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106 · Aug 2020
Thoughts In Duplum
Ray Aug 2020
Kindly beware of these mere monger thoughts..
You'll find yourself drowning without purpose..
It's a hollow facade.. a sort of uneasy mind:
collecting, catch and release, fueled by bliss.
common mistake, or unworthy error
with nothing to show at the end.
Then again, the absence of terror;
all and about, nothing to show
means few to repent..

Repentance they say, the art of simplicity.
Merely the fool's becomming;
Wiser each day, with fewer thoughts,
The simple feng shui, it seems so stunning.

Ofcourse they would know, it's not like they do
but it soundly proves a point.

We think and we say
while they say what they think.
Ever the lasting grievance.
We trust and betray
while they stay everyday.
Without ever doubting importance.

What áre we to do with our fickle foes,
the ones who fear the high-minded.
Maybe it's best just to see how it goes
and trust in the voice of the blinded.
99 · Aug 2020
Show Yourself
Ray Aug 2020
I want to know your face ..
 not the mask you sculpt me daily..
 show me your skin..
 the flesh that lies beneath the shades and shadows of your being..

Allow me to touch your essence and absorb your beauty..
Tell me your lies..
show me your truths..
dance with me while you feed your roots.. with memories of one that saw much more..
 than shape and figure and one more *****..

Never forget what you heard me say.. when we first met.. you seemed so fray..
 fray fray far away..
from all the things you used to say..
 and all the things you used to do..
now they stand in front of you..
The cause of what you once held dear will now come back to turn you blue..
 and wipe the paint and take the brush and sculpt the true.. the real you..

My hands are hard
 but my heart is harder..
 frozen solid by the heat..
 That was before you turned it tender.. before I knew my hope was her.. 
with nothing more than just her smile she waltzed in and broke the walls
 I bled to build..
my house..
 my home..
my sheppard's guild..
now with no more brushes filled..

I touched her skin with just my eyes..
and broke her youth with my despise.. but now the mask that kept her sealed.. lies broken in the storm..
 the facade came off and tossed her shame..
and now she stays forever healed..
97 · Aug 2020
Waiting for the Train
Ray Aug 2020
The bitter taste of a poor farewell
was the last to stand when all else fell..
Our taste buds kept going on and on
begging for a final taste of what belongs..
A taste of fear from things unreal..
And the taste of true love's tender heal..
The flavour of things we took for granted
now lies deep beneath our tounges..
We realized that what we never wanted
was the oxigen flowing through our lungs..
We went on being, like seeking blood cells..
Vain to vain..
Train to train..
First to main..
What will we find at the next stop..
Perhaps a virus..
Perhaps a fresh crop...
A field untouched by the essence of man..
Or a life that goes according to plan..
Maybe this is how it's ment to be
We keep on looking untill we see
Whatever it is that we need to be..
Untill our last days set us free..
The next stop
 is where you will find me..
On my back
In the sack
Dreaming of days where I am free..
93 · Aug 2020
Broken Crown
Ray Aug 2020
Bound by the laws that I wrote to obey..
In all my trust
In all my doubt
It's you
that I can't live without..

When I broke the broken seal
Of broken hearts that never heal
And love that fades as years go by
The love that seals a last goodbey
For now I stand here
All alone
Tears flow from a broken thrown

The king that you have come to know
Will now be washed out from your thoughts
And all that ever kept me sane
Will cause my everlasting pain

Without you I will never love..
For you have never  known a frown..
And all that's left
is pieces of..
A once loved princes' broken crown...
91 · Aug 2020
There will be Time
Ray Aug 2020
Presence prevoked the present purpose,
that of the unknown..
Protect they said, the ones with power;
ever unknown, the ones alone..

"Why the head?" I asked myself;
"Wiser start below?"
They said: "The head will tell the tale,
footprints never show."


No! "Instead" I said to same,
"you're waisting perfect thought"
The head's to blame, the power present
nothing stays the same.

I said to same: "Stand aside,
and let me prove you wrong.."

"Those prints ahead are mine today, and always will belong."
89 · Aug 2020
The Greatest Show
Ray Aug 2020
When thunder strucks,
and lightning glows
Gentle Giants go.

They don't look back,
they don't forget
but always give a show.

From left to back,
and top to right
the seats are packed..

Let's start the night.

Gently, my dear, don't you fear..
for here there's no more fright..
87 · Aug 2020
The Fear
Ray Aug 2020
It was eight o'clock in early March,
one dime away from the call of duty.
We both showed up at dusk that day..
You knew you had to see me..

"Good day Má'dám", my mumbles screeched,
while laugther hid from yours...

"Good day Mé'sure", you gently preached,
concealing all remorse..

The weeks that came, could not predict
the willful actions tought.
We caved and saw a glance of joy,
an instance wanting more.

This person that I've met that day,
this girl with no remorse..
Could it be a demon stray?
An evil known before?

Not to me.. I've seen alot, but this
I've never had.

I've seen the moon, the stars, the bars,
the things that made me glad.

I've seen the front, the back of lies,
but never felt this sad.

When duty called, I took the bait
while knowing what's to come.
I suited up, and picked my mate
and there you were.. the one debate.

With options two, battalions marched
while none the wiser knew.
The demon stray, with angel wings
marched right beside their crew.

My mind was set, with no regret
this beauty overwhelmed.
Inside my head, I played the song
till midnight no more did I long.
Time for turning back had passed..

now war decides which one will last.

I chose my mate, the day before,
the day I knew she joined the crew.
Now all that's left is endless war
to prove that I won't leave her too.

Angel White, or Demon Pink
you'd think of her the latter.
Nonetheless, I've come to know
that never will it matter.

"Come now dear", swiftly said,
"The frontline is approaching".

Before I knew, the tale's end,
she saw my soul, and left my hand.
I never knew, nor did I think,
my wounds would **** an Angel Pink.
85 · Aug 2020
King or Kin
Ray Aug 2020
Once upon a time
There was a girl so blue..
A little dime..
Who had no clue..

She scattered the world
In her search to belong..
for all she knew
Was how to be strong..

She came across
two type of men
One was a wolf
and the other a lion..

The wolf had claws
and a bitter skin..
And a mind that was focussed
on only his Kin..

But the lion was fierce
in his will to survive..
For being a king
Is what made him alive..

The dime had no clue
For still she was blue..
Her search to belong
had almost gone wrong..

But what she had learned
from both the wise men..
You are not a King
If you don't care for your Kin..
85 · Aug 2020
Try and Teach Me
Ray Aug 2020
Good Sir, can it be true?
Did you really provoke me
to say this to you?

You don't stand a chance.
You don't even know.
You can't even sense
how deep this thought goes.

How dare you confront me
with cheap tricks and lies.
I wish I could say
I'm a little surprised.

You stand there with armor,
ready for war.
But take note of this secret:
that's not what it's for.

I've been where you are,
I've seen the result.
I've written your book
with less than a look.

Your storm lies ahead,
I've béén through that breeze.
I've conquered all fears
and control them with ease.

Don't tell me your name,
you'll script more regret.
You'll create more distractions
from things that I've said.

But please, if you dare,
go find my Amen.
Go make some mistakes,
and then come try again.
83 · Aug 2020
Always Burning
Ray Aug 2020
Have you ever been lost..
Staring at a candle
Counting the cost...
Of all your scandles

Mezmorized by the flame
The smoke..
Driving you insane
Killing your brain..
Every thought..
Emphasizing the pain..

But why this?
Why not that?..
Why bow..
Why take of your hat?..
When greeting
Or meeting..
Or seating yourself..
Defeating the purpose of being rude..
Why not heal yourself?..
Why not be ****..
And show them who you are..
All your flaws..
All your scars..

Caused by the flame..
The fire..
The burning desire to feel nothing
But everything..
To burn..
And keep your flesh flawless
And lawless..
Unbound by the order of men..
Of ordinary people..
Bound by my love for life..
And love for who I am..

Never changing..
Always flaming..
Yours truely..
Burning cruelly..
74 · Aug 2020
Let me not...
Ray Aug 2020
Let me not beg for the stilling of my mind
But have the will to control it..
And let me not weep at the slaying of my enemies
But be hard enough to see it fit..
Let me not be controlled by emotions
But control my thoughts at ease..
And let me not fail my people
But succeed in all their needs..

Let me not beg for your forgiveness
But feel no need to ask..
And let me not find myself in darkness
But shine in every task..
Let me not shed a tear in vain
But stay dry eyed through the pain..
And let me not walk through dessert courses
But flooded in the rain..

Let me not forget where i found my strength
But make me always stronger
And let me not fear the time to come
But stay a little longer..
Let me not need to wear a glove
But let me proudly wear my skin..
And let me not enslave myself in love
But the comfort of my kin..

— The End —