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Russ Austria Apr 2020
Home is where you supposed to be happy
Why do I feel like I have no family
Always get shouted and receive hurtful words
Is this really the world?
Ive been counting days, months and years
Just to leave this place and to stop my tears
I really dont like this kind of place where like Im in jail
Just like my heart right now full of nails
Theyre keeping me away from the things I love
I just wanna fly away like a dove
I just dont really see how this "so-called home" works
But If I leave soon, I will surely build a true home were happiness and love works
Russ Austria Apr 2020
We all suffer pain
But this pain delivers gain
Its so hard to start over
But you will achieve and get back stronger
You will pass all the dark road
And will see light and reload
Dedication is all you need
But suffering is all you see
At first you may not be able to run
But if you finish this you will say Ive had fun
Russ Austria Apr 2020
Are we free?
Who does agree?
And who does not?
Are we living to the fullest?
We never know until we have the best
Each of us is being judged
And it feels like grudge
Is that freedom?
We dont have a peace kingdom
Declaring war here
And killing people, why dear?
We stand on what is right
But we know it will start a fight?
Why wont we do good instead
And let the people sleep peacefully in bed
Russ Austria Apr 2020
I wish you knew the way I felt
Everytime I see you my heart always melt
I dont care about anything
I know you have this feeling
I didnt grab the opportunity to tell you
And know im regretting not telling you
I hope by this way
I would get your attention in anyway
This stupid feeling kills me
All who will read this will agree
Love is just to serious
But you also need to be generous
You will never received this always
So be ready when you part your ways
I really like you in everyway
I thought of saying I love you everyday
Russ Austria Apr 2020
Hey is everything fine?
You will still about to shine
Get away from the rain
And **** all the pain
Dont ever think you deserve this
But I will remind you smile always please?
I know the world is unfair
But please I am here and I care
Dont be sad
For I will be mad
Rant to me all you want
So it will not haunt
Im always ready to listen
And wanna see your smile risen

— The End —