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Pure Evil Jun 2018
I wish I could have brought you joy
but instead I've brought you grief
And broke your heart with promises
that were just beyond my reach

I wish I could take back those words
which caused you so much pain
And replaced them with the memories
where only love remains

I wish I could make dreams come true
so you could wish on every star
And embrace the magic on the night
you hold within your arms

I wish I could have taken time
to wipe away your tears
And surround your heart with happiness
to alleviate your fears

I wish I could have been the one
who fulfilled your fantasies
And been the one to encourage you
to follow all your dreams

I wish I could have listened more
with patience in my heart
And held you closer to my side
as we both lay in the dark

I wish I could have thought of this
when at first you got with me
Before I broke your heart with promises
that were just beyond my reach
Pure Evil Jun 2018
Time is passing so slowly.....  

Facing the future armed with uncertainty,

I pray the absence of normality makes everyday the same.

No longer to deny my mistakes,

I know where to place the blame.

So I try to make the best of this situation,

stripped of all my dignity,

still I maintain my frustration deep within my mind.

Behind these bars I am able to keep my sanity.  

For however long this must be,

my time will be spent focusing on tomorrow...

Forgetting about yesterday....

while remembering to smile today.

Please be gentle..... This was written back in 1992...while in jail facing a 50 year sentence. .. One of the first written.
Pure Evil Jun 2018
Today began as many do
a waste of precious breath
Have I the strength to see it through
or is there any left

These struggles seem to multiply
within each passing day
As hope and dreams turn into lies
my faith slips far away

What do I do to gain the peace
that somehow I can't find
Will then these demons finally cease
and restore this shattered mind

I need to know what happens next
for all I know is pain
should I just end this misery
before I go insane

Can anybody save me from
these ghosts within my head
Since today began as many do
a waste of time and breath
Pure Evil May 2018
I can't escape the loneliness
which haunts me deep inside
There's no one I can turn to
and nowhere left to hide

For years I have been tortured by
these thoughts within my head
My sanity slips far away
with every tear I shed

Control beyond my hopefulness
and peace so far from sight
I hate the waking thoughts I have
and dread the dreams at night

Can Death secure my restlessness
the grave relieve my fears
Or must I continue hating life
through my remaining years

Surely Death's a blessed end
from all the pain I feel
The misery within my heart
can never be concealed

I've reached the point of no return
too great is all my pain
I pray for Death to claim my soul
before I go insane
Pure Evil May 2018
What if people took the time
to watch the setting sun
Or listen to the gentle sound
of a river water run

What if people showed the love
they think that THEY deserve
Or hold back words they want to say
if they know it only hurts

What if people chose to give
instead of only take
Or lend a hand to those in need
when times become too great

What if people felt the pain
from those of us who've lost
Or those who've given all they have
no matter what the cost

What if people lived each day
as if it were their last
Or looked towards the future
to overcome their past

What if people walked a mile
in the shoes of someone else
Or thought about how others feel
instead of just themselves

What if people read these lines
and took each word to heart

What if......

— The End —