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137 · Jan 2019
Ross Jan 2019
to my old friend,

it's been a while.
i hope you've been well
i haven't
everything still hurts
you've made ruins of me
all the mirror holds
is an amalgamate
of darkness
because of you.
why did you have to do this?
everything is so lonely now
is it already over?
i guess
you made your choice
and now
i'll make mine
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
you're going to burn
with the rest of us
129 · Jan 2019
Ross Jan 2019
i woke up today
don't really know why
didn't go back to sleep
it felt
not happy, but
not sad either.
i just wanted
my friend
killed herself
because that's
how life
all i could feel
was liquid
99 · Feb 2019
Ross Feb 2019
A frozen desert lost in time
The burning man with a dead fire
The pain won’t ever fade away
In and out the pain will sway
On the rooftop, she stands across
All loose ends have to be *******
Draw, Ross
The tunnel was closing in
The happy ending was almost near
Then I started falling faster
Gun in hand
Hurt them first, second me
I can’t be what I need to be
This is a wasteland
People make things worse
Kiss them with my flames of death
Amalgamate of nightmares
Ruins of destruction
Midnight Crew can’t die
If they do, I won’t be alive
If I shoot and you play dead
If I shoot and you get up
Neither will take my bullets away
I should be dead
But I’m not
I don’t understand what to do anymore
Who to be anymore
Who to shoot anymore
There’s nobody I can spare anymore
One by one, day by day
Someone send the pain away
Thank you Drew for my new name
Right and wrong, I know neither
Pickpocket more, steal grander
I never speak words of slander
I thought a thought of thots that thought
I have dreams I die a lot
Insane, deprived, fully deranged
The bird that sings isn’t in a cage.
Can you hear me? 
Are you there? 
I miss seeing you alive.
Tick tock, tick tock.
Why’d the mouse run up the clock?
Tick tock, tick tock
Why is there no electric shock?
Society is meaningless
Life is meaningless
People are meaningless
Government is meaningless
Nature is meaningless
Earth is meaningless
I’m meaningless
Rinse and repeat.

Let’s go watch John Mulaney.
93 · Jan 2019
Ross Jan 2019
i've shown you
the pain
behind my eyes
but why don't you do
a thing
to help?
88 · Dec 2018
The Usual
Ross Dec 2018
Saying the usual is like
A nice way
Telling people
To *******
When they act like they care
But they
So you can
Keep the misery
Of death

— The End —