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Thomas Dressler Jul 2020
Love, very heart of mine,
You ask if I will kiss you,
When you know that I cannot.

My person aches and writhes
At the loss of such affection.
Will you hurt in my answer as I am hurt in your question?

Though in it I see hope of consolation,
For I know I will kiss you again someday,
When our bodies meet and our spirits rest.

But for now, my beating heart,
Oh beautiful and wild thing,
For now, I can only but offer you this:

My soul is reaching out.
It is entangling yours in the realm above,
And it is kissing you with the passion of colliding stars.
To my forever friend, so far away and yet always so wonderfully close.
Thomas Dressler Jul 2020
There's a burn in my essence that feels like a flaming wildfire has set ablaze my body, burning from the inside out.
It's crippling me, but I don't want it to stop.
I would gladly place my life and love upon the altar of the Lord for it to burn for all eternity, if only to be brought closer to Him.

"Crucify him!" they had shouted all those years ago.
Now, Lord, put to death what is in me and take away the sins that keep me from your presence.
I would endure all hardship for the joy of your life in me, for the fullness of your Spirit in baptism and everlasting peace.

Whene'er I turn from you, I always come back more hungry then before, understanding deeper how far I have yet to go.
Yet how much more earnestly do I want to get there.
I ask that you be glorified through my living sacrifice, that as I draw nearer still your intimacy would render me holy in Christ my king.

I thirst for you in this wilderness.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Inspired by Psalm 63 and Philippians 3.
Thomas Dressler Jul 2020
Notice how the world is made up of people always looking for the easiest way out.
Time and effort are spent planning daily routines, with people plotting their next project and purpose.
People even plan the next time they'll have time to take a break to plan all over again.
But has anyone ever made a dime off of inefficient efficiency?

Don't waste your time thinking through every scenario you may face just to avoid a little hassle.
Use that time to either do something or just admit you'd like to find some peace of mind, then look for it earnestly elsewhere.
Plus, trouble is where the fun is at, and conflict brings fresh perspective if you have a heart for kindness.
So I'd like to do my best at shying clear of inefficient efficiency.
This has been a PSA from me to me.
Thomas Dressler Jul 2020
Flying is ever in my nature, never a home to hold.
I live by the mercy of the wind, should my truth here be told.
I’ve never been one to settle, never one to anchor down.
To be caught in your web should leave me terrified, like I’ve finally run aground.

You called me down from my daily exhausting routine
With the power of your voice and your spirit, unseen.
I was enchanted by your gaze and enraptured by your smile.
So against my very nature, I stopped and chatted for a while.

I couldn’t leave, you know. Your conversation was divine.
The breadth of your mind and heart gave off a radiant shine.
I stayed the night to talk to you and learn your very depths.
I stayed the morning and afternoon just to feel your deepest breaths.

Days passed and then months, and I made myself a name
In the place you called your home and would one day call your grave.
Your web was where I rested my head when the daylight turned to night
The danger never occurred to me, until one fateful fright.

I was tangled, drowning in the fear I resurrected for myself.
What was I doing here, if not to bolster your impressive trophy shelf?
You had caught your fair share of flies before, that much was clear to see.
But then why, I reflected in new composure, had you not brought an end to me?

Flying is ever in my nature, though I had forgotten all this time.
Perhaps I should return to the air and reclaim the life once mine.
But I stopped myself in stupor to reflect on truth once more,
That you have not eaten me as of yet, and you would not prevent my soar.

Your web is not a trap, nor a cage to keep one grounded.
It is a comfy place to lay my head, to begin a life here founded.
You’ve changed me through and through, given me only love and care,
Now I cannot be content aloft, drifting through uncharted air.

I want you in my life forever, and I never want to go back
To when I lived an uncertain life of solitude, having nothing to unpack.
Now I’m rich in character, full to the greatest of extents.
And I love you more than words will say, wholly joyous and content.
Thomas Dressler Jul 2020
I am wholly overcome with you.
Your portrait hangs upon the innermost walls of my spirit's sanctum.
Your ivy extends across my ancient heart, fortress of my imagination.

Oh, to fathom the depths of you.
I am lost within your labyrinth.
You are wholly overcoming me, and I welcome it thoroughly.
Thomas Dressler May 2020
Another 'first chapter' written with the rest left unfinished.
I would be weeping if not for the consoling thought
That my writing only narrates transient glimpses into their worlds.
They will live to see another day, with or without my ink.
A comforting conviction for chronicle creators with no care for concentration
Thomas Dressler May 2020
The smell of you
Consumes me from the inside out
It burns across my skin like wildfire
And ignites my constellations
It pulls me ever closer
As my spirit finds its home
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