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272 · Feb 2018
The old gravel road
Tate Feb 2018
I leave my room and head outside
To begin my journey
Down the old gravel road

An endless expansion of corn
The coyotes distant howls
The brisk air, I walk at a brisker pace

Past the old-fashioned church
With its white picket graveyard
Beautiful in daylight, eerie at night

Through the woods
Over some hills
Across a stream

The bright reflection of the moon signifies my destination
It's beauty portrayed across the canvas that is the pond
I visit at night, because only then can my thoughts be as clear as the water.

I sit in silence for a moment
Pondering what I came for
Before I turn around and head back
Down the old gravel road
271 · Sep 2018
A Wall
Tate Sep 2018
Imagine a wall,
Big and sturdy,
Protecting everyone.
But over time
The wind howling,
The rain dropping,
The snow falling,
The wall
Begins to crumble.
Normally this isn't an issue.
Just patch the wall,
Rebuild it a bit,
Make it stronger.
But during the time
The people forgot
Why this wall was needed
So they forgot about the wall too.
And they continue to let it crumble.
And while the wall still stands,
It stands strong.
But when it falls,
They'll all have wished they helped it.
216 · Aug 2018
Tate Aug 2018
I'm lost in life, does anyone know?
Where in the world, that I should go?

This jobs' great, but I'm broke as hell.
This job *****, but it pays real well.

This place is nice, it's all I've known
Perfect when I was little, but now I'm grown
But better things are calling do I pick up the phone?
Why stay in hiding, while I could be renowned?

I'm tired of being broke, I want to be more.
But I need a runway, to be able to soar.
I'm tired of these fields, I want to see more.
The world is out there, waiting to be explored!

I'm going to leave this place!
I'm going to leave this place.
I'm going to leave this place?
I'm going to leave this place...
199 · Dec 2017
Tate Dec 2017
I am a chemist
Mixing chemicals slowly and carefully
Drip, drop
Each mov ement precise as to not invoke a negative reaction
Drip, dr op
 As I go to add the next ingredient into my  concoctio n
I fi nd tha t i  t isn't where it shoul   d be
D r ip, dro   p
I race to find it, it has to be somewhere, thisiscrucialtotheformula
But it cannot be found, for it isn't in this room.
W    ith   o   ut this piec e of t h  e puz z  le
My creation is flawed, as it becomes onyx in color, signifying my failure.
 And yet it persists
Drip, drop
163 · Dec 2017
In The Dark
Tate Dec 2017
I write at night
To share my plight
On some website
Hoping others will give me some insight and tell me that I'm alright.

To my loved ones, I'm sorry I hide this side of me, but you wouldn't understand what's inside of me.
The echoes they bellow and tell me to follow the hollowness, the solemness.

I indite these words in confidence.
Behind this screen cause the outside doesn't need to see my conscience.
I'm a mess in my cranium,
better off inside an insane asylum.

Cell so small theres no room to walk
The days going by with each mark after mark
from a spare piece of chalk
In more ways than one, I'm in the dark.
160 · Oct 2018
Tate Oct 2018
I'm just going to write what's on my mind,
But I'll still make it rhyme, while still being blunt.
Why am I too good for where I am, but not enough for what I want.
And already I sound narcissistic, but I'm just making it simplistic.
My life's decent, there are no real struggles, so I don't want to complain.
It's just that I was always told I was meant for more, and for that I am filled with shame.
Yet, I'm still young and could still go far, but it's a longshot to hit the stars.
Especially when you're low on fuel,
And especially when you feel like a tool.
Especially when you're all alone
I like to call it a depression cone
Where it starts out as something really small
But it begins to snowball
Into something way out of proportion
And your mind takes your happiness through extortion
And those have always been my two big problems
Where am I going, and where have I been?
151 · Feb 2018
In The End
Tate Feb 2018
In the end, we all have flaws
In the end, we all make mistakes
In the end, we all have bad days
In the end, we all do what it takes
In the end, we're all people
125 · Sep 2021
Tate Sep 2021
I'm sick of sitting here and typing out these words
Of depression and abstract thoughts
But it's what I feel I must do when things aren't all
sunshine and polka dots

I need to get out, I need to live, I need to see the world
I know these things and yet I sit here in a ball curled

I want to better myself and you should too
I don't know where to start but I'll find it somewhere new

— The End —