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May 2018 · 205
Robyn13 May 2018
He gave and gave till he wasn't the same
smiles and tears, hiding behind his name
He swears he isn't blue, but I can tell that's not true
He let me in enough to care, but not enough to truly share
Though I suppose it's my fault.
I couldn't really talk
Now we're both hurt, and we're falling aprt
could we ever have a new start?
May 2018 · 181
I am poem
Robyn13 May 2018
I am not me
I  wonder if you can tell
I hear your silent cry
I see your silent tears
I want to help
But I am not me

I pretend that I am here
I feel I talk too much
I touch your mind
I worry what you think
I cry for you
Because you don't cry for yourself
But I am not me

I understand your pain
I say that it'll be okay
I dream that you'll believe me
I hope that you will trust me
But I  am    not    me
May 2018 · 212
Under the maple tree
Robyn13 May 2018
Under the maple tree, where gold lays to waste;
ink on the page, her only escape.
Or putting on the paper, this pretty landscape.
Oh that bright bulb, it shone so bright,
but nothing lasts forever, not even her light.
It faded rather quick, and all went dark.
Now her bare feet brush along the bark.

Under the maple tree, where gold lays to waste;
nurtured by the tears that fell from from her face.
She gave up hope, thus the rope.
The future of her past gone away;
everything black, it fades today.

That soft blue soul has turned to gold;
Her mind, midas and unconsoled.
With the care that she always gave so much,
Her mind went blank, and her end adjudge

Under the maple tree, where gold lays to waste;
one more soul has been erased.
upon the sight of faded light,
she as well gave up her fight
May 2018 · 179
Robyn13 May 2018
I ******* hate this
I hate that i can't help
I hate that i starve im ******* empty
Always empty
Can't help
You’re hurting. You’re all hurting
I have nothing to give
I'm so sorry
I want to give everything to you
I love you
But i can’t feel it.
I'm so sorry, you deserve better
You never should have met me.
I helped
I used to.
I saved you?
But not anymore.
Don’t you ******* dare think it was your fault.
It was mine, i give up
Everything hurts
This hurts
Not doing this hurt
Empty vocals
I cant cry
I care but i don't
I care but i don't feel it
I love you but i DON'T FEEL IT
You deserve more
But i can't leave you
You have me on a fishhook
Im around you finger and i'm glad to be there
Not romance but i love you so much
I will always care
I will
Please dont give up
For me
Don't leave
Hold on, for me, for you.
You’re stronger. You always have been

The dark would feel so nice
No words
I always wanted to be mute
It’d be so simple
But i always come back
May 2018 · 189
Why am i not me?
Robyn13 May 2018
Why am i not me?

This hair isn’t mine
These thoughts aren’t mine
This face
These eyes

But these hands are mine
What they make are mine

But they don’t connect

Why am i not me?
I hate ‘me’ but it’s better than this

What is this?
It’s not me.
I’m not even sure it’s human
Or alive

Why am i not me?
Why do i feel like a video game character?
Or someone from a movie?

Why can’t i just be me?

Who is ‘me’
Is ‘me’ better than this?
I don’t know

I don’t know

May 2018 · 198
I cant
Robyn13 May 2018
I can’t

I just can't
I can’t sit still
I can’t move
I can’t talk
I can’t eat
I can’t sleep

I can’t do homework
I can’t keep my grades up
I can’t talk to teachers
I can’t talk to classmates

I can’t stay the same
But i never really change

I can’t care
But I can’t not care

I can’t live anymore
But I can’t die

I live for her,
Even when i can’t
May 2018 · 766
Robyn13 May 2018
Glass is prettier when it's broken
and eyes, so gorgeous with tears.
A blade when it's failed,
a gun when it's hot.
A ship when it's sailed,
a love when it's not.

Fireflies at night,
to fire and fight;
a feeling of passion, a bird in mid-flight.

Left and gone,
a heart and it's song.
The apple has rotted;
a fleeting swan song.

— The End —