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Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Who would believe in you if not for me, who would see all the true beauty.
Who could say that they love you
If they don't know you true
They don't see past the leather and chain
They can't see all the pain
Hurt that's hidden behind two blue pearls
They see you like all the other girls
But that's not me, it has never been
Iv lived longer for all I've seen
I can look at you and see
A beauty so serene
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
This human, that was once a shadow, looks up and sees the owner of the knees he's resting on,the milk white skin from a lithe body of an angelic figure. The figure that's flesh is so tight over bones that the skin is as smooth as a granite feel. The spidery hands gifted to a piano player, a violin player, a guitarist an artist. They hold his head in a soft and firm manner, as if to guide him not really to protect, that's the love she feels for this creature. She strokes his wet matted fur. He shivers at the anticipation of a freely given love. Yet he cowers at the embrace for thought of something painful is about to happen. She smiles at this reaction, she blinks slowly. The lashes moving at an incredible glacial pace, as if beauty is frozen in time. He breathes in her exotic scent, something nostalgic yet barren in its memory. He thinks for a second that he's found peace he is longing for, and realises that all he shall receive on this day is another ill cancerous feeling bubbling inside and turning his guts.. He realises he is truly alone in his misery, and those knees are an ivory covered figment of a beautiful mind, a mind troubled, a mind broken yet still a mind with a heart that feels and a soul that shines an ethereal light
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Could you see the look I gave you
If you closed your eyes and dreamed
Of all those moments when we never screamed
The fights weren't there
Figments of an imagination
Ideas flowing in and out of reality
And so the poem ends
Fists against cheeks
And words against a heart
You win
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Too ****** to die!
I live the lie lived so long by so many
And now I see the truth
A moment burnt up through years of torture
Destroy the body and enrich the mind
The moment counted out by each and every ash
Burns on fingers
Burns the eyes
Moments of fear
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Beach by my side the water ebbs on tide on time.
Like my life it flows through the corners of my mind.
Filling the hours of tomorrow filling the life with sorrow.
And so and so it washes away
And so and so it happens every day
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
Shell shocked once again, this has driven me around the bend, all the answers and no more questions.
My brain is dead in little sections.
Why do you say now what shouldve been said, right there's the lie, right there I'm dead. You do it again over and over I spin. I figure you were trusted, now I'm left alone disgusted, sitting in our dank dark hole trying to see into my soul.
Anthony van Wyk Feb 2021
The crows call
The sounds come
I'm scarred
And I'm dumb
My life for her love
One push
Ill cave
Fall apart
And I'm a slave
I've run
For so long
Now I stand
So strong
The lives we lead
Are not our own
We lose
What we're shown

— The End —