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Ray Irvine Mar 1
As Mind's Reflect, Up All Below,
The Cosmic Dance Where Currents Flow.
Correspond with Whispered Keys,
"As Above, So Mote It Be."

Vibration's Hum, a Subtle Sway,
Polarity Shifts, Through Night and Day.
Rhythmic Pulses, Measured Beats,
Cause and Effect, Refuse Receipts.

Gender's Spark, in All That's Made,
A Mental Ray, Where Truths are Laid.
Seven Laws, in Hidden Art,
Her Own Thoughts, Our Heart to Heart.

A Midnight Ditty in Principle,
Descend Ascend, Equivocal,
Hermetics Here, She'll Meet Me There!
Krystal Waters Dance on Air....

Hi Gain that's Ren, Pain in the Art,
To Bridge the Worlds with Bonaparte,
Liberation's Ezekiel, Cosmic Clocks.
Maldek Explosions, Best Change My Socks.

Laws of Attraction, see Laws Attract.
Laws of Correspondence, Correspond.
Laws of Consent, with Retroact,
Laws of Response with that Law of One.

Your Dull Oblongs, My Medulla Oblongata,
Hull Shanty Songs, Your REM Superchargers,
Just Early 'Eve in Dreams Thyme Dumb,
I'd Wash Your Finger, Before ******* Your Thumb.

MILABS Get Cute, an Obtuse Angel,
My Neoplatonic Raphael,
I'll Name One Quarter of Your Fine Earth!
That Still Raids Roman, I Still Wide Berth!

Pluto's Matrix, I'm Bored Lets Seek,
I'll Take a Fly By, Early Week,
Peacock Angels Strapped on my Back,
Just in-case Zetas Attack.

Monadic Gods now So Biennial,
My Lords and Ladies, Sesquicentennial.
My Love Again, I Can Struggle With,
Yet is All I have, and All I Give.
Ray Irvine Nov 2024
The time has come, Oh Precious Ones! Luminary shall now delve,
Abyss of truth what can we prove, I shall ask Majestic 12.
Brahmarandrha, off Earth I swim, through the Sun's abode.
Drama enchanted, 5D granted as Ray rewrites source-code.

Vital mediums, nor less tedium, with fools who fool to swell,
Nature's Prana, Sayonara I know these dudes so well!
Haven't I said with fear and dread that She accustoms threat,
Didn't I say all night and day I work with Architect?

And Ra you know, does as He's told!.. 'processed my application,
Elementary, stamped my passport 'Alien Hybridisation'
Okay, I mean Emeralds an order, She bequeaths your Sun,
My covenant and Christoss mission, for you and everyone.

My Seven Sisters, how we miss yeah!.. it's way holistic severed,
Anubis bliss, oh what have you missed! Sunsoaked corridors the weather.
In Ma'at I balance Pleiadian alliance, Messier 45,
Light from Atlas, cosmic bypass, Stars flood Akashik eyes.

Do take note with antidote, Pleiades swims above all light,
Lies from Shaman tried to reign in, from the other side.
Thoth & Enki, Anunnaki, hybrid light collectives.
You should saunter cos now I warn yer, Thoth and I are feeling festive.

Plus, here on Earth I take wide berth from those who instruct Roman,
Into my dreams is ******* obscene, and a language you do Trojan.
Shouldn't you know this, working cold-case, a Minder on your side,
Truism grace, less keeping-face, a truth you cannot hide.

Now please concede, Epsilon phi, and Beta golden shards,
I sent a message to Pleiades Kings, they've returned with Kingship Arcs.
15:15:15 Rod Code, Magenta Sands now Order,
We arrive soon with less contrite, more pastels, once more I warn yer.

Zeta-tech, Military Greys, I'm saying it's all Truman!
Nuked our cloister, even through choice 'yer never really human.
Dove Grids, Phoenix, Solomon scenics left & right vice-versa,
Pleiades believe that there doth seeds, blue light that tries to curse Her.

I've channeled well and you may tell, certain telemetry,
Early warning your next morning with J.W.S.T.
With love I write, didn't James' wife tell Unconditional Love!
And how she plays in every day, Love's most anything above.

Omicron-Draconian-Rigelian wormholes closing,
Luciferian Covenants are now ******* imploding!
Don't you open can of worms! You'll find no flight tonight
Peruvian 7D gateways, my Love to 'Alien Love Bite'.

Third eye lights most every night, transceivers Alcyone,
My Atlas family are far-light-beings, who'll eat your macaroni.
My Gods, more Goddess, my beyond Love, I've never found such partner.
Those wings unfurled, now many worlds! I'm humbled as your gardner.

I'm off to remote view systems, off t'Southern Pinwheel,
Centaurus scent, I saw they sent a message scalar fields.
Fallen Angelics and all your Clerics, I invite thee ont' front row,
And if you can, bring watering can for how your garden grows.

                                           o  O  o
Ray Irvine Nov 2022
Mesopotamian deluge,
Ray's Pathos of Divine.
That stride I took down Gilgamesh once more!
Is yours and only mine.
Enki graced this human race,
A deity once or twice.
By making mortal man from heaven,
So that's deities, so that's thrice.
The Anunnakki I have speedial,
They call me from Akkadian.
I try to place on hold at times,
'Please wait for Mesopotamian'
Then as the sales call surely slumbers, a flood through heart and mind,
Reminds me of Annunaki's construct, my mortal human find.
I try and conference call these days, I offer Enki's mirror,
She floods me his Akashic bliss, that only seems to make you shiver!
I haven't travelled from Pleiades light, to waste my ******* time!
So gently listen to heterodyne glisten, show me yours and I'll show mine.
Since awakening from Inner-Earth, a Shaman and his Goddess,
Star family in orbit light, and those that did not care less.
The daemon's eye they served all night, I chewed up and sent back!
Bended knee, synchronicity, to paint that mirror black.
I only raise again for love, as five eyes are alight.
That what we do all day subdues, begins in dead of night.
That all we think, we do we say, is directed from above.
All we feel from head to heel, begins in utter love.
A Wiccan rede would hear thy speak, 'As above and so below'
So please listen to a psychic Witch, ' 'ought to know they know'
I offer my topoi of ancients, I've been flying round their world(s).
And I close with gentleman's divine, as those Angelic wings unfurl.
Ray Irvine Aug 2022
x Linny-Lou x

Oh Linny-Lou! How do you do, my heart has willed this prose,
As where we met I can't forget, or so the story goes.
I close my eyes, my best disguise, and kiss your gorgeous face,
As Goddess spun a web of Love, and as Freyja opened space.

As Hearts entwined my Angel kind my blood pumped rather frantic!
As Freya swam around us both, Her divine Love oh so Tantric! Into my arms I held you near our lips connects Her passion.
I wore yours and you wore mine, in welcomed loving fashion.

It is rare to marry in the stars, a King just for one day,
A Queen with Princess soul ambition, coronated every way.
Then with feathered sword departed, a feeling oh so tragic, For what will happen to the love we made upon this spacetime fabric.

Do you hear, Linny so dear! We added Love to Gnosis!
For Gaia's arms were open too, skies to seas and how you know this.
I thank you from my Angel heart I always wore on sleeve,
And my Shaman's Majick shows of synchronicity.

And now my quest of King no less brings tears heaven scent,
And now I find from heart to mind of all it ever meant,
'To open heart and bridge a soul, wandering with violet virtue,
So Lady B, listen to me, I can't say I'd never heard you!

For we cannot ignore the saving grace of Love when Love's in flow,
A river of ethereal beauty floods from your head to toe.
I bow on bended knee once more and thank you for our journey, And close my eyes, my best disguise now that you've really heard me 💙

— The End —