I live to love
For an hour
Or forever
I live to collaborate
Wanting always for others to become a part of me
A puzzle that will never be complete
I live to make
To write
To draw
To sew
To play
I live to make mistakes
To help
And accept help
The joy of giving out party favors
The art of distinguishing those only takers
I live to tell you
How beautiful you are
Precious someone
Complete and pure
Together we've shared our sleep
I live to hold hands
Can something so tiny
Even count as a finger
I live to share my food
My thoughts
My dreams
I live to listen
To hear
To feel
To meet the vulnerable you
And keep that being safe
I live to give thanks
To empathize
I live to encourage
To laugh
To clap
To sing
I live to dance
To move
To climb
To fly
I live always ready to say goodbye
E. Poe
*Nov 2013