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170 · Aug 2019
The way you smile
Prabhnoor Aug 2019
A smile on your face
Sees from a mile away

A smile on your face
Fades doubts away

A simle on your face
Makes a day happy

A smile on your face
Makes the universe happy

A smile on your face
Is a  gem to watch

A smile on your face
Goes wider and wider

A smile on your face
Goes a mile away

A smile on your face
Makes me happy     (x2)
Prabhnoor Aug 2019
Every drop that falls on my skin it feels like you

Why don't you feel me?
Why don't you need me?

The water touches my feet
Reminds of you

The wind is blowing so fast
That it takes me to you

Why it's always me thinking about you?
Why don't you do that?

I don't even know that you love me or not

But this rain tell me that you do have some little in your heart for me

The rain is once again
But not you

The clouds and thunderstorms are asking about you

But my heart knows that you are here right in front of my eyes

This time rain is not stopping
As my love for you

This time its going to be more you less me

This time our souls will meet
And stay together forever

Every drop that falls on me reminds of you.
I am here with another poem related to one sided love. I have tried my best to describe the beauty of one sided love , in which you don't expect the same love care or feelings from the person standing in front of you. You love the person like anything and the person is not even aware about it. Isn't it so beautiful  I mean yaa u just love him or her without even expressing your feelings. That's the beauty of one sided love. Rain is one that I love a lot when ever or wherever it rains it always reminds me of the person I love and I Expressed everything that I feel during it rains.

I hope you love it! Enjoy!!❤❤❤❤
84 · Aug 2019
First love
Prabhnoor Aug 2019
How can i love when
I am afraid to fall

Can't express felling
But can't repress them

Waiting for the right time
But its never gonna come

It begins with you
Ends with you

You are my happy ending
Of my own love story

Every breath
Every hour has come to this

Every day promise to tell you
But watch you stand alone

Its my own la la land
With you every where

I hope everyday
To see you
To be around you
To be with you
Forever and ever

You are my first love
And you will be forever and ever.
This poem is very close to my heart. as I can't Express feeling to the one I love so wrote all my feeling in this poem. I hope you connect with it. This is about first love that is the one of the most beautiful feelings in the world.

— The End —