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Lonely, frightened runaway
Out on the street, all alone
Predators are everywhere
And, you face them on your own
Home life was unbearable
And, nothing could be that bad
At least, that’s what you believed
But, what a hard time you have had
Still, you’re never going back
That life truly was the worse
The neglect, and the abuse
Made you feel that you were cursed
But, you will survive, somehow
And, someday, you’ll catch a break
You will have your chance at life
You’ll do whatever it takes
You’ll scuffle, and brawl and steal
You’ll stand up, sometimes you’ll run
You’ll crawl out of the gutter
And, you will show everyone

Terri Lyn Stanfield
Sitting here, minding my business
When Romeo comes along
I say I’m not interested
But, he keeps coming on strong
I try to be nice about it
But, I’m just not getting through
I set aside civility
And, then I turn the air blue
He starts backing up, then he runs
And, I exhale in release
Then, I sit back down on my bench
And, enjoy the day in peace

Terri Lyn Stanfield
A night out of fun with friends
Yes, you’re buzzed, but you’re not drunk
So, you get behind the wheel
If you get tested, you’ll flunk
But, that doesn’t concern you
You’re perfectly fine to drive
You’re in a hurry for home
You know you’ll safely arrive
But, then, you run a red light
And, crash into a sedan
Squealing tires, screaming metal
There’s not much left of your van
The car housed a family
Both parents, and their three kids
Now, there is only silence
And, you can’t believe what you did
You’ve killed a whole family
There is blood everywhere
Police and EMT’s are here
It is all too much to bare
If only you hadn’t driven
Why’d you get behind the wheel
You’re guilty of this tragedy
You never dreamed that you’d ****
But, five people are dead, now
You’re in your own personal hell
You’ve become a murderer
And, you are going to jail

Terri Lyn Stanfield
A midnight drive, an icy road
Squealing tires, and screaming metal
Your life has been changed forever
When the dust, at last, has settled
Paraplegic, crippled for life
With no chance of recovery
Rehab, and constant therapy
Each breakthrough, a discovery
You battle for mobility
Each little bit of it, hard earned
One night of reckless revelry
Turned into a lesson, hard learned

Terri Lyn Stanfield
I’m staring at my ceiling
Laying sleepless in my bed
Exhausted, but still wide eyed
With thoughts running through my head
Though, my body yearns for sleep
I’m afraid to let it in
I know the nightmares will come
I’ll be terrorized, again
Demons are lying in wait
With their talons glistening
Dark monsters unspeakable
As I lay here, listening
Slumber is fast approaching
I can only fight it so long
The demons, ready to pounce
And, I know I’m not that strong
Now, my eyes drift closed, at last
And, the night terrors begin
I toss and turn, and I brawl
But, I know I’ll never win

Terri Lyn Stanfield

— The End —