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Michael Ranieri Jan 2015
I’m sorry I don’t meet your expectations. I thought loving you was enough. I can’t do it all, but one day you’ll understand.

Life hands you stress and sickness, but it’s not your fault. It’s not mine either. I’ll make it better for you one day, I really will. I understand why you’re the way you are. I’m a part of you;although, that doesn’t mean I know how to help you.

Out of all the people I attempt to help you’re the most challenging. You are my father yet you don’t know me. A matter a fact I don’t know you. We need to be a team. We are a team. I just want you to be happy. You deserve it. I know you’re sensitive but you don’t show it. I am sensitive but you don’t see that.

I want to hear your stories and learn from you. I want to know why you’re the man you are. One day I will. You just need to speak to me. Somehow.

One day I’ll make it better, I promise.
Michael Ranieri Sep 2014
Love can't be forced,
Don't even try,
If it's false love you want,
Then go ahead and lie.
If you can't feel it right away
Today's not the day
Because no matter what
Love will always show
in some mysterious way.

If you doubt it, then walk away
If you know it's there
Then show them you care
Because out of anything
True Love is the most rare

I hope some day you find it

— The End —