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186 · Jun 2020
Wind Of Racism
I can't breathe!
This wind of racism no more.
Not because my lungs are weak,
Not because my words can't speak,
Those painful scars on the backs of my ancestors
Or those scars of discrimination on my face
That is hidden from this world,
So the future me won't absorb
The pain of being black.
So those fake smiles
Written on my face,
With no judging spirit,
From your cracking skin,
Will last for another day.
The only difference between the day and the night
Is because of the light.
The only difference between you and me
Is the color of my skin.
Let go of the hate!
Let go of racism!
And embrace my skin!

I can't breathe!
This wind of racism no more.
I can't store those tears
Crying in silent for many years.
My bones need to fight
For all those souls buried in dust of silent
Because of your wicked thought,
Because of your burning flames of hate.

You're killing us like preys,
Silent our cries for justice,
With those same deceiving words,
Our ancestors,
Those great fighters,
Couldn't found in their dictionary covered with dust.
And Democracy,
I thought were the commandments
For Freedom.
I thought my skin was loved by you
Black don't crack,
I thought those words were true.

I can't breathe!
This wind of racisms no
For so long your justice system
Has rejected my calls.
They hang my emotions like used cloth,
Outside their windows
And asked my tears not to drop.
They took everything from me
Because of my skin
And told this busy world that am at fault.
That I drink too much!
That I first instructed my bullet
Out of my innocent gun!
That my skin was a host
For deadly diseases
That could take life out of their soul!
That my skin was a poisonous food for scavengers,
Not a meal that should be served
To strangers!

This justice system doesn't  know,
How much pain this black skin has installed.
This justice system doesn't  know,
How much scars of hate
That this black skin failed not to store.
All they know about me from history
Will decay with fossils
Of negative thoughts
Starting from today.
The only thing they will see,
Will be lite of smokes all over their cities.
The only thing their skin  will feel,
Will be hat of revenge from the sun.
No justice!
No peace!
Nothing at all!
But those same scars on my face,
I felt,
When the day welcome me and asked,
If I could store the pains?
If I could stay and fight for change?

I can't breathe!
This wind of racism no more.
That was created when you first saw my skin.
Even with stains of blood you caused,
Even if history reject to write your racist thoughts,
The sun will never stop to romance that same skin
You first saw.

I want justice for my skin,
To be free from scars of pain!
I want my skin to be seen
As black when the sun hide its face!
I want my skin not to be
The defendant of racisms or discrimination,
But to feel the breath
Of peace, love and freedom,
When  justice starts to speak!
Cause I want to breathe
Fresh wind of peace
So this black race
Will not stop with me!

Written By

        Samuel Prince Moody
Wind of racism is a spoken word poem talking about racism
164 · Jun 2020
My Childhood Memories
I have no memories to tell about my childhood
Without those crazy friends
I thought I knew

I have no memories to tell about my childhood
If those scars on my back
Were not born from those bamboo canes
I always hide from my mum

I have no memories to tell about my childhood
If only the sun use to hide its face
Cause nothing used to stop me
Not to fight with  my shadow
Even when the day fades away

I have nothing to tell about my childhood
If those night weren't scary
If Mummy was not back from the journey of making money
Cause I hate sleeping in the dark
Without my pillows on my face
Not the mosquito's net
Which I hate

I have nothing to tell about my childhood
If only the doors to schools
Where for fools
A B C D and 1 2 3
My mind fought with for two minutes
Without no lollipop they promise to give.
These memories  won't be sold
The long walk after school with friends
Asking silly questions for the class to end
The backbenchers
The smart ones
The latecomers
The greedy ones

I have not to tell about my childhood
If all those memories stop to breathe
Something about me I never knew
Until the knock of adulthood
Woke me up from those childish thoughts

                 ~ END ~
114 · Jun 2020
The Waves Of The Sea
The waves of the sea are perfectly made,
Made from love to wash away our pains,
Pains that our lips have fail to tell,
Tell your bad memories to the walls as you sleep.

The waves of the sea can't be broken,
Broken heart can be fixed by a single touch,
Touch and feel the cracks on the face of this dying world,
World that is sick from our actions not our words,
Words that explain life in a poetic form many skip.

The waves of the sea are soft,
Soft like the tears of the skylark birds,
Birds that walk on this earth with no wings,
Wings that will help them to be free as they sing.

The waves of the sea never cease,
Cease all the negative thought and breathe,
Breathe in the air of change and you will see
See that life should be like the waves of the sea.

Written by: Samuel Prince Moody
109 · Jun 2020
Lost Gift
Nature was my friend in my dream,
That I never see nor felt!
A gift from God to my ancestors,
That was destroyed before I slept!

By Samuel Prince Moody
About nature
108 · Jun 2020
Wrong Thoughts
She thought my heart won't love!
She thought my tears won't stop!
She thought my feelings were lust!
She thought those words won't hurt!


By: Samuel Prince Moody
93 · Jun 2020
Written by: Samuel Prince Moody

A gift nature gave to thee
Which is still brand new.
That one can't keep but use.
Haiku poem. Talking about the value of time
92 · Jun 2020
Something New
My eyes saw you,
My heart felt something new.
I thought my lips Couldn't speak those words,
I thought my feelings were just for fun!


By: Samuel Prince Moody
88 · Jun 2020
"The Sky"
By: Samuel Prince Moody

The sky is blue
I presume it's true
Even though my eyes have no clue
If my unseen wishes are rueful!

The sky is open wide
For the winds to smile
For the birds to fly side by sides
And for our wishes be heard from thousands miles!

The sky is like an open lace
That allows the sun to burn our skin
That the moon uses to hide its face
And for our wishes to be respected like kings!

The sky is far above
Yet our eyes deceive us
That we can fall in love
With our wishes and stop the rush!

The sky keeps us safe
From the  cries of the rains
For the stars to be save
And for our wishes to remain!

The sky is home for our dying souls
That the growing trees Will never reach
A mysterious story that will end in fouls
And reason why some our wishes won't be achieve!
All about the beauty of the sky and our endless wishes
74 · Jun 2020
What If!
By: Samuel Prince Moody

What if God never breathe?
Maybe this world will be like a ball for the kids to kick.
What if his words were just wish with no wings?
Our prayers will be for fun just for us,
And our sinful actions won't be called SIN,
Nor history to write with broken lines the stories of this life!

What if this life could never die?
Maybe the voice of death will be silent.
What if our bones lies within our soul?
And no gray hairs to show that we are old?
A perfect life one could live,
With no cracking face of pains,
But tears that will wash off their path for another day!

What if nature couldn't speak and yet seized its breathe?
Maybe this world would've vanished like the dust from the east.
What if the beach and the trees could sing?
And all that we wish could dance with the winds?
Nor the microscope eyes to detect  my future,
But day and night that nature gives!

What if love can only be felt by the touching of the lips?
Maybe the heart will be a safe place not for pains.
What if the mind can store  memories in every heartbeat?
The long walk, priceless gift and sweet words in poetic form,
Won't be seen as  TRUE LOVE but LUST!

What if school was just an ordinary tool?
Maybe failure will be a game for few.
What if our future are the dreams
stored in our mind when we sleep?
Where we control our feelings by waking up,
Not what this world want us to be!

What if the word technology have a different meaning in our dictionaries?
Maybe our ancestors would have been our gods not us.
What if the word science was just an act of cutting down the backs of trees?
Many bones of today's generation will be like rocks,
Not like the suckling teeth of a new born babies!

What if all my ifs are not questions
That my ancestors should respond to?
But my feelings writing in words not songs,
So you could read and think about life in another way,
As we breathe!

— The End —