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 Feb 2019 Pratap
Why me
 Feb 2019 Pratap
I don't look good why u want to be with me?

I'm not fancy enough still why u want to be with me?

U will find a girl who's pretty and understanding why u want that girl to be me?

She will have a good family good support, will be a good supporter, why u want to see that supporter in me?

I know i love u, u love me but we began as strangers why u don't want any other stranger like me?

We've have come so far, can u still leave me,
Or is it this distance we traveled that u can't leave me?
 Dec 2018 Pratap
With u
 Dec 2018 Pratap
I want to be with u
Through the toughest
Through the darkest
Through the most scariest part
But i want to be with u throughout
 Dec 2018 Pratap
The moment
 Dec 2018 Pratap
The moment I got inches away from him
I was able to see directly into his eyes
Through his eyes, his heart was clearly visible
Cause his eyes are as transparent as water flowing from mountains
Through them I saw his heart, pure heart, full of love
At that moment I fell in love with him a little more

— The End —