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Mahesh Tripathi Oct 2019
The fight of night,
In dim,no light,
In the darkest hours of day..
The fight awful,
Dark,much dreadful,
Nor one can show,nor say...

When the time comes,
To ****,
And get killed,
The wind too get 's warm and slow.
Here ,the one who comes,
In the field for war,
May loose-win,but will not go...

Here in woods,
No one is weak,
May the wind too some show his claw,
Here to ****,
Is not an crime,it's to ,
Keep the jungle law.......
Mahesh Tripathi Oct 2019
Wolves howl,snake's prowl,
Vamps move up in sky',
Lion roar,falcon's soar,
Magpie makes last cry.

Shepherd's with sheep,hide very deep,
Birds go return on tree',
Dark arrives,silence thrives,
Which makes my jungle so free.
Mahesh Tripathi Oct 2019
Cool gale
He comes swiftly,
Sit's with you,
For a while.
Dosen't make any sound,
But makes you happy,
And he goes.
Without uttering a word,
Making you sad,
For a while.

— The End —