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Nov 2021 · 402
Living In Venice
Anthony van Wyk Nov 2021
So I guess we made a mess of things.
A wink, a smile. Leering.... off beat touches.
And now we're here with pure seductions.
You may be afraid of losing your lineage.
I am afraid of losing you.
Its unfair but a bitter truth, attached to endless love and respect.
You could be my moon but that isn't you.
You could be my sun but you're brighter than that.
You could be the waves, the tide, the stars and sky.
But that still  isn't you.
You're forever.
A queen.
A Goddess.
A love I've never known,
No more, no less.
Give me your heart or leave me heartless.
May 2021 · 192
Anthony van Wyk May 2021
moments caught in alabaster skin
i forget where you start and i begin
we are both alive, learnt from sin
we are here and i have seen
the moments between
close your eyes and let me see
our hearts are beating, i will be
our hearts are beating for a fee
locked in to a life of love
locked in to a push and shove
she will always win
where does she start and i begin?
May 2021 · 278
Rambling man
Anthony van Wyk May 2021
Im a king and shes my queen
kept it secret but now we're seen
im a king and shes my queen
im left alone, where ive been
im a king and shes my queen
May 2021 · 146
Anthony van Wyk May 2021
and here i sit alone
by myself
thoughts are fighting
ive taken a season in
i have seen the leaves turn brown
i have seen your smile turn to frown
this is what life is
a moment waiting
and a lifetime begins
ive been waiting for a life of sins
but now ive learnt that its not what i want
i have learnt to dance in front
i have learnt to be the one
i have learnt to wait for the sun.
Mar 2021 · 230
London was Born
Anthony van Wyk Mar 2021
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful bird and a hardy insect.
They spent their time talking and sipping golden bubbles in the midday sun.
Their days were perfect, filled with long awaited showers in a barren desert.

This Robin and this Ant.
Knew that they were different, both lunatics living for a country that didn't exist.
Or a feeling they couldn't resist.

A break came one day. No break of peace but a break of belief, a shattering of morals. A death of unsuspecting partners. We sat alone in madness, thought for hours about dreams. Still we speak of memories.

Just before midnight, she pecks at the door.
I love you, she cries, to what she adores.
He replies, with the same obvious response. Deep breathes are taken and London is born.
Mar 2021 · 184
Jim and Janis
Anthony van Wyk Mar 2021
And so the lizard king meets a bat queen. Worlds apart. Beats of heart. ***** of wings. Skin tears apart.
I've seen the others look so queer at two fiends meeting, lips alight in a ***** leer.
They giggled and spun. They fell as they run. To amythist orbs. In place of the sun.
The story is cursed by the truth of their beauty. Two creatures in a deathly embrace, bound by their duty.
As monsters they knew how to fight and cause debauchery but as the fair faerie they knew magikal sorcery. They drank till they fell. Then they kissed forcefully.
My senses were keen on that strange night. Feasting with the demons. I felt the delight. I saw these strange creatures in leather and vine. I saw her steeds wings brilliantly shine. Fierce warrior queen, I had wished she was mine
Mar 2021 · 203
Beautiful Rain
Anthony van Wyk Mar 2021
What more could I say about my little Keely rain...she showered us in love and sank into our hearts....sleepless nights and brand new starts....our little Keely rain.....she made the love so much sweeter....we couldn't wait to meet her...our little Keely rain...she sprang from the universe....beautiful, her curse....our little Keely rain...she traveled her river...mother and father, begin to quiver...our little Keely rain....she wants to arrive, the Leo in stride, stubbornness born from the old long horn....our little Keely rain...we will see you soon...beautiful rain...we will see you cry, no pain....we will see you soon, Keely Raine.
On the day my daughter was born, jotted down in the waiting room at about 5am.
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I will pull my heartstrings out for you and sow your lips anew
My love for you should be unbridled, but it is restrained by fear.
I want to hold you close, when close is far too near.
Of all the thoughts that are tangible you is all that is real.
For if I lost you, heart from flesh would be the gentlest way to go
Sway my way or tick my tock
Razorblade, take a slice
Everythings ******, feels so nice
Make the cut
Find the vein
Its all ******
I will never ask about your past, those are your secrets to share. I will only ask of your future, for your future is a gift to be shared
The scars are all healed now,
but how oh how
How did it disappear
How did I survive the leer
Razor blades are singing a fine fine tune, razor blades are skinning what's mine is mine its true, the skin is pulling softly all away from bone, every time the blade digs in, the earth let's out a moan.
I died everytime I tried
But I'm sure ill try some more
I died everytime I tried
Pass of fail, I sit and tell a tale of life and love being held back and the shove the push and pull of a tired rule
As I sit at my hour of birth, my mood is sour in the mirth. All is happy and most are well, but now I find I'm in hell
Time will click away minute to minute, day by day. Others will go and some will stay, moment by moment till the clouds turn grey.
An acorn can make all the difference, to the tree, the squirrel or the bee
To kiss me is to inhale death and breathe out a cancer that has filled a soul, to love me is the die a thousand times only to come back as a higher being.To look upon me is to see a lost boy with a heart too big for a life so small
a collective piece or various thoughts mashed together in once sequence, it wont make sense.
Feb 2021 · 149
Only You
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
A year is coming for two young lovers to celebrate.
The gifts they've given are infinate
Their splendor and beauty are long lost on others
The love is for them alone, no sisters or brothers
They forget the past they've grown from only to find more lessons in their future.
They look deeply into one anothers hearts, and look passed all the hurt and emotional scars.
They see only that love, that wonderous feeling of never having to care or think or feel lightly.
They will only have the gift of life of love
Feb 2021 · 132
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I'm trapped in the confines of a metallic choice, reasoning of a confused mind
The kiss of choices that I can't find
I look far ahead of myself
Passed caring and my health
She sits and looks at me with tears in those eyes and in that moment
There's no hint of atonement.
I don't care for what you did or the hurt you carry, your heart has love and mine has blood and left me with this gift and it will haunt this painful soul of mine
Feb 2021 · 413
A Race With Death
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I have found a comfort in a constant state of worry
I race towards an end in a hurry
Hoping to find a peace in death and destruction
The anger will build till there's an eruption
A slow release of all the pain
A knife slides down at the end of the game
The trick is timing. A perfect moment when all is right.
Feb 2021 · 131
Sacred Youth
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Two kids pure and dangerous in their youth, sit and stare at one another. Eyes meeting in a deep thought. Lips embracing in a tear staind kiss. For a moment there's no more you or I. For one moment two naïve youths become lovers, become friends in a meeting place of hearts. This lasts a moment..and in an instant they become old in their love. The hate and anguish grows at a steady rate, resentment fills the empty spaces of fingers and lips..they are left hollow in their beauty and shallow in their feelings. This is the end of them, of us, of each and every love we have known. This is each of our stories, atleast once upon a time
Feb 2021 · 125
More is Less
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
A pound of flesh is what I owe for all the debt
And yet
More is what I crave
Everyday, this blackness shadows my living grave
I am entombed in sincerity and truth
I act aloof.
People know this is not me and who I was is at a loss.
My words will always falter and fail to show
All the things I dream, I know.
My regret, my regret, my regret?
Is that I don't know who I am just yet
Feb 2021 · 149
Open Windows
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Looking at the windows
Rain drives hard against them
A coldness washes over
With a feeling of depression
The air has a musty sting
A sting that offends the senses
I breathe deeply on my cigarette
And sit in this blackness
Another drag to defeat the boredom
I realise I want out
Feb 2021 · 115
What We Miss
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
And she sits and thinks with that calm look in her eye. Her brows are furrowed. Three feathers fall from the sky, one for me and one for you, and the last is for that unborn child. With blonde curls and your blue eyes. I wait patiently for the days to pass and become months and hours to be years. When this time is up we will know what our lives mean, what we live for and how not too scream. And in that long awaited time I will walk swiftly with your hand in mine
Feb 2021 · 167
The Thought of You
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
With the touch of beautiful lips a tender caress from that perfect tongue. How this moment lasts a lifetime is incredible.
We have not been together for one month. The days were slow. The time was death. I hated being in this state of living..somewhere between my blinking eyelid and the tear that springs forth. All I know is what is true. I didn't have much when I didn't have you
Feb 2021 · 132
December 2015
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
To begin this day with salt on lips from the stinging sea,
Makes me wish for forests and the great oak tree
Where we both sat on that fateful day filled with anguish and dismay
Feb 2021 · 140
A Teenage Musing
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I wait alone for a link to an outside world.
I wait. I have waited. I will wait for so long.
This life doesn't offer what I need to be strong.
So I sit and think. In a complacent thought.
I'm stuck here in what I sought.
Is it worth it or will it be? As long as I stay like me?
Feb 2021 · 136
Game Of Life
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Let's play these games for hearts of strangers, loads of anger on these pages.
I've been so lost in all my stages.
Let's learn to live apart.
Let's seperate the heart.
Dissect bisect and cut out the arteries.
Like leaves falling from the trees.
But as we learn from nature, they grow back again.
Nothing remains the same.
Feb 2021 · 112
Counting Sheep
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I awake and the pillow is empty, except for an indent where your head lay.
I examine it with my fingers and heart. I've been lying here all day
The moments rush by of dreams disturbed,I saw you running away from me,the enthusiasm is curbed.
I feel the anxious sweat clinging to my frame, I used to run freely but now my legs are so lame.
I lay in a bed to uncomfortable to bear, wait I realise, there's a golden hair!
It was all just a dream, then why so real? A hair from a dream girl that made me feel?
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
So I start walking away from my home, I look behind to realise I'm alone, I thought I heard footsteps chasing behind, but far to late I realised its all in my mind.
I looked up at a lamppost and saw a pretty bird, red chested, silly and absurd. I thought to myself of the noises that followed only to see that my hearts been hollowed. Borne out to the core, a pathetic hole left by the door. My heart was where the home was and this may sound absurd, the home where my heart was, was right by that bird.
Feb 2021 · 112
Drops of Serenity
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Who would believe in you if not for me, who would see all the true beauty.
Who could say that they love you
If they don't know you true
They don't see past the leather and chain
They can't see all the pain
Hurt that's hidden behind two blue pearls
They see you like all the other girls
But that's not me, it has never been
Iv lived longer for all I've seen
I can look at you and see
A beauty so serene
Feb 2021 · 142
A Beautiful Creature
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
This human, that was once a shadow, looks up and sees the owner of the knees he's resting on,the milk white skin from a lithe body of an angelic figure. The figure that's flesh is so tight over bones that the skin is as smooth as a granite feel. The spidery hands gifted to a piano player, a violin player, a guitarist an artist. They hold his head in a soft and firm manner, as if to guide him not really to protect, that's the love she feels for this creature. She strokes his wet matted fur. He shivers at the anticipation of a freely given love. Yet he cowers at the embrace for thought of something painful is about to happen. She smiles at this reaction, she blinks slowly. The lashes moving at an incredible glacial pace, as if beauty is frozen in time. He breathes in her exotic scent, something nostalgic yet barren in its memory. He thinks for a second that he's found peace he is longing for, and realises that all he shall receive on this day is another ill cancerous feeling bubbling inside and turning his guts.. He realises he is truly alone in his misery, and those knees are an ivory covered figment of a beautiful mind, a mind troubled, a mind broken yet still a mind with a heart that feels and a soul that shines an ethereal light
Feb 2021 · 106
Beginning of Heartache
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Could you see the look I gave you
If you closed your eyes and dreamed
Of all those moments when we never screamed
The fights weren't there
Figments of an imagination
Ideas flowing in and out of reality
And so the poem ends
Fists against cheeks
And words against a heart
You win
Feb 2021 · 117
Time is Truth
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Too ****** to die!
I live the lie lived so long by so many
And now I see the truth
A moment burnt up through years of torture
Destroy the body and enrich the mind
The moment counted out by each and every ash
Burns on fingers
Burns the eyes
Moments of fear
Feb 2021 · 129
The Oceans Call
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Beach by my side the water ebbs on tide on time.
Like my life it flows through the corners of my mind.
Filling the hours of tomorrow filling the life with sorrow.
And so and so it washes away
And so and so it happens every day
Feb 2021 · 94
The Flightless fall
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Shell shocked once again, this has driven me around the bend, all the answers and no more questions.
My brain is dead in little sections.
Why do you say now what shouldve been said, right there's the lie, right there I'm dead. You do it again over and over I spin. I figure you were trusted, now I'm left alone disgusted, sitting in our dank dark hole trying to see into my soul.
Feb 2021 · 128
Crows Call
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
The crows call
The sounds come
I'm scarred
And I'm dumb
My life for her love
One push
Ill cave
Fall apart
And I'm a slave
I've run
For so long
Now I stand
So strong
The lives we lead
Are not our own
We lose
What we're shown

— The End —