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Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I will pull my heartstrings out for you and sow your lips anew
My love for you should be unbridled, but it is restrained by fear.
I want to hold you close, when close is far too near.
Of all the thoughts that are tangible you is all that is real.
For if I lost you, heart from flesh would be the gentlest way to go
Sway my way or tick my tock
Razorblade, take a slice
Everythings ******, feels so nice
Make the cut
Find the vein
Its all ******
I will never ask about your past, those are your secrets to share. I will only ask of your future, for your future is a gift to be shared
The scars are all healed now,
but how oh how
How did it disappear
How did I survive the leer
Razor blades are singing a fine fine tune, razor blades are skinning what's mine is mine its true, the skin is pulling softly all away from bone, every time the blade digs in, the earth let's out a moan.
I died everytime I tried
But I'm sure ill try some more
I died everytime I tried
Pass of fail, I sit and tell a tale of life and love being held back and the shove the push and pull of a tired rule
As I sit at my hour of birth, my mood is sour in the mirth. All is happy and most are well, but now I find I'm in hell
Time will click away minute to minute, day by day. Others will go and some will stay, moment by moment till the clouds turn grey.
An acorn can make all the difference, to the tree, the squirrel or the bee
To kiss me is to inhale death and breathe out a cancer that has filled a soul, to love me is the die a thousand times only to come back as a higher being.To look upon me is to see a lost boy with a heart too big for a life so small
a collective piece or various thoughts mashed together in once sequence, it wont make sense.
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
A year is coming for two young lovers to celebrate.
The gifts they've given are infinate
Their splendor and beauty are long lost on others
The love is for them alone, no sisters or brothers
They forget the past they've grown from only to find more lessons in their future.
They look deeply into one anothers hearts, and look passed all the hurt and emotional scars.
They see only that love, that wonderous feeling of never having to care or think or feel lightly.
They will only have the gift of life of love
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I'm trapped in the confines of a metallic choice, reasoning of a confused mind
The kiss of choices that I can't find
I look far ahead of myself
Passed caring and my health
She sits and looks at me with tears in those eyes and in that moment
There's no hint of atonement.
I don't care for what you did or the hurt you carry, your heart has love and mine has blood and left me with this gift and it will haunt this painful soul of mine
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
I have found a comfort in a constant state of worry
I race towards an end in a hurry
Hoping to find a peace in death and destruction
The anger will build till there's an eruption
A slow release of all the pain
A knife slides down at the end of the game
The trick is timing. A perfect moment when all is right.
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Two kids pure and dangerous in their youth, sit and stare at one another. Eyes meeting in a deep thought. Lips embracing in a tear staind kiss. For a moment there's no more you or I. For one moment two naïve youths become lovers, become friends in a meeting place of hearts. This lasts a moment..and in an instant they become old in their love. The hate and anguish grows at a steady rate, resentment fills the empty spaces of fingers and lips..they are left hollow in their beauty and shallow in their feelings. This is the end of them, of us, of each and every love we have known. This is each of our stories, atleast once upon a time
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
A pound of flesh is what I owe for all the debt
And yet
More is what I crave
Everyday, this blackness shadows my living grave
I am entombed in sincerity and truth
I act aloof.
People know this is not me and who I was is at a loss.
My words will always falter and fail to show
All the things I dream, I know.
My regret, my regret, my regret?
Is that I don't know who I am just yet
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Looking at the windows
Rain drives hard against them
A coldness washes over
With a feeling of depression
The air has a musty sting
A sting that offends the senses
I breathe deeply on my cigarette
And sit in this blackness
Another drag to defeat the boredom
I realise I want out
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