In my peace, in my sorrows, the one who stays by my side, that is you,
The one who is always close to me, the most beautiful feeling, that is you.
Like the shore that stays with the river, a soothing coast, that is you,
The first ray of morning light, the one who brightens every path, that is you.
When I wake up, my first thought is you,
When I fall asleep, my last dream is you.
You don’t even know what you mean to me,
The most beautiful emotion of my life, that is you.
You are the reason I live,
Even when you are not with me, you are still close to me.
The one who understands me without words, that unspoken bond is you,
The one who hides me from the world's gaze, that deep night is you.
The most precious gift of my life, that is you,
My love, my companion, my everything, that is you.
— 💖 Rohaniyat 💖✨