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Jan 2019 · 2.4k
Subtle Differences
Rowena Jan 2019
separated by subtle differences-
left raw, untouched, and misunderstood
so I am going to stir my thoughts under my cover, security hood
I don't know how to approach a topic of conversation out of context
relationship missing administration codecs
sitting here mislead, pretty much rendered useless
uncomprehendable how we keep choosing to do this
Jan 2019 · 131
My Lust Love Lost
Rowena Jan 2019
Flash backs, enlightened with abstract geometric fractal aftermaths...
Puzzle pieces of Syncronicities dancing together, calling themselves Acrobats...

I Love the way Manipulation is my worst Enemy...
The taste Reminds the blood stream to boil, slowly...
Rowena Jan 2019
I'm going to bottle everything up, Inside......
Then, I'll proceed to slap a pretty smile on my ****** Frontside.
Grin and bare it are my next Moves......
Bottle it up & Do it again.
This is what I'm gong to do......
Jan 2019 · 141
Rowena Jan 2019
I'm asking Myself why I'm Broke as ****....

Starting to feel as if this moment is Someone's Joke, "What's up........?"

Legs can't move, I'm Stuck.

I sound a little like What the ****, Chuck......

Got to Remind Myself to Grab Life by the *****, and Strut My Stuff.

Can't forget to Weave and Duck.......

Throw My Right Arm in the Air, Make a Fist,
and Pump that Wrist.....

Pump My Fist,
and Insist that I Don't Quit....

While shouting, I'm going to "Uh, Get" this *****.

I'm going to Scream, & Spit.......

Tell Myself "You've Got This ****."
Nov 2018 · 121
Rowena Nov 2018
You don't think I'm sick of this nasty
tasting place
With all the hustle and bustle, full of
pointless waste of empty space
Not one familiar face in this town of
go get'rs, and newspaper ******'s
Not one spot to sit, possibly
soak up some sun
Take My daughter out where,
to a park full of bums
So run, go hide, blame me for the ride
Just remember that blame only kills
me inside
No freeway no exit no stopping this
Remember, it's Me-Your Everything
Not some freaking skezzer, or crazy
*** crush
Just for the record or note to
I hate the taste of my own disgrace
as I taste those nasty tears running
down my face
Don't forget, you to
Have been in my place

— The End —