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83 · Jan 2021
The Houseplant of Desire
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
Capitalize these lonely times,
A true monstera at heart.

Green eyed, hungry herbivore
Swipe and stack by the cart and rack

Double they will pay
To satiate my ways

Flip or flop
Desire feeds desire.
51 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
Pressure, pressure
Weighing down
Sweat and tears leech in

Form a crust, 
Protect we must 
My depleted heart

A Catalyst begins
Quickly filling in
The crystals appear and multiply!

You unassuming geode, bursting at the seams!
When will you grab the hammer and
Take a swing at me?

Crack me open!
Spill me out!
Smash the shell away!

Strength from my sorrow,
Growth through the pain, 
Courage to bare it all

Time to commence 
The debut of 
My crystalline heart
51 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
You climb each rung
Hands grasp

I see you slip
Fall into
The dissolving floor below

Open and vast
It swallows you

Into the pit of
The unknown

Instincts kick
No second thought
I dive in

Blackout surrounds
This dark decent
Hollow and cold




47 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
Decomposed and absorbed 
Down with The Mother 
My season ends

Winter doesn’t last forever 
Nothing ever does 

Broken down and stripped
I lay dormant 
Preparing for my day in the sun
46 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
Keep it together 
Maintain control 
Tighten your grip
It slips
Damage control
Gather it up
The harder I hold
Farther the slip
Inching under
Kick harder
Don’t lose it
Maintain control 
Something grabs a hold
Pulls me under
Noise around turns to white 
Maybe it's not so bad
To slip under
Float away 
Lungs throb 
Can't take it 
Let me up for air
46 · Jan 2021
Ursa Minor
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
When I look into his
I see my own.

Parallel, they will meet
sooner than my heart can take.

Heart of gold he wears upon
his dirt stained sleeves.

Sharp as a tack; wit for days with
a bit too much honesty

With each inch that you grow my love; it explodes
But, could you slow down a little, please?
44 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
Mistakes are ok, I tell to my son but
Leave no vacancy for my own

Always the best medicine the pharmacist has
My prescription? Well, I forgot…

An abundance of pearls to freely give
Yet, my neck lies bare

Advice is my jam!
None for my toast please

Works for others
So, why not try?

A Bitter pill
Dry swallow it down

Take 2 and
Call me in the morning
41 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
A spot in a world full of lines

Connect the dots
Fill in the spots

Blend them all in till you fit right on in
Hide who you’re supposed to be 

Smudging and smearing 
Indulgence is fleeting
Desperate to be washed off

That pen has run dry 
Time to say goodbye and
Let my spots stand out
40 · Jan 2021
The Race
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
On your feet. Be quick.
Bang! To the draw.
Not as quick as I used to be.
Some slower. Quicker others.
Tortoise wins the race.
Wisdom is the tortoise.
Gratification is the hare.
The finish line isn't what it seems.
38 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
Your words pierce my raft 
No bucket to bail out

My mask starts to slip
Choke down the lump
Blink back the sting 

Maintain your grace 
While searching for an escape 
Water now rushing in 

If you’ll excuse me please 
time to leave
before I
drown on dry land
38 · Jan 2021
Internal Ammunition
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
***** a silencer to my mouth
I’ll shoot myself anyways

Lining up my hateful names and
all the stupid things I’ve done

Load them into the chamber

My cylinders full
Ready to take my aim
Pull back the hammer


If sticks and stone may break my bones
Whats the harm?
38 · Jan 2021
Dinner Tables Turned
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
The vultures will always circle above a broken, rotting heart.
They sniff you out and hone right in, lapping at the opportunity for a taste.
I stand bare and embrace the birds; Extend my arms in surrender.
I willingly give my carrion heart to you, dear vulture.

****** it, shred it, tear it flesh from flesh; devour it whole.
Fill your cup with mine, honest I don’t mind.
Indulge, enjoy yourself and don’t forget your just desserts!
I hold my head high: take it all in stride as they feast upon my decomposing heart.

A grin begins to trickle in, ignorant glutton: the ruse was mine all along.
A cover you misjudged; children section I am not!
Deception inception, lie within a lie.
Poor snow white who took the bite of the apple, ordinary.

The clock kicked the moment you tucked in, a timed release poison of sorts.
Silently ticking, count down unknown.
I won’t be around when the time bomb bursts.
How unfortunate that will be.

Don’t like what you grow?
Watch the seeds that you sow to ensure a bountiful harvest next year.
Not an ounce of remorse do I feel when justice it is served and
Vultures get exactly what they deserve.
35 · Jan 2021
Beauty Decomposed
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
A map of pathways, which do I take?

A journey a plenty if the most you can make

Smell the roses and dance in the rain

Don't forget to say thanks for the hardships and the pain

Beauty all around , what about whats not

Things gnarled, twisted and ready to rot

Look for beauty in whats left to be forgotten

Beauty in the pain found underneath the rotten

Pushing the limit to find out how much we can take

Bending  twisting , will it break?

Looking at the gnarled twisted trees see the resilience that we can be

Reminding what can happen when brought down to our knees

Hard to see through the dark and tangled forest

Yet, salvation we can be

When we embrace and love our pain

We learn who we can be
34 · Jan 2021
Amanda Simard Jan 2021
Two passing ships in a sea adrift
Drifting further away
On trips of their own
Speeds unknown
At the lighthouse will we meet?

— The End —