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 Jan 2014 Andrew Parker
So because my mind works differently then yours,
You label me mentally ill
You want to take me out of society
You want to hype me up on mind blocking medication
Well I tell you this my friends
My mind is a beautiful place
Dark but beautiful
Who's to say I'm not the normal one?
Who's to say my brain isn't reaching full potential, and yours is not?
I'm no more dangerous than the next man
I will not have it
**** your labels
**** your medication
**** your judgement
Join me in my world
And you will see the beauty that is *schizophrenia
I really wanna write pretty ****
Like about birds singing at night
or the tired steps of the one Mexican maid
as she passes by my house before and after work

I want to write pretty ****
About my mother’s resilience
Her words of encouragement
And the sound of defeat in her “mijo no tengo ni pa’ la leche”

I want to write pretty ****, academic ****, deep ****,
About beautiful man of color
Trying to be anything but black or brown
Girlfriends claiming their white side
The silencing of accented voices
I am dying to write pretty ****

I want to write about her big *** eyelashes
And her fierce makeup
And how her face was flawless when they found her laying there
In a poodle of blood
Why would anyone **** someone so pretty?
It’s as if they hated pretty ****
Like the color of brown and black skin
And green trees and ****
Why do they like to **** pretty ****?
Like spirituality and native languages?
And they give nobel peace prizes to ****** up institutions with ****** up policies that push people to desperation, bomb them, starve them, and at the end blame them,
They like to blame pretty **** too

I want to write pretty ****
Like waking up to the bright sun
And driving by the day laborers at home depot
Some of them look so hopeful, and some of them so defeated
Some of them sleep beneath the little tree on the parking lot
Why do you illegalize pretty people?

Ain’t freedom pretty and injustice ugly?
Then why don’t we write about justice and ****
About the caribou not having to be fenced
And native land returned to indigenous peoples

Why don’t we claim our inner beauty
And recycle all them ****** up magazines filled with cropped bodies treated as money, souless bodies,
The fashion industry is ugly

And why don’t obama talk about pretty ****
Like reparations and wealth redistribution
And getting rid of Deportations, Deportations that’s some ugly ****
There's always
that hot-friction,
it's been there
since time eternal,
that gravity,
that electrical
feel-good connection
between women & men.

For once,
it would be great to
leave the *** out
of this friendship,
is that even possible
with the history that exists
between women & men?

You tell me,
sweet friend,
please do.
She's not silver-tongued,
she's golden-tongued.
She knows just what to say,
to soothe me,
to excitement me.
She takes me to her
own little world
with the things she tells me.
I could survive on her word,
inhale them to feel alive
& I do feel alive.
If she only knew the
effect her mouth had me,
she'd be a true believer in love,
'cause I'd show her
in my own special way.
People say I'm multifaceted,
but they really don't know me.
I feel splintered,
cut from years
of allowing people
to abuse me,
lovers too.

Yet, I still feel
handsome on the outside.
I'm working on the inside,
looking for an
inkling of perfection
& wondering if it
really does exist.

Or, if it's only found
in the words of fractured poets.
Babe you are worse than late night ****
Sinful like fried chocolate cake
Ironic like chicken and waffles with a diet coke
Or using lard based dressing on a salad

You bad
Like menudo without lime
Like hot cheetos to my kidneys

My desire for you is like:
That nostalgia you feel like a lump in your chest
The first time you smoked ****
The first time you came
The first time you fell in love

I’m sad cuz you ain’t here
And glad you’re far away.
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