to myself tonight,
I'm sorry Mimi
Though I hadnt choice,
I had no voice.
I stood there holding back tears,
Holding back the person I had worked to be all the years
Standing, engulfed by the walls of my cell,
But, the cell was not a room,
I was not enclosed by brick walls,
Or metal bars.
Yet, black fabric, and careful stitches which made up the dress.
Escalus Dec 2014
I went through the entire day,
I was fine, until I saw the date.
The 28th...
*******, why did you walk away?
Escalus Nov 2014
A lad sits on top of his bed,
Looking at the empty picture frame.
There once of a photo of the lass he loves, but when they parted, so did the photo from the frame.
Just as the photo is vacant. So is the place in her heart, vacant...
Yet ready to be filled by the place of a lucky lad.
Though the same photo will probably be placed back into the frame,
Chances are, the vacancy in her heart, will be filled by the luckiest lad in the world.
I hope this lad gives you the world, that he wil know how to make you smile, and every little detail about you. I hope he shows you the beauty that love is..
Escalus Oct 2012
It’s been established you aren’t mine.
Yet that doesn’t stop that feeling when I get around you.
Sweaty palms, shaky knees, blood red, goofy smile, ditsy.
My heart beats fast when I talk to you.
Its like we are standing still in time…
The world around us is spinning around at the speed of light.
At night there is a traffic jam in my head,
Thinking of words I should have said…
What if I would have kissed you then?
What if I would have handed you my song book?
What if I would have said that?
Would that have changed any of this?
If I see another chance,
I won’t hesitate.
We want what we cant have, that couldn’t more true.
You see, I want you.
But I can’t have you.
Escalus Jan 2015
No matter what "flaws" she can pick out.
It won't change how I feel.
Those details make her who she is.
Into the lass that I have the joy of having in my life.
Escalus Mar 2015
Love is not planned,
Not expected.
Love is often unexpected,
Love is never logical,
Love is letting go of logic and following your gut,
Love has mistakes,
Love is worth it,
Love is losses,
Love is unconditional
Escalus Jan 2015
Often people say luck is passing a test you never studied for, luck is losing something and finding it right before you need it, luck is finding a penny head up, or luck is getting something you never thought you would.

But the biggest stroke of luck a person can ever have, is to love and individual, and that have that love returned.
Escalus Nov 2014
I remember viewing the sunrise after a late night with you, smiling as I wrapped my arms around you.

I now view the sunrise, with heavy eyes from a sleepless night. I claw at my temples, and hold back a scream, I know if I go to sleep, I'll only have another haunting dream.
Escalus Aug 2014
I claim to be a poet,
Yet I constantly stumble over, and stop and rethink my sentences.
At the end of my notes I have gotten into the habit of ending it with "I'm sorry, I've never been good with words".
Maybe I'm not a poet,
What poet isn't good with words?
Escalus Sep 2014
He sits at the table glares toward blank paper,
Sighs and glances to the empty trash bin.
No ideas, not in ages.
At least last time he had ideas to throw out.
Though back then, he had something to write about.
And back then, he still had a muse.
Escalus Jan 2015
I don't care who the **** is out there!
No one else is like her..
Her smile is brighter than the Galaxy,
And a fire inside rages when she looks at me,
And I've tried to get over her,
But no lass has come to close the getting the emptions that brew,
But maybe that's why the say she's blue...
Because blue means sadness, and a sadness drowns me,
when I realize she doesn't want me.
What's a lad to do...
Escalus Oct 2012
What is your goal, your dream?
Is it to be with him or her?
Is it to have a certain job?
Is it to own a certain item?
Is it to pertain a certain position?

Well you know what, advice I have for you?
Don't just sit at home and talk about yours goals, and your dreams.
Chase them!
Don't sit in some fantasy world where everything is perfect,
Walk out into the concrete jungle and mold the life you wish the obtain.
Don't let other discourage.
Don't let others cause you the feeling of aching to give up!
There are billions of people on this earth,
and you are going to let a couple alter your mind set?

Go out into that concrete jungle,
Don't just dream your life, live it.
Because before you know it,
You will regret not taking that chance...
Escalus Nov 2012
Your eyes,
Behind that green I see so much.
I can see your emotions,
I can see your past,
I can see your thoughts,
I can see everything I want.
Escalus Nov 2014
Your name is hot when I scribble it amongst the paper, like my passion burning for you.

Your name is heavy when I speak it, like how heavy my eyelids get after I stayed at your house, and left that next morning with a lack of sleep... So I could be with you.

Your name is one of many, but I can easily pick it out.
But unlike how I can pick you out from a crowd, Or how I could once decifer your feelings for me, I can't anymore.

I have only memories to remember,
Things have really changed since last December.

— The End —