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Rishav Raj Mar 2020

My love was so sturdy,
Larger than the sky
The day you said,"I miss you."
Was it all a lie?

We had endless talks,
Without blinking an eye
The day you said,"I trust you."
Was it all a lie?

Always stood by you,
Thought you were the person on whom I can rely
The day you said,"I'm yours forever"
Was it all a lie?

Always made you laugh and smile,
Promised myself never to make you cry
The day you said,"I can't imagine my world without you."
Was it all a lie?

Did every possible efforts to make you stay,
My heart still asks,but why?
The day you said ,"My heart is safe with you"
Was it all a lie?

Loved you more than you can possibly imagine,
Still waiting for your reply
The day you said,"I will never leave you."
Was it all a lie?

                            ~RISHAV RAJ

— The End —