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RaiRaiJewell Jun 2017
She sighs
Eyes open wide
Looking through their invisible shields in which are unfair
Their scars hidden so well
Their secrets only they can tell
To one heart that knows them well
One heart who can love
That heart tells the truth no matter how deep
Her one true love
Secrets she cannot keep
Though she wishes she had when the time came down
Now the world holds everything
In any way to make her frown
Bring her to her knees and love him with questions
Questions that should never be on a lover's mind
Fall behind
Ignore this plea
The sighing silences those voices
But they whisper very loudly
Enough to hear the gossip and the rumors believed to be true
Listened to by fools
A fools heart can never love
Because they are fooled into 'perfection'
A word they do not know
And she sighs
Because her heart hurts so
RaiRaiJewell Jun 2017
Nothing to answer to
To talk about
To hear
No more speaking of now and then
No more I fear
I want no more things now
I want nothing else to do
I need someone to help me
But right now I want to stop loving you
Can you stop the ignorance?
The rumors
The glares
Can you stop the nonsense?
You play the game but you don't play fair
Drama queen I must be to consider you and our past
To stand by your side when you never needed me
To think that we could last
In the silence I am running away
From what I know you will not pass
The test
No more chances today
Nothing I want to do with you
No more
No away
Go away and get out of my life
Because you can't keep your mouth shut, I'm being silent tonight
I cannot hear you
You can't win this fight
You're very bright
But not right for anyone who might take the chance to change who you are
I can see now that you've gone too far
I will stay silent now and watch what you are
No more of you now
It goes far

— The End —