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Philip Salt Sep 13
I have undone your work
That I see
But I am undone
That I feel
What is to be done?
That I ask
Philip Salt Sep 12
_(softer) My lonely soul's been following me _following me _following me

(harder) So these lonely thoughts are stuck in my head _stuck in my head _stuck in my head

(louder) And you can't (fingers snapping) outrun what's stuck in your head, (louder) and you can't stomp out (foot stomping) what's stuck in your head;

So I'm stRuck (loud slap) in the head _headed for dead _can't get ahead.

(softer) My lonely soul's keeps following me _keeps following me _keeps following me.

Those lonely thoughts are deadening me _stuck in my head _can't get ahead

I want those thoughts (louder) unstuck from my head _unstuck from my head _unstuck from my head

They scar my soul like I've been stRuck (loud slap now) in the head _headed for dead _can't get ahead.

My lonely soul's creeping up on me _ it's following me _swallowing me.

(softer) My lonely soul's catching up to me _it's following me _swallowing me

(softer still) My lonely soul's got its claws in me _it's following me _swallowing me

(whispers) Can't get ahead _headed for dead

(softest whisper) It's following me

Pause End
Philip Salt Sep 12
The sky is perfectly still
Red earth trembles underfoot
I disintegrate into sand
The smallest grains rise and remain trapped in the air
A brilliant orange shatters the sky
A million particles of dust
Dissolve and fall slow,
Slow enough to be suspended
Sand and scarlet glow
The sky is perfectly still
I am crimson dust
Philip Salt Sep 11
Time to write a simple rhyme
Rather than abandoning poetry time
Even if it's quality is not sublime
Understanding not even I would pay a dime
For its content or for the time...

It takes to read this little set
Of words and phrases put in step
Better to stroope the steel than wait for the fine grit
When it's all caught up in the mix
And needs to be separated bit from bit
Philip Salt Sep 9
I found my myself.
Not me now, myself then

My present self knew where to look
My past self knew only the absence it could feel

My memory of the past was searching for its own future. The incomplete journey finally come round

An instinct of then reached out
An instinct of now extended a hand

Both felt incomplete without one another.

Together at last.
Not fully fleshed out trying to capture and experience that I feel with inadequate words. Not poetry yet.
Philip Salt Sep 8
Lend me your wings.
I pray to rise above the waves.

He alone can calm the storm.
We cannot!

We are slaves to waves of passion, error and pain.

We are servants of love, compassion and forgiveness.

I can only rise high enough for my feet to skim the surface of the water.

Maybe with your wings I can lift my heart into the sky.

Maybe with grace and humility I can rise to the foot of the eye of the needle.

Maybe from that lowly place all things are possible

His will be done
Philip Salt Sep 6
I can't do This
            Not correct

In one week, in one month, in one year; ten years from now you will be more you than you are now. This will have passed and the next thing will be the thing you can't do now.


In one, in ten, in twenty minutes you can make a choice to change course, just a little. Then in one, ten, or twenty minutes after that a little course correction again. Then one, ten, twenty more. All those corrections will put you on a new course.


After one week, one month, one year or ten you will be someone else, someone more you than you are now.
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