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419 · May 2018
Ravynn May 2018
Lub-Dub Lub-Dub
My heart beats
I grow to love
Lub-Dub Lub-Dub
Good days and happy memories
My heart beats, When bad days approach
My heart beats
Lub-Dub Lub-Dub
Faster and faster
Harder and harder
Life is difficult
My heart beats
Lub-Dub Lub-Dub
The pinnacle of sadness
My world shatters and so does my heart
Lub-Dub Lub-Dub
Still my heart beats
My world in shambles
My life in decay
But my heart beats. Why? How?
It hurts
The days get harder and harder and so does the pounding in my heart
it can’t take this
I can’t take this
Soon I fall apart and collapse under the weight of the world
And that heartbeat fades
Lub-dub..... Lub-Dub
I’m hitting a flatline
That immense heartbeat diminished
I’m gone but everyone’s heart still beats
285 · May 2018
Sing me to sleep
Ravynn May 2018
Awake and alone
I have nothing but this silent night
The terrible thoughts in my head
I can’t win this fight
Events that are all my fault
Knowing I can’t change the past
This pain is unbearable
I’m suffering as the voices in my head try to
Sing me to sleep
220 · May 2018
Ravynn May 2018
Life is like a storm
One thing to know about life is that it throws challenges your way
Overcoming these obstacles isn’t always easy
Some may be the hardest thing you face but
Keep dreaming
of better days
After the storm
217 · May 2018
(No title)
Ravynn May 2018
(No title)

All I gave you was everything
All I needed was you
All I wanted was you
All I had was you
Pure love, unchangeable
Pure loyalty, Irreversible
I’m breaking
Self loathe
Agony and tears
Are all I have
Please please help
I need you.
I want you.
I had you
Come home
192 · May 2018
Ravynn May 2018
I held her close  She held my heart We were going to take on everything  But that day  my eyes  Once filled with such joy and love  Turned colder than any blizzard  She was ripped away  Pried from my love that enveloped her and encased her heart I buried my thoughts and sorrows  But it all built up and overwhelmed me Every emotion, Every colour, Every ounce of raw hatred It let loose Little did I know. On that day  Not only did I lose her  But I lost myself On that day
178 · May 2018
Ravynn May 2018
I don’t have dreams  It’s so weird because my imagination runs wild Streaming pure vivid fantasy’s that envelop my very being and drop emotion hard Keeping me occupied for hours  Keeping me from being lonely  What could this immense power over me mean Why couldn’t I dream How come it’s all empty darkness But when I close my eyes a million colours fill my head Surround every thought I had  In that moment I’m no longer thinking but I’m feeling It felt so unnatural So different  So me This part of me. These fantasy’s they keep me happier then anything or anyone  The power to dream

— The End —