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17.0k · Jun 2014
emotional abuse
Redshift Jun 2014
is when they mess with your head
light fires in your mouth
and make you hide in your bed

put stones in your heart
to drag you deep down under
they fight and they fight
their screams predictable as thunder

the rain is the part that gathers in mom's eyes
when she keeps you up late
to tell you lies
lying on the couch
her arm over her face
foundation in streaks
like old dry erase

it's when she lets you stay up late
to read to her specially
just to give her departure
more brevity

when she kisses you on the cheek
and holds you tight
then calls the cops on dad
that same night

when she only gives you presents
to make you feel bad
when she feels better
by making you sad

emotional abuse
is when she calls on a restricted number
tells you she loves you
but won't let you see your little brother
when she slaps you in the face
slams your arm in a door
maybe that's not
emotional abuse anymore...

when she tells you she loves you
but leaves anyway...
abuse is abuse,
it all feels the same.
13.6k · Sep 2013
booty shorts
Redshift Sep 2013
it has been discovered
by yours truly
that no matter how bad your thighs look when you sit down in ***** shorts
it's ******* worth it
you don't need to sit down anyway
you're a girl.
they'll take you standing up
or anywhere else
they can get you
just wear those ***** shorts,
they say
i got depressed in the middle of writing this

******* **** ******.
11.1k · Apr 2013
conversations with ptsd
Redshift Apr 2013
we had a real conversation for once
about your ptsd
you told me
you remember 100%
every guy you ever killed
and you went to iraq...
you told me
what it was like
when you got back...
about waking up from a night terror
slashing your pillows
with a knife
about another guy
who almost strangled
his wife
you told me
all the reasons
you can't sleep
i wanted
to lay my head on your chest
but i
10.1k · Jul 2013
strawberry icecream
Redshift Jul 2013
i like strawberry ice cream.
it makes me feel like my tummy is smiling
even when my mouth can't.
it makes me feel ok
for the ten minutes i take
to eat a spoonful
it makes me feel
like these ten minutes that i have
aren't going to be spent
wasting something
even though
that will never be
8.1k · Dec 2013
indie music
Redshift Dec 2013
indie music
dancing shoes
indie music
doesn't cure blues
it starts them

indie music in the rain
indie music standing in trains
indie music for the deranged

indie music for the off-genre-ed
indie music for the off-centered
indie music for mis-fits
that aren't actually

indie music for the masses
indie music with glassless
indie music for the misunderstood
or maybe that's all music...

indie music
dancing shoes
indie music
inspires blues
i know the meter and rhyme is ****. i also don't give a ****
Redshift Apr 2013
a borrowed pencil
coaxing out words
it never knew it had
in the hands
of another
5.1k · Feb 2014
curvy ginger
Redshift Feb 2014
my **** star lips are not for you to taste
nor the "unhealthy" curvature of my hips
and waist.
i have made myself an object
(perfection in all traits)
love is no longer
left up to The Fates.
4.8k · May 2013
smartphone soliloquy
Redshift May 2013
determined as i was
to avoid joining
the zombie revolution
my dad went and bought me
a new phone
looks like i was drafted in
to the "smart" generation
hopefully i won't end up as stupid.
4.4k · May 2013
Redshift May 2013
my mother says things about me
right in
front of me
to people that i have known
my entire life.
she tells them that i
never call
that i
don't care for her
one bit
that dad has
turned me against her
i am
five feet
away from you.
i am not
i can hear
everything you are saying
to that poor old lady
who has no idea
why you are telling her this
she just wanted to tell you
how pretty i looked
i came to give you a hug
only because
i knew that if i did
everything you just said
to that old woman
would be revealed
as a load of ****
yes mom,
for once i hugged you
and i meant it
4.3k · Nov 2013
Redshift Nov 2013
little sister
the black mold in your heart is what makes you ugly
not the face that you take so many pictures of
4.2k · Mar 2013
Redshift Mar 2013
the kids
that you didn't know existed
all winter
have been jail-sprung
they litter the sidewalk
like snowdrops
riding miniature bikes
with training wheels
zipping up and down
the street
in their
the easter bunny
coaxed them out
into the park
to search for treats
but they decided to stay
Redshift Jun 2013
i don't know what to do
he wants me
i want him
is it right
for both of us
this kinda love
isn't just something
to play with
is serious
and no one takes it that way
i don't need one more thing
to be attached to
4.1k · Mar 2013
pink sneaker wanderings
Redshift Mar 2013
"yeah i had a good break...was smashed the whole week...apparently i ****** on some dude's xbox"
"yeah mine does that too. they were ******* so hard the bed was squeaking"
"*** there she is! the one with the ears....hah check the sneakers! who the **** does she think she is"
"i'm glad my hair doesn't look like that"
"i think i was *****"
"did you get it in, man? hahahhh"
"it's cuz his **** is smaller than his brain"
"got a D...i'mma go shoot myself. i ******* hate this lady"
"hah! I like HER skirt. notttt! what the ****, she looks like a hippo"
"yeah we're kind of a thing now. he texts me like, 24/ parents were so ****** over break"
"oh my god i have this test in an hour...i was way too ****** last night to study"
"wow i didn't get **** on my midterms, hello mcdonald's"
"hey *****, you're lookin' ******"
"check my ***. good? good."
"yeaaahhh man! we make this's crazy. half a solo cup and you're gonneeee. tuesday, man. be there or be a little **** for the rest of your life, hahahhahh"
"duude we were dropping ecstasy like crazy! everything looked like pink marshmallow fluff...some poor ******* jumped off the garage roof, thought he could fly or some **** want some? i can get you some, bro. no prob."
"i couldn't even sleep last night, my roommate was banging her boyfriend and the moaning was sicking me out"
"yeah bathsalts are some **** cousin tried to rip out his kid's eyeball one was ******* hilarious"
"did you get in her pants?"
"i was so drunk man, i don't remember anythingggg hahahhhh"
"honey...i was drunk. i don't even remember sleeping with her, you can't blame me"
"i was drunk...surprise buttsex!!"
"dude she had her hands in my pants for half of the class"
"can you believe she posted that? i mean come on"
"yeah! then write ***** on it!"
"hahah i wrote this note on her door with my number...saying that i was a lesbian and thought she was hot....then the ******* ****** called me and me and my roommates basically pranked **** out of her for like, two hours"
"dad, i know. i get it. yeah. yeah. ALRIGHT! i just need a couple hundred. i'll pay you back. it's just to help me get by. yeah, this one professor wants me to do some extra reading. i need it for a book..."
"yeah he likes you! he texted me! text him back. COME ON! i'm telling're gonna end up 22 and STILL not have boyfriend. just do it already...jess!"
"yeah we didn't even have enough gas to get here. had to borrow money from my dad...ohmygodd...this app won't load..."
"it wasn't **** was more like...******* a dead fish...hahahhh!!!"

"i'm gonna fail"
"don't worry about it, it's the professor's fault. she's a ******."
4.0k · May 2013
oedipus the dink
Redshift May 2013
the fates have made their decision...
i will be late for poetry class
thank you,
lexmark printer
3.8k · Jul 2015
"goodnight i guess"
Redshift Jul 2015
you haven't known me long enough to have the privilege of being rude to me
at least put a label on it before you get offended when I put down your demands for attention
like I owe you my time and affection
if there is anything I've learned over the past year and a half
it's that I don't owe anyone anything

so cool your jets *******
this *** isn't yours yet.
Redshift Feb 2013
1.  you had beanie babies...
a lot of them
you shared your magazines
and forced me to join your club
i later ripped up our contract
and threw it at your face
but i was only eight

2. i liked the way you sat in the cold metal chairs
during church
you sat like you owned the place
and not God
hunched over
your knees spread
at everything;

3. you'd get hurt on purpose
and then cry
so all the girls would come running
to comfort you
i really liked you
until then

4. you came over to my house
to see my sister
you called me
"Other World-Girl"
because i knew things
you didn't

5. i met you on an online rpg game
i needed help with some quest
that involved dwarves
you were a high level
12 years old
you talked a lot about
and naked women
we're still friends

6. i met you at an over night youth event
about world hunger
you had the most alluring smile
i hit you with a football
in the head
in a gym
i was fourteen
you called me
your joyous red
we hugged
and often

6. the cousin of number three, you were gangly
barrel chested
a skater punk
parkouring through my chest
making fun of me

7. you were from argentina
i met you once
and liked you because you read and wrote
like i did
you asked me
about a song
you hardly spoke english
but after you went back to your country
we talked on facebook
for three years

8. i don't remember how i met you
it was kind of
you had curly brown hair
every time i walked into a room
you yelled "here comes trouble!" and smiled
mrs. geiger told us
at a dance
that we were
a cute couple
you blushed a lot
and danced with me
all night
thea told me
that you liked me
i stopped seeing you
after a year or two
i miss you,

9. i met you in chicago
a mexican
gone violinist
i wrote on the wall of your bedroom
it was short-lived
you gave me a lot of

10. a fuzzy-headed
jewish trumpet player
you always made dead-baby jokes
and something about jesus and boats
you could hit really high notes
on your trumpet

11. i was sixteen
you liked a girl i hated
you threw frisbees really well
another trumpet player
metal head
you dated her for a while
then she broke up with you
and got pregnant
with some ugly guy
and married him
but i guess this isn't about her
you came back last summer
and wanted to give me a massage
sing with me
hold me
i said

12. you played tommy djilas
in the music man
i was mrs. paroo
you loved lady gaga
still do
you're really funny
and dorky
but you liked my older sister

13. you were a lot older than me
i started liking you
when you shaved
the disorderly ***** hair
off your chin
you read the bible
a lot

14. i can't remember your actual name
i think it was mike
or something
i called you
your family kicked you out
and you moved in with my bestfriend
you were
so funny
we were

15. your brother asked me out
i said no
i liked you because i was bored
you had a nice ****
i dunno
17 is a weird age

16. you called me your
you were really muscular
and had nice hair
you always smelled really good
you were kind of short
and a player
you always wanted
to arm wrestle me
i always
said no

17. i liked you
for a total of a day and a half
you got so annoying
i started to wish you'd
fall off the face of the planet

18. the third trumpet player i've liked...
they all turned out badly
guess i should stay away from them
metal head
socially awkward
you wore sunglasses constantly
you had an unhealthy obsession
with ducktape
and bacon
you gave me a bacon mint once
i spit it out
i stopped liking you
after you became a gentleman

19. i didn't really actually like you
i liked that you liked me
you were really annoying
and if i didn't respond to a text
within ten minutes
you sent me forty more
just to make sure i was still breathing

20. you had me at the word
you were really muscular
and you had the prettiest brown eyes
you'd call me in the park
between calling
all those other girls
you turned out to be
the worst mistake of 2012
glad that's over

21. you were some creepy viking-like person
from alabama
a bible beater
who didn't believe in singing with instruments
you were bearded
really arrogant
and rude
i really don't know why i liked you

22. your guitar
could never stay tuned
after a while
it just sounded horrible
you used long words
thought i was hilarious
always tried to touch my hair
tickle my neck
i stopped liking you
after hearing you talk to your little brother
that i loved
so nastily
for talking to me

22. you're in my english lit class
you have a really **** brooklyn accent
a deep voice
and the most curious, interested stare
i ever saw
i liked you a lot
until i found out you have a girlfriend
named anna
i've always hated
that name

23. you're my
not friend
you force me to watch scary movies with you
just so someone will hold you
when i'm scared
we talk every night
you told me that you loved me
and then apologized
i think i've stopped loving you
but every time you tease me
hate everyone who flirts with me
post funny pictures on my wall
make me stay up
because you can't sleep
give me kittens
sing thrift shop with me
show me ridiculous videos
smile at me
like you do
i can't be
3.7k · Apr 2013
flirting with depression
Redshift Apr 2013
i must stop falling in love
with boys who write poems.
they love a love that's lost
they love a love that is misery
they love the cuts on my arms.
they only want
a sad-eyed muse
and i cannot be sad
all the time
Redshift Apr 2014
i wake up with the cloying taste of a nightmare in my mouth
not for the first time this week
and i imagine not for the last

i made you a chart
concerning all the ways we ****** up
and sent it to you last night
haven't heard a word

i had the implicit feeling that what i was saying was dangerous.
that it could take this little thing we have going on
and expose all the little tangled wires
and smoking...
that i could make you feel bad enough
that you wouldn't want to talk to me

and i was right.
Redshift May 2013
three sets of withered, wrinkly hands
with chipped
pale-pink nailpolish
flutter in the air,

three froofy perms
one browny-gray
one white
one salt and pepper
jutting forward,
wobbles a little.

Grandma wears
a green-foam party hat
with a thin, white elastic band
that runs under her wrinkled chin
it sits atop her fuzzy perm
she smiles
at me.

"Ah! my cappuccino! you remembered i like it, didn't you?"
she chucks her great-granddaughter
under the chin,
"oohh! look at these gardening gloves! Cidi! look at these gloves! i like the green ones."
she hands them to her white-haired sister
aunt cidi told me
this year she is
oh, and the gloves were really

aunt cidi
misses uncle harland
he was buried three or four years ago
in his uniform
i remember sitting next to him
at awkward family reunions
eating hotdogs
i never saw so much mustard
in my life
he could never hear me
when i tried to talk to him
but he smiled

the talk turns serious
over our black coffee
crossed legs
and chocolate cake
grandma turns grim
in her lime-green party hat
"did you end up killing that trumpet vine in your yard, Jeanie?"
aunt jeanie's head wobbles a bit
she squints
wrinkles her nose
"i TRIED to!"
she scowls.

schemes of ******
plotted by three chunky-earringed
old ladies
who are a little late
for the 1940's
but never too late
for a handsome
"we're older..."
says aunt jeanie
"but not THAT old!"
they all
Redshift Aug 2013
i like red pandas because they sleep like they just don't give a ****
on a tree branch with their legs hanging off
like they're just ******* chilling.
3.5k · Apr 2013
ptsd, fuckers.
Redshift Apr 2013
oh yeah
let's ask the traumatized kid
if she knows anyone in that stage of psychological life
the one where you
start questioning
whether or not you're happy
and you often make
rash decisions
oh yeah.
i do know someone
who's right in that spot.
can you describe it
for the class?
what the hell, sure. i explain to everyone
that my mother left
because she was bored
i watch the words "oh ****"
etch themselves
onto my professor's face
i'm never getting called on
3.5k · Feb 2015
Redshift Feb 2015
everything echoes mother.

the paranoia.
the ****** abuse
the tears
the screaming
the threats
the self-hatred
the abandonment.

do i understand her more now that i am her?
the only thing i understand is that i
like her
am weak
her actions no more justifiable than before
but her state of mind
the frantic chase of terrified, irrational thoughts littering her brain
i now understand
and feel
Redshift Feb 2016
your spineless trajectory sprinted right through me
and i'm trying to decide how i feel about it
if i'm sad at what i've done
or happy that i've left behind someone who is going no where
except downwards
3.4k · May 2013
an elephant never forgets
Redshift May 2013
a girl
tried to say
that i looked
like an elephant
as if to suggest
i were quite hideously fat
i told her
that elephants
are adorable
and that at least
I'M cute
maybe to the world
i am an elephant
i don't care
i just wish
i guess
that elephants
i think she was just trying to make herself feel better, because she said it after she heard me talk about a date i had this afternoon, and she wished someone would ask HER out. i think she feels bad...but making feel someone feel bad in return helps no one.
3.4k · Oct 2013
library lament
Redshift Oct 2013
a familiar tightness and shortness of breath
slips into my chest...
college always does this to me.

it's not even the work.
i can do the work
like a prisoner doing his time
it's the people that i can't do.

why am i so socially awkward?
i am a triumph among those younger than me
but people my own age
make me feel like a snail
hiding in a shell in plain sight
where i could easily be stepped on.

i must sink into my comfortable stereotype
yes, that will help
i am a gamergirl who wears batman shirts
and plays assassin's creed in the library
move along, ugg boots.
nothing to see here.
3.3k · Mar 2013
19 3/4 years of shitty socks
Redshift Mar 2013
when i was
i remember whenever i went over
to a friend's house
who had a sort of get-together
with a whole ton of other kids
about once a month
i'd sit on the rug in their basement
with twenty other teenagers
looking at

there are ten kids
in my family
and two ****** parents
and we had a whole bathtub full of socks
and if you could find two that actually fit
you were golden
never mind matching
or nice and white...
and sitting
looking at all the other kids' socks
i felt like ****
they had the nicest
socks you ever saw
and mine were grey
that i'd dug out from the very
and somehow i decided
that this was a failure
on my mother's part
that she didn't keep our floors
clean enough
or she didn't wash my socks
and so i spent my thirteenth year
feeling like ****

and today
i was folding some socks
(do you fold socks? i dunno how it works. whatever)
and i was looking at them
grungy still
and the white ones
still grey
and i thought
i don't have a mother anymore
and my socks still aren't
white and
i guess that's one less ****** thing
in my life
i don't have to blame her for
another nice thing
is that i don't give a ****
about socks
3.3k · Jun 2013
smile percentages
Redshift Jun 2013
my name is
and i am working a ****** job
so i can buy
an xbox this summer
so i can maybe smile
before august
what the hell
just trying to
up my chances
no one ever pegs me for a gamer.
3.2k · Aug 2013
red sunshine panda
Redshift Aug 2013
today my daddy bought me
a soft red panda
with a striped tail
and fuzzy eyebrows
from the zoo
he took me to.
he said
"this would be you, Red
if you were an animal.
aren't you cute?"

i smiled so much today
and felt so happy
(like a glass full of sunshine)
i forgot to be afraid
of everything.
i didn't even realize
that i felt alright
in the car
the red panda in my lap.

i am twenty years old
but i still love the zoo
i love even more that you knew
just what i needed
to be ok, dad
pills aren't ok. unadulterated fluffballs are.

oh p.s. it's a stuffed animal, relax
Redshift Apr 2013
upset stomach
shaky knees
spill out of a packed van
with choking seatbelts.
feet that are tired of wearing shoes
and sitting
for houuuuuuurrrrs
hit the hot concrete...
foreign land:
gas station.
dad tells me to run around a bit
stretch my legs
mom sits in the car
fanning herself
at me
out the open
i smile back.
i'm wearing the white shirt
with the blue trim
that mom made me
for our trip
it has a silly sun
with sunglasses and a crinkly smile
that she embroidered on it
it is
my favorite...
i smell the acrid gasoline
look around
the first time
i've been
i am only eight
dad comes out of the store
his hands full
of funny little cardboard boats
me and my sister
run up to him
he hands me
a chili dog
with onions...
first bite....
burst of onion
spice of chili
sweetness of bread
i look at my sister
she points to my shirt
shows me the chili stain
against the perfect white
3.0k · Sep 2013
Redshift Sep 2013
the demands of lilred's friends are too high
they are too expensive to keep.

she was too tired today
didn't sleep
drank a large coffee in the morning
a rockstar in the afternoon
three more coffees in the evening
all because these friends required her presence
to keep their social activities alive
lilred is in trouble now
too much caffeine and anxiety problems don't mix
they want her when she is awake
but when she is scared and alone
they don't bother
stomach hurting
head aching
back prickly
red is in trouble...
why don't they care
this poem is ****. i don't even care
2.9k · Jan 2014
long term memory loss
Redshift Jan 2014
ask anyone i know:
i have a tendency to forget things.

i forgot moose's middle name
my password
what day i have to go to the dentist
what i did yesterday
if i ate this morning
what year i stopped talking to ryan
the words to my favorite moldy peaches song
the name of a childhood friend
the book that i was supposed to return
the movie i was supposed to bring
the cookies i was supposed to bake
the smile i was supposed to smile
the words i was supposed to say

but this is only lately.
i used to remember everything

i thought my tactic of not thinking about the bad things
made the bad things not real

but it only makes me
2.8k · Jul 2014
Redshift Jul 2014
little holes in my shirt
little lines on my thigh
should have paid attention

never do
2.8k · Jul 2013
the aerodynamics of a selfie
Redshift Jul 2013
i like to take pictures of me smiling
because i am a ginger baby
and we were born to grin,
daddy says so.

i like to look at them later
and remind myself how to arrange my lips
my cheeks
and the little rainbows
that live around my eyes
when i cannot think for a second
how on earth
i used to

they say
and you can have this one
2.8k · Nov 2013
i have too many pimples
Redshift Nov 2013
how much poetry is in a person?
and how much of it comes out?
enough to bring up the pimples in your personality?
the ugly bumps you can learn to hide
but can't stop people from feeling
when they touch you

how much poetry is in a person
and how much needs to come out
before i am better
how much before i get over this *******
that's calling my name

how much poetry is in a person
and how do i get rid of it
i either speak cynically
or with the malice
and blood
that seeps out of me

how much poetry is in a person
and is it ok to have it there
and when will these pimples go away
and when will i be
alright again

does the poetry have to be gone
for me to be ok?
Redshift Mar 2013
if when you take
an afternoon stroll
in the fresh spring air
to the library
down the street
and you spend your time
not listening to the birds
or examining the new buds
but wishing that every car
that passed
would run you over
you probably
should rethink
a couple things
2.7k · Mar 2013
Redshift Mar 2013
so you tell the entire world
what a great night
we had together
last night
and then you delete it
in the morning
after everyone's already seen it
what the **** is wrong with you
how could you think
i would miss that
or see it
and feel
2.6k · Jul 2013
carnival kisses
Redshift Jul 2013
take me to a carnival, please.
just make sure you
protect me
from all the people
(big crowds
**** me off)
and don't win me
a stuffed animal
let me
do it
tell me
wonderful i am
hold my hand
maybe just a little
give me
light kisses
on my lips
smile at me,
baby needs a smile
i wish i could find a boy i could stand.
2.6k · May 2013
Redshift May 2013
juggling three *****
in the air
three boy-shaped *****
which shall i drop?
they're all so
more than others
i like this last one...
2.6k · Jan 2014
goodbye, moose
Redshift Jan 2014
i am getting rid of you
and i am doing it in such a way that you think it is your idea.
this way i have not the guilt

i am so terribly relieved
but i am also becoming so terribly sad
this is what i want
this is what i need
this is what we both need
but for some reason i still don't know why i'm doing it

you are winding me down now
letting me down easy
with your last constructive words
of how good this conversation has been
for better or for worse
like we are recalling our vows
as we are breaking them
and i have nothing to say after you thank me
nothing long winded
nothing regretful
you are thanking me for making you fall out of love

i do not think that is such a thing one should be thanked for
2.6k · Sep 2013
Uncle Doug
Redshift Sep 2013
today i
drank two cups of tea
and read a text from my mother
about my dying great uncle
and thought about damming up the ocean in my eyes
but it had other plans
and today i
am sorry that i am cut off from half my family
sorry that my precious, dying great uncle
thinks that i hate him
because of my mother
and today i
am writing a ******* email
to tell him otherwise
before he
he will not die
in hate
he has small periods where he's alert. they gave us an email so we could say our last words to him.
2.6k · May 2013
ode to a homewrecker.
Redshift May 2013
not to make your mother's day worse
little red,
but after helping your close friend
who's been kicked out of her mother's house
on ******* mother's ******* day
enjoy the police coming to your door
while you're trying to beat a speech out of your brain for your english final tomorrow
and writing you into their police report.
enjoy more texts
from another woman who was like a mother to you
spitting out more hurtful things
for helping her hurting daughter out
thank her for sending the police to your house
thank her for the pending hay day
your own mother will have
with the police report,
thank her for making your mother's day
even more wonderful.
but most of all,
little red
remember to be careful
to never become a mother
mothers were born to leave
all mothers
are homewreckers.

mother's day
on the bright side, at least the police officer was hot. and he has my number now.
2.6k · Feb 2013
dancing in my underwear
Redshift Feb 2013
i'm currently
writing poetry
instead of doing homework
for a class i have in an hour
i was going to yknow
try a little
but after a bit
i said to myself,
what the hell
and quit.

i'm so tired of college
honest to god
i wish dad would let me drop out
but no
college is what the 'good' kids do
you can't be profound
without a college degree
so why is jenna marbles
dancing in her underwear
...i'll just tell my english teacher
i was too busy
writing poetry
go to hell,
educational *******
2.5k · Oct 2013
like me (?)
Redshift Oct 2013
i had this strange notion that new clothes would make people want me.
like a tripping over a new stereotype and taking it home to dry
would make people notice me
like my pictures on instagram
now that i can hashtag "gamergirl"

like somehow big bows and tight jeans
loose sneakers and earcuffs
and fake glasses
would finally sort me into the right file
with all the other people
like me (?)

like me.
are you like me
as in the clothes i'm wearing
the movies i'm watching
the games i'm playing
are you like me like the words i use
like the smiles i smile
like the imitation kim kardashian perfume that i buy (?)

i had the feeling that people would notice me
that hipster boys in starbucks would take a sideglance, then go for another peek
that boys from ivy-league schools
would ask for my number
that gamestop employees would stand too close to me...
and i was right.

but being right doesn't always mean you're happy
and though i am somehow now interesting
and attractive
and easy to sort into small plastic boxes
i feel

basically, i feel like every girl i have ever envied.
i don't know why i envied them.

they are not like me.
Redshift May 2014
i like video games because they open up their pixelated arms to me
and enfold me
they squish out anything that is too hard for me to think about
and drop me into something with a controller that i can hold
for once

i am an alien in their universe but they welcome me
assimilate me
drown out the bad feelings
the bad words
that you just said to me
i like video games because they make me feel safe
make me feel smart

some people think i am strange
and i am sorry
i don't really care
i am just here to feel better
2.5k · Aug 2013
right in the childhood
Redshift Aug 2013
all i said
was that i'd always wanted to own a used bookstore
since i was a kid
and you replied
that you could get used to
seeing my **** ***
behind a counter
i don't mean to be cliche
but that kind of escalated
rather quickly,
Redshift Mar 2013
it seems like
everyone in the world
has an eating disorder
and i'm just over here like
**** that
i'm eating a
Redshift Oct 2013
i decided to take a break from snapping selfies
i'm a child of this century and that is our primary form of communication -
don't judge me
anyway, i've found that it's really not that hard
if you think you look ugly all the time it's ******* easy.
i don't really think i'm ugly. i like me. but i go through bouts of it sometimes
2.4k · Feb 2013
poetry is always about blue
Redshift Feb 2013
i am not
the color blue
i am
in a wild sort of way
from situation
to dream
2.4k · Dec 2013
pink sneak ponderings
Redshift Dec 2013
superstar of the lowest level of the food chain
they marvel at my wondrous acts
i am enticing, raucous, too loud
the prima donna of the freakshow ballet
they would pay
to be seen with me
the perpetrator of chaos

hoodies with spikes on them
batman tshirts
and too tight
skinny jeans
tired pink sneaks
from my wandering days
i am the queen of misfits
i've graduated
Redshift Sep 2013
your hip bones aren't supposed to be sticking out
your ribs aren't supposed to either
they pump you full of pictures
of skeleton girls in cute bikinis
and weight loss tips
and though you always think "don't let it get to you, they're wrong"
it gets in your head.
because all the boys commenting on the photos say they'd totally ride her
long and hard
and all the comments on the girl who's slightly overweight
involves comparisons to cows
and you're so soaked in social media
that you can't help but see it
and all the girls commenting on how that's all they

but if all you want from life is to be "slightly sick"
to eat things and then puke them up
or not eat at all
you will never be satisfied
because you are feeding a hunger that does not go away
you lose the ability to judge how skinny
is too skinny
how pretty
is too pretty
after all, they are
the same

stop looking at those pictures.
stop reading those comments.
stop letting a pornographic generation of boys
tell you that ****** appeal is all you're worth.
start saying to yourself
i am not on the same level as a pornstar
because that is unrealistic
because **** is make believe
with plastic barbie dolls
to set the scene....
pretty isn't skinny
like pretty isn't fat

....we just ignore that fact.
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