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128 · Mar 2021
Every Damn Time
Samantha Faith Mar 2021
Every time
Every **** time.
Every time I start to breathe again
The floor falls out beneath me
I struggle to see straight
I struggle to breathe
I feel so small
I want to run
I want to disappear
But that isn't me
I don't get to do that.
So I pick myself up
I do what I do best
I grab a new mask
I go back to what I know
Every **** Time
124 · Jun 2015
A year ago
Samantha Faith Jun 2015
I gave up. Almost two months of praying and hoping that your name would flash across my screen. Almost two months of crying myself to sleep, truly believing you did not give a **** about me. So, I gave up. On the day of the wedding I hoped you would join me to celebrate, I gave up hope that you cared or would make any attempt to call me. I smiled the first real smiles in two months. I laughed and I cried tears of joy for my sweet friend on her wedding day. The next day I went to a graduation party and as I laughed and smiled with old friends, your picture was not being clutched tight to my heart. I found a way to be happy even if I did still love you and miss you more than words can say. You made a choice, you left me in silence even when silence was almost all that I would have left the world. No call, no text, no checking with a friend to make sure I was not falling apart. I was. I did. Then after two months, I gave up. I left my phone at home that day. For the first time in two months, I let the phone stay out of my reach completely. I did not get home til around 2am. There it was. "Ello, mate" and so we picked up where we left off. Except it wasn't. We left off at a series of kisses goodbye outside of your house after a night that changed me for really, we picked up where we left off before we began. So a year ago held all of that...what does tomorrow hold?
115 · Mar 2021
Samantha Faith Mar 2021
The silence is the worst.
The open ended nature of the silence is chaotic
The chaos is a mixture of thoughts & fears.
Hearing something I do not like is better.
My mind is
So the silence is torture.
I torture myself enough already
Please end the silence
113 · Mar 2021
Samantha Faith Mar 2021
My thoughts are like water and I think I must be drowning.
Despite the reassurances, these thoughts keep getting louder.
The water is rising.
I can't see the bottom, but now I also can't  see the top.
No sound is coming out, but I feel like I am screaming.

— The End —